ACTIONS news, forecasts, expectations 2022 - page 78


All as expected:

The RTS has pushed through 2022 by the end of the day

mixail789 mixajlof #:

I think SP 500 could easily drop to 4000


somewhere on the net there was already a figure around this level


What will happen to the S&P500 index in 2022. Forecasts by experts
This year the US stock market has gained more than a quarter on the S&P500 index. How do Wall Street analysts see the future of the U.S. stock market over the next 12 months?

Read more on RBC:

Что будет с индексом S&P500 в 2022 году. Прогнозы экспертов
Что будет с индексом S&P500 в 2022 году. Прогнозы экспертов
  • 2021.12.18
  • Марина Мазина
В этом году рынок акций США вырос более чем на четверть по индексу S&P500. Как видят будущее американского фондового рынка в ближайшие 12 месяцев аналитики Уолл-стрит? В конце каждого года крупнейшие инвестиционные компании оценивают перспективы рынков и дают прогнозы по основным фондовым индексам. Индекс S&P500, который включает акции...


State Department says US ready to "push a button" to impose sanctions on Russia's "two biggest" banks

Sberbank and VTB sure = SELL tomorrow ( today too )


DPR and LNR leaders ask Putin for help in repelling aggression from Ukraine - Peskov - TASS


Russian troops arrive in territories controlled by DNR and LNR, but do not go beyond - Pentagon


Blinken in phone call with Borrell says US ready to join EU in imposing powerful new sanctions against Russia - State Department - TASS



Radio Business FM

Russian troops have not yet been introduced, but may go in.


It's hard to tell the truth from the lies.


Bitcoin is a normal 24-hour indicator
Yuriy Zaytsev #:

You can't tell the truth from the lies.

Half an hour ago:

U.S. Secretary of state Blinken believes Russia will invade Ukraine before the night is over - NBC news


Prostitutes in Norilsk get up to two thousand dollars a night. Unfortunately, this night is polar.


Not a forecast, but purely a projection from the past: the depreciation of the national currency last time after the breakdown to the edge was +133% to USDRUB, and assuming that the force of impact on markets will be the same (if what-is-impossible-to-name happens) then the next range can be estimated almost exactly under 200 at the peak of panic and around 140 on the pullback...

One could still try to make estimate-projection of falling TMC (capitalization) if such approach is in principle acceptable, but it is interesting that now the P/E ratio for RF has fallen to 4, respectively with the current level it would seem nice potential 25% APR (1/EPS), but as we understand it would be a delusion, because in caseof continuation of escalationare likely to fall considerably, which is confirmed by the history of you-know-which-you-can't-name question and when the P/E touched the 4 level, it bounced back very quickly for the obvious reason (the denominator fell and the fraction grew) and, technically or even better, using analogies, we would expect a sharp P/E bounce too (escalation scenario) or a soaring stock price increase (de-escalation scenario).

Longer story (slightly different calculation methodology)


At Mosbirch, shares admitted to morning trading are down on the bar. Mosbirzha has suspended trading. It is not known when it will continue.


On one of the websites people write that these people knew about the decision taken at the meeting of the Security Council on February 21st long before it was officially displayed tothe public. They calculated this by analyzing the time on Shoigu's watch. According to his watch, he spoke in the afternoon, but the public was only shown the meeting in the evening and told that it was being broadcast live. So those who knew came out of the actions in advance.

Naryshkin misspoke, probably because it was annexation that was discussed. But another "decision" was aired.