The future of the Forex industry - page 107


The civilised West bombed the population of Yugoslavia with bombs filled with radioactive waste. Cancer rates are still high there. And the Vietnamese villages, children and women were sprayed with napalm. Many people may remember the photo of a naked girl, running from the bombing, whose dress and skin were burned with napalm. Good civilisation!

Depleted uranium was used in tank and artillery shells to increase penetration.

The naked girl in the photo has no damaged or burned skin.

Stop being hysterical.


You're dodging a straight answer. Like a louse on a comb.)

What answer?

I don't really care, I'm in space and I'm invulnerable to you.

But you are vulnerable and instantly bombed on a phrase "civilized west", I put it in not casually.

It was my test, litmus test, indoctrination test.

Congratulations, you have a positive test for envy/lust for the "west".

P.S. I personally don't care whether it is the west or the east, you can keep bombing, but in any case let me remind you
that you have no right to claim profits from a business that does not belong to you, just like the profits of more successful people, please remember that.


Yes, there are zombies everywhere, but in Northern Eurasia it is most clearly represented in connection with the aggressive-revanche sentiments.

Or if you go to an English-language forum, there are freaks there, of course, but most of the participants are calm, but on Russian-language forums the aggression is off the scale, unfortunately.

That is why I said so - "destructive cult", in fact pumping of the idea of "special way" + stimulation of envy and anger towards more successful ones.

It is obvious.

Therefore - let's live in friendship!


That's it, we've got to stop with this thread.

It has nothing to do with markets and trading.

And the butterfly is already getting hysterical...


It's not about a particular receiver device, it's about the aggressive dumbing down propaganda that's being fed to us as best we can for our own money. "Zombo-broadcasting" has long been present on the internet. There is blatant censorship of the big internet media, small independent outlets are censored and deemed undesirable, squads of paid Kremlebots rampage in their kamats, and the Evening M fellow storms the YouTube trends.

If there is propaganda in Russia, it is aimed at keeping it stable and its citizens calm. Such propaganda exists in all states and is one of the objectives of any state.

Capitalism + transhumanism = a bright future. 😋
Capitalism + transhumanism = a bright future. 😋

Stop provoking him - he'll have a heart attack


What is the answer?

Refute what I said about the facts of the West not being civilised. If you are in the space, you should be neutral, not extolling the "civilised" West. Realistically you live in the West, that's why you exalt it.

Capitalism + transhumanism = a bright future. 😋

These are just slogans and dreams, and the real facts I have given.


Refute what I said about the facts of the West not being civilised. If you are in the space, you should be neutral, not extolling the "civilised" West. In reality you live in the West, that's why you exalt it.

First, check your level of income and quality of life and compare it with the "western" one 😁.

I will help you like this:

Very revealing that the worst countries are the three key ones from the socialist bloc, coincidence? - I don't think so! 🤣