ACTIONS news, forecasts, expectations 2022 - page 127

transcendreamer #:

Drimmer, I believe it was said in Russian, and besides, who needs foreign money that cannot be spent, it is much safer to keep it in barrels, cubic metres, ounces, etc., for which there is always a demand all over the world

VVT #:

Drimmer, I believe it was said in Russian, and besides, who needs foreign money that cannot be spent, it is much safer to keep it in barrels, cubic metres, ounces, etc., for which there is always a demand all over the world

Who's stopping them from being spent? Let's not be silly. I see dollar coupons in bonds for example, what's the problem with exchanging them for anything?

Storing in barrels and cubic metres is nonsense.... because cache is always more liquid than stocks, it should be obvious...

For years these mantras have been repeated... nothing changes... surprisingly ... but who is stopping them from developing their own exchanges and settlement systems? No one is stopping them. The issue is solely the trust of the world's counterparties. You just have to put yourself in the shoes of the typical counterparty and ask yourself: Are you prepared to choose a vulnerable exotic currency, which is denominated in your contract and held in your accounts and which can suddenly fly away under [unfavourable circumstances]? Or do you still prefer more stable and predictable anchor currencies? - that's the answer - no one wants to take exchange rate risk, and no conspiracy... That's why the ruble's share of global settlements is about a percentage, yes that's why. 😉

transcendreamer #:

Who's stopping you from spending? Let's not be silly. I see coupon bonds in dollars for example, what is the problem with exchanging them for anything?

Storing in barrels and cubic metres is nonsense... because cache is always more liquid than stocks, it should be obvious...

For years these mantras have been repeated... nothing changes... surprisingly ... but who is stopping them from developing their own exchanges and settlement systems? No one is stopping them. The issue is solely the trust of the world's counterparties. You just have to put yourself in the shoes of the typical counterparty and ask yourself: Are you prepared to choose a vulnerable exotic currency, which you nominate your contract in and hold in your accounts and which may suddenly fly away under [unfavourable circumstances]? Or do you still prefer more stable and predictable anchor currencies? - that's the answer - no one wants to take exchange rate risk, and no conspiracy... That's why the ruble's share of global settlements is about a percentage, yes that's why. 😉

In this situation, when economic relations are breaking down it is not logical to keep in the currency of "partners", money should make money and not rot in the bank

A barrel, cubic meter or ounce can always be cashed in any currency, elementary Watson)

The rest is off-topic, I do not comment)


And in general you're dragging me into discussions again, which inevitably turn into very sensitive emotions for you, and then I get banned because of you. 😁

If you're interested in debates, go to Sectu®, it's nice, warm, bright, any point of view has a right to live, no censorship, no one gets banned.

I am actually for objectivity, for truth, for profits and for cosmic Logos, and political stamps should not be hung on me.

Who wants to sit in a vulnerable economy's vulnerable currency on principle - well, his right - what can I say, they are such believers... 😁

VVT #:

In this situation, when economic relations are ruptured, it is not logical to keep it in the currency of "partners", money should make money and not rot in the bank

A barrel, a cubic meter or an ounce can always be cashed in any currency, elementary Watson)

The rest is not on the subject, I do not comment.)

You will grieve then, and remember Drimmer, but it will be too late... I urge you to think not with ideological clichés, but as you yourself benefit for your well-being, and not with abstract geopolitical ideas, goals of the state and your financial goals do not converge, you should understand long ago.

I would like to see you sell cubic metres and barrels 😁😂🤣

transcendreamer #:

Yeah... If you go into conspiracy theory, you cannot help but think that it's all a deliberate trash binge to give the capitalists and speculators a good price to enter...

I didn't put that cute smirk after the word speculators for nothing.

it's from conspiracy theory and other spheres of church-astrological crystal balls.

transcendreamer #:

And in general you're dragging me into discussions again, which inevitably turn into very sensitive emotions for you, and then I get banned because of you. 😁

So it's my fault?)

transcendreamer #:

Who's interested in arguing, go to Sect®, it's nice, warm, light, and any point of view has the right to live, no censorship, no one gets banned.

Or better yet, go to a factory ;)

Yuriy Zaytsev #:

Well I didn't put it there for nothing - such a cute smirk after the word speculators.

it's from conspiracy theory and other spheres of church-astrology crystal balls.

Like after decades of growth you need a damn convincing infomercial to reset capitalisation, shift multipliers and start all over again with good prices, yes there is such a hypothesis of managed crises.

Reptiloid influence or natural cyclicality (credit cycle) is not even important in principle - the main thing is the profits, and that capitalism does not suddenly disappear altogether.

VVT #:

So it's my fault?)

Better yet, go to the factory ;)

That's one case where even a factory can't help 😉

transcendreamer #:

Like, after decades of growth, you need a damn convincing info-opportunity to dump capitalisation, shift multipliers and start all over again with good prices, yes there is such a hypothesis of managed crises.

Reptiloid influence or natural cyclicality (the credit cycle) is not even important in principle - the main thing is the profits, and that capitalism does not disappear all of a sudden.

Man has an inherent property that we are more and more slipping into philosophy :)

Huh, but in 10-20-30 years everything will change dramatically, maybe even the contour maps in the world will become different.

Maybe even MetaTrader 7 will come out with a new pair of world currencies or a couple three currencies will disappear.