The future of the Forex industry - page 116


Are you sure you know for sure what we had "at the beginning of the war in 41"?

It is known that we had huge losses and great confusion in the army due to lack of means of communication. Although in general the armaments were not too bad.

Evgeniy Chumakov:

Fresh lard contains valuable fatty acids - linoleic acid and arachidonic acid. The components are extremely important for the normal functioning of the brain and nervous system, strengthen the immune system and protect brain cells.

A good quality product contains a special substance - choline. It neutralises the negative effects of cholesterol and protects the walls of blood vessels.

In 100 grams of fresh fat - a third of daily norm of fatty acids. The optimal dose for a healthy adult is about 30 grams per day.

Does fat gain weight?

No. Contrary to common misconceptions, lard does not contribute to weight gain. It cannot be overeaten, the body always knows how much of it it is needed! Weight gain and obesity are caused by an overabundance of carbohydrates in the diet, not fats. It's the usual sugar, all sugary and floury foods.

I have nothing against lard, I know about its health benefits and I myself consume a little bit of it.


Technology is a good thing, Dreamer approves.

We need more technology and capitalism!


Folks, the conversation resembles a cartoon. Distract yourselves, watch it, get back on topic, or everyone gets banned for demagoguery.


It is known that there were huge losses and great confusion in the army due to the lack of communication equipment. Although in general the armaments were not too bad.

Armaments were very good except for small arms in close combat. The lion's share of losses at the beginning of the war was made up of the first echelon of drafts from the 38th, 39th and 40th. Which suddenly and fabulously went missing. It is in the disappearance of this first echelon of troops that the answer lies as to why the Germans were able to seize huge territories so quickly. This is also the reason for the disagreement with the west about the reasons for the outbreak of the war. The topic is very broad and there is no one-sidedness in it, if you study it carefully. But it was certainly not because the alliance lacked something.

Vladimir M.:

Folks, the conversation resembles a cartoon. Distract yourselves, watch it, get back to the stated topic, or everyone will get banned for demagoguery.

Forex stands, what else is there to say about it?))) Lazy bastard, does not want to move))))

The mutts don't realise that their lifespan is short and their fate is unenviable. Because all they will leave behind is a shake of the air. Nothing more. I've seen it.

So let them bark. If they want to.

A day will pass and who will remember what the mongrel from the next yard was barking about?


That's true and very self-critical about the mutts:

If the machine dies, no one will remember that it was one and barked something 😏 a useless zombie


Armaments were very good with the exception of small arms close combat. The lion's share of casualties at the start of the war was the first echelon of conscripts from '38, '39 and '40. Which suddenly and fabulously went missing. It is in the disappearance of this first echelon of troops that the answer lies as to why the Germans were able to seize huge territories so quickly. And this is also the reason for the disagreement with the west about the reasons for the outbreak of the war. The topic is very broad and there is no one-sidedness in it, if you study it carefully. But it's certainly not because the alliance lacked something.

Let's not forget that there were serious ideological purges before the start of the war and the command structure weakened considerably, which also played a role.

Aleksey Nikolayev:

In a month - already the second) If the covid and "civil war" in the US ends, there will be a third, and a fourth, and the ninth shaft of Aivazovsky)

Cryptocurrency positions worth around $2.4bn have been liquidated in the last 24 hours.

The cryptocurrency market lost 10% in the past 24 hours, with bitcoin collapsing under $43,000 for the first time since February 2021. The latest correction eliminated trading positions worth more than $2.4bn, including $2bn in long positions and $400m in short positions.

According to the latest data released by DeFi platform, some 304,000 crypto traders lost their positions amid the enormous volatility. The largest liquidation occurred on cryptocurrency exchange Huobi for bitcoin to the tune of $90 million.

Overall, the cryptocurrency market capitalisation fell below $2 trillion on Monday.
