ACTIONS news, forecasts, expectations 2022 - page 132

JRandomTrader #:

Now it would be logical to go long on oil futures

as well as LNG futures in the U.S.

This is a great moment for the US to put the satellites on LNG, citing sanctions to sell expensive GAS

Yuriy Zaytsev #:

eh .... Right - wanted to go 431.75

then wait for the bbl to go over 200 ideally at 300 or 400


As you think $ 200 real?

Hunters are punters! :)

If oil goes for the rouble, it will be real. :)

JRandomTrader #:

A speculator is a speculator! :)

If oil goes for roubles, it will be real. :)

There is no understanding of what it is like to buy oil for roubles.

The media is saying that the EU cannot give up gas.
It might make sense to buy shares in US shale gas companies.

Yuriy Zaytsev #:
There are rumours in the media that the EU cannot give up gas.
Perhaps it makes sense to buy shares in US companies that deal in shale gas.

There is not enough shale gas to meet all of Europe's needs. And to bring it from the USA, it must first be liquid, pumped into a special gas carrier, crossed the ocean and unloaded through a special terminal. In general, it is a real hassle. And of course the cost of gas will not be any lower.

Meanwhile, our gas is 4k rubles per 1,000 cu m on our domestic market at our commodity exchange. That's less than $40.

Yuriy Zaytsev #:
The media is saying that the EU cannot give up gas.
Maybe it makes sense to buy shares in US shale gas companies.

Yura, of course they can't refuse, but can they replace it? That's the question. There is no volume or possibility to deliver such a quantity. They are not ready for it.

Vitalii Ananev #:

There is not enough shale gas to meet all of Europe's needs. And to bring it from the USA, it must first be liquid, pumped into a special gas carrier, crossed the ocean and unloaded through a special terminal. In general, it is a real hassle. Of course, the cost of gas will not be any lower.

The cost of shale gas production alone is almost higher than the cost of production, processing and delivery of natural gas...

Yuriy Zaytsev #:
There is talk in the media that the EU cannot give up gas.
It might make sense to buy shares in US shale gas companies.

If it were worth it, yesterday there would have been hype and production would have started (the infrastructure is in place, and everything has been explored). But the authorities there have a "green agenda" - their thing: they are strongly against shale and against a pipeline to Canada.

(and there is considerable doubt that shale oil/gas existed anywhere other than paper and futures)


Inflation in Europe is just a hell of a lot higher. Germany is the locomotive of the EU, pulling all the spongers in the eurozone's producer price index with it.

Индекс цен производителей (PPI) Германии (г/г)
Индекс цен производителей (PPI) Германии (г/г)
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And here is the latest report on weekly US crude oil stocks.