The future of the Forex industry - page 80

Andrei Trukhanovich:

In my opinion, the most important trait in trading, without which you cannot survive, is the ability to admit one's mistakes, the sooner the better.

Right, adaptability is critical in business in general.

Олег avtomat:

Stupidity brought to the point of absurdity.

Absurdity reduced to stupidity.

it's better to stop envying capitalists and start working on yourself or else your whole life will go by like that!

Andrei Trukhanovich:

In my opinion, the most important trait in trading, without which you cannot survive, is the ability to admit your mistakes, the sooner the better.

It turns out that the best trader is the one who is not engaged in trading) As soon as I thought about becoming a trader - I immediately admitted its error and did not become a trader)

Aleksey Nikolayev:

It turns out that the best trader is the one who does not do any trading at all) As soon as the thought of becoming a trader crossed my mind, I immediately admitted it was a mistake and did not become a trader)

Where were you about 13 years ago? ))


And you don't have to show your resentment to everyone here.

Realise that your anger towards the capitalist Drimmer is psychological transference, powerless envy, a sense of hostility to blame Drimmer for your own failures in life.

This is what poor and underachieving citizens always do when they say that capitalism is getting in the way of their life.

This is reinforced by a grievous admission of the futility of trying to raise your status in life or in society.

In fact you are hindered by your own inefficiency, unwillingness or inability to develop.

This is all important in the context of the psychology of forming a socialist view.

The cause of your failures is not some external enemy, but yourself.

The road to ascent begins with an awareness of this fact.

In essence, you are a common chatterbox.


The very fact that there are no alternative candidates means a deeply sick or backward society.

Why not, there are always alternative candidates in elections, but they are not competitive. The people choose from what is available and choose the best. If someone better came along, the people would vote for him and so would I. People in Russia are not as illiterate as you think. You have43.5 million Americans who have trouble writing and reading. That's not the case in Russia. And the people have a vivid example of non-independent republic, where a number of presidents have been replaced over the last decades, but it didn't lead to anything good. It is because of these circumstances that people vote this way.


Yes, the whole world is in the pocket ... A bunch of rich people who determine and dictate the world order.

It's always been like that, why complain?

Or do you want to go back to primitive communism?

Олег avtomat:

In fact, you're a common chatterbox.

No, I'm an extraordinary one 😁

You got it all mixed up...

You, on the other hand, are a common envious loser, and everyone can see that. 😉

Aleksey Nikolayev:

It turns out that the best trader is the one who is not engaged in trading) As soon as I thought of becoming a trader - I immediately recognized it as erroneous and did not become a trader)

Maybe a trader will be lucky and die before he loses his capital 😋


No, I'm just extraordinary 😁

You've got it all mixed up...

You, on the other hand, are a regular envious loser and everyone can see that. 😉

Yeah you take it easy, take it easy. I'm telling you as a doctor. Everybody gets it from Oleg here).