ACTIONS news, forecasts, expectations 2022 - page 70

Yuriy Zaytsev #:
Of course down, and hard. Macron tried but couldn't.
I think this is hysteria as well, for apart from Macron's feeble exertions there was not a single positive signal to the upside over the weekend.
Let's go
Let's go down the bottom at 2022, not necessarily today, but this week we may very well go to the new ground

I think and something tells me this is all based on the premise that there will be a military conflict as everyone expects. And there won't be one.

And the same threats of sanctions against large banks, which have frightened the market so much - they are also based on imaginary events, which will not happen.

Accordingly, the market cannot be kept in such a state for a long time.

Well, let's see...

And, that is... what bottom?

2020.03.02 - there is a starting point. There's nothing in 2022 yet.

Or is that what you mean?

Well, that means we'll need to buy 220.

Artyom Trishkin #:

I think, and something tells me, that it all rests on the premise that there will be the military conflict so widely expected. And there will not be.

And the threat of sanctions against big banks, which the market has been so scared of - they are also based on fictitious events, which will not happen.

It immediately comes to mind: "But there was no earthquake! - There were casualties!".

This is to say that a fictional reality influences the real one.

But if/when the situation is defused, one way or another, it will go up. Unless at Fed's rate we fall globally - then down for a long time, a la 2008 or even 1929.

JRandomTrader #:

And immediately it comes to mind: "But there was no earthquake! - There were casualties!".

This is to say that fictional reality is quite influencing the present one.

But if/when the situation is defused, one way or another, let's go up. Unless the Fed Funds rate collapses globally, in which case it will go down for a long time, a la 2008 or even 1929.

Well, that's what it's for - to move the markets where they need to go.

Artyom Trishkin #:

I think, and something tells me, that it all rests on the premise that there will be the military conflict so widely expected. And there will not be.

And the same threats of sanctions against large banks, which have frightened the market - they are also based on fictitious events, which will not happen.

Accordingly, the market cannot be kept in such a state for a long time.

Well, let's see...

And, that ... what is the bottom?

2020.03.02 - there is a starting point. There's nothing in 2022 yet.

Or is that what you mean?

Well, it'll have to be 220.

I mean, the RTS has a strong possibility of breaking through the January 2022 catch, which was formed on the recent events.

Artyom Trishkin #:

[...] they are also based on fictitious events that are not going to happen.

There is, after all, a difference between fictitious and probable-expected.

There is already a proxy conflict, that's a fact, there are refugees, also a fact.

The market is now assessing the possibility of aggravation.

The most important thing now is not to try to sell any options 😊

Yuriy Zaytsev #:

>>> shop the whole cutlet and whatever happens.

Patriots have been buying since this morning's RTS ? :)

I was kidding, actually, in a big way!

You were blessing all the US grandparents for dropping quotes and shouting that you would buy everything!


- Maybe we should go over there tonight and clean the carpet.
- Don't you think that's a bit much?
- YES! For God's sake, do I have to show a "Sarcasm" sign every time I open my mouth?
- Do you have a "Sarcasm" sign?

(C) The Big Bang Theory.

Yuriy Zaytsev #:

:) well, if it was with a sense of humour, then I appreciate it.

Of course I will.)

If you read a very instructive story by Ilf and Petrov, "Golden Calf", then maybe you remember what Panikovsky said.

He said that he would buy, but he would sell more expensive. If we invert his thought, we would sell expensive at first, and then buy it cheap.

He ended badly....

Yuriy Zaytsev #:

If you have read Ilf and Petrov's very instructive story, The Golden Calf, do you remember what Panikovsky said?

I'm afraid the most relevant story from that book is the one about the Crow's Lodge, which couldn't help but burn down.


This is already a panic - RTS has hit bottom.

The short is lovely and fast, the fighting bears pressing two paws on sell are handsome.

Young bull steaks and it looks like even old bulls are already sizzling on the grill.