Is it a shame not to know how to make money in the forex market after 8 years of experience? - page 13

Renat Akhtyamov #:

I mean, not all yogurts are equally useful ;)

Sometimes an 8-digit number comes out of nowhere, that's what I'm talking about.

so a quote has 8 decimal places, not less.

quick primer: MT quotations have only mantissa and exponent... The digits in the far decimal places are the tricks of normalisation and rounding. Everything after Digits can and should be ignored, it's "rubbish" from all sorts of

PS/ odd that money uses binary64 and not decimal64. Apparently this is "historically" the way it is.

Maxim Kuznetsov #:

quick primer: MT quotations have only mantissa and exponent... ; the digits in the far decimal places are the focuses of normalisations and roundings. Everything after Digits can and should be ignored, it's "rubbish" from all sorts of

PS/ odd that money uses binary64 and not decimal64. That's "historically" the way it is.

cognitive aid is not cognitive aid, but you need to know about it

Otherwise the program starts to malfunction

Dmitry Fedoseev #:

Peepees is the sound a rubber toy with a whistle makes when you press it.)

That's right.

Peeps is a long-forgotten slang word, an oldie. It is remembered and used by senile elders and their disciples.

zvezdocheet #:

That's right.

Pips is a long forgotten slang word, an oldie. It is remembered and used by senile elders and their disciples.

We should ban the use of this word in a cultured society. As an obscene word.

Or take it into account as an indicator of cultural society.

zvezdocheet #:

That's right.

Pips is a long forgotten slang word, an oldie. It is remembered and used by senile elders and their disciples.

Apart from this forum, no one uses pips anywhere in runet.

But in bourzunet, it is everywhere.

There are "old" (4-mark) and "new" (5-mark) points.

No pips ))).

Boris Gulikov #:

Apart from this forum, no one uses pips anywhere else in runet.

On the other hand, there are many in the bourgeoning web.

There are "old" (4 digits) and "new" (5 digits) points.

No pips ))).

You should at least read where these words come from, there's also a synonym for "point". And yes, there are no new and old points, they are as constant as a penny or a ruble.

Boris Gulikov #:

Apart from this forum, no one uses pips anywhere else in runet.

On the other hand, there are many in the bourgeoning web.

There are "old" (4 digits) and "new" (5 digits) points.

No pips ))).

Before the comma, points, after the pip. Axiom
Vladimir Baskakov #:
Points before the comma, pips after the comma. Axiom

Rena and all those who write bots know that 0.0000001 happens in maths and if Yusuf does not take this into account - end of all !!!

Volodymyr Zubov #:

Rena and all those who write bots know that 0.0000001 happens in maths and if Yusuf does not take this into account - end of all !!!

Rena is faster than Yusuf)
Vladimir Baskakov #:
Rena is faster than Yusuf)

It doesn't matter who is the drain, without rounding the price and more, it's 0.00000001 and that's where the errors come from