Random wandering - page 20

Uladzimir Izerski #:

I am a practitioner, not a philosopher.

And you are ashamed to admit your untenable position. Goodbye).

You're just a chatterbox and don't know even basic things, at that level you can discuss graphs with a cat.

Dmytryi Nazarchuk #:

Be careful, you'll be saying goodbye to everyone on the forum. As I recall, the attempt to leave the form for a chat room failed?

I don't care much for those who don't understand me.

Wrong. There are intelligent, non-arrogant people here with whom you can have a frank conversation.

vladavd #:

You are just a chatterbox and do not know even basic things, at this level you can discuss graphs with a cat.

I see very talented, intelligent programmers and at the same time physicists who work as electricians in the factory boiler house and think they are great philosophers)).


All pictures removed.

Uladzimir Izerski #:

I see some very talented, intelligent programmers and at the same time physicists who work as electricians in the factory boiler house and think they are great philosophers)).


All the pictures are gone.

Yeah, Vova, you're in trouble. You're not talking down to me.
Vladimir Baskakov #:
Vova, you're in trouble. You're not talking down to me.

What a good job you have. You sit in a furnace room and trade forex on your mobile. You put some coal in the furnace and keep on trading. You got time on your hands.

Vladimir Baskakov #:
All the indicators only see the past.

What are you, a child, you think there's something to show for the future?

Your intuition is to find a clever scheme to make a trade, get around the stupid crowd that stands on either side.

that's not for you.

Uladzimir Izerski #:

If anyone is interested, count the odds.

I'll delete the pictures in an hour.

Can I make some hypothetical considerations? What makes you think there is a pattern on random rambling?
Uladzimir Izerski #:

That's a good job you have. You sit in a furnace room and trade forex on your mobile. You put some coal in the furnace and keep on trading. You got time on your hands.

I'm not an idiot to waste my life sitting in front of a monitor.
Vladimir Baskakov #:
I'm not an idiot to waste my life sitting in front of a monitor

Nor are they idiots to waste their lives sitting in front of a monitor.

pribludilsa #:
Can I make some hypothetical considerations? What makes you think there is a pattern on random rambling?

Here are the charts depicting the flip of a coin. Does the shape of the chart remind you of anything?

The financial tick chart, for example, has the same shape.

From this we can conclude that they have something in common.

Ifa financial graph obeys some laws, the random walk graph in the example of "a coin" will also obey this law.

Some "philosophers" here have reproached me for not understanding SB. I emphasize that SB before me was considered on the example of a coin, and I am following in this vein. As it is a simple accessible way to show SB, without incredibly large pitch deviations.