A topic for traders. - page 164

Uladzimir Izerski #:

Not interested. Have a look. Alive healthy. 2021.11.25 09:01

That's right, the presents aren't gift-giving.
Uladzimir Izerski #:

Do we know everything about the human body and its incredible possibilities?

I had a dream a couple of days ago.

I was installing some kind of air signal. I hooked up the air hose, and so and so I'm trying to test it.

Suddenly a voice over my shoulder says, "Open the tap.

I open the tap and, lo and behold, the horn goes off so loudly that I wake up in the middle of the night.

It turns out that a car was passing by against my house and started honking loudly at that moment. And what the hell gave her the command to honk at that time in the middle of the night? That begs the question.

This is just one of the incomprehensible incidents in my life, which can only be explained by coincidence. But there have been many, really fantastic. I knew in advance the events that would come true.

It was not fiction to attract attention to incomprehensible phenomena in our lives.

My brain heard the signal in my dream and came up with a plausible explanation for it in my dream. Time flows differently in dreams and in reality. A fraction of a second of a dream can include the events of several minutes that "happened" in the dream.

(This is just a suggestion).

I myself have noticed many times since childhood that events/scenes perceived as déjà vu had "happened" in my dream a few days before.


The capitalists are gaining a portfolio and the proletarians continue to be at the bottom.

I see the biomouthing PTU man is still getting a kick out of capitalism 😁 so my vampirism is working as it should 🙂 🙂

Everyone can see how painful and painful it is for the hairy false prophet to realise his inferiority, evenafter a week bombs!

This trauma will never heal, loser proletarians will always be the envy of capitalists.

JRandomTrader #:

The brain heard the signal through the dream and came up with a plausible explanation for it in the dream. Time flows differently in dreams and in reality. A fraction of a second of a dream can include the events of several minutes that "happened" in the dream.

(This is just a suggestion).

I myself have noticed many times, since I was a child, that events/scenes perceived as déjà vu had "happened" in a dream a few days before.

In any case, it is a mystery. Events in dreams, according to my observations, are an empathy with past events and their deletion from memory. Like in a computer.

But there are things incomprehensible to me. It's deja vu. Seeing scenes in advance. 100% confirmed. One-to-one. It doesn't fit with a simple understanding of events and facts.

Uladzimir Izerski #:

Either way, it is a mystery. Events in dreams, according to my observations, are an empathy with past events and their deletion from memory. Like a computer.

But there are things I don't understand. It's deja vu. Seeing scenes in advance. 100% confirmed. One-to-one. It doesn't fit with a simple understanding of events and facts.

It happens. For example, I dreamt of a game between two football teams, the score matched and even which flank the winning attack came from.

And also in a dream you can realise that you're in a dream and .....

And you can also go to sleep and fall asleep in a dream and go back to sleep in a dream.

You can also wake up abruptly and then silhouettes from the dream are superimposed on the real picture and it seems to be there.

And there are many other things...

transcendreamer #:

The capitalists are gaining a portfolio and the proletarians continue to be at the bottom.

I see that the biomouthing PTU man is still getting a kick out of capitalism 😁 - so my vampirism is working properly 🙂 🙂

Everyone can see how painful and painful it is for the hairy false prophet to realise his inferiority, evenafter a week bombs!

That trauma will never heal, loser proletarians will always be the envy of capitalists.

Your vampirism lay low while I wasn't here).

I throw your posts straight into the bin. I think that's what all sane people do.

If you have no intelligent thoughts, you can only PR in that style.))

What can you take from a capitalist if concrete workers got smarter.)

Hee hee.

Evgeniy Chumakov #:

It happens. For example, I dreamt about a game between two football teams, the score matched and even which flank the winning attack came from.

You can also dream that you're in a dream and .....

And you can also go to sleep and fall asleep in a dream and go back to sleep in a dream.

You can also wake up abruptly and then silhouettes from the dream are superimposed on the real picture and it seems to be there.

And there are many more...

I understand dreaming.

But in dreams there are incomprehensible phenomena that are difficult to explain from a material point of view.

Uladzimir Izerski #:

Understandably a dream.

But in dreams there are incomprehensible phenomena that are difficult to explain from a material point of view.

Like what?

Evgeniy Chumakov #:

It doesn't work, if it did, there would have been no response to his post. As it is, the post was read before being thrown in the bucket.

A short post is read automatically or diagonally. There is no contradiction here. Just a fact of bad behaviour on the part of a forum member.

Evgeniy Chumakov #:

Like what?

Erasing unnecessary information from memory. Or seeing a future that hasn't happened yet.

A lot of the questions make sense to me. Maybe I can hear the opinion of people who have a deeper understanding of this matter.