The future of the Forex industry - page 113


Yes, security issues are given a lot of attention and resources. What we had at the beginning of the war in 41 is common knowledge. We have learned from bitter experience and must not repeat the mistakes of the past. And the fact that the nation is often reminded that NATO's ring is tightening is so that the people understand that strengthening our defensive capacity is essential and that defence spending is unavoidable. Otherwise, the country might face the fate of Libya or Yugoslavia.

Something keeps shrinking around North Korea too.


... continues to self-isolate in a ring of enemies 😂😁🤣

And you try going to the press in the states to propose cuts in exorbitant military spending, after all no one has rounded you up there, why do you need unnecessary taxes? You yourself have been unhappy with taxes.


Try the press in the states for a proposal to cut exorbitant military spending

And what would happen?

Well, they proposed it - so what?

Aleksey Nikolayev:

Well maybe, only one should take the original, pre-Heraclitic meaning of the word - ordinary human speech contrasted with speech about the gods - myth.

What is meant is the universal principle of rationality, not literal word/verbalism, but the Platonic or archetypal word.

More accurately a metaphor to denote the separation of rational order from primordial unconscious chaos.

Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λόγος, καὶ ὁ λόγος ἦν πρὸς τὸν θεόν, καὶ θεὸς ἦν ὁ λόγος.

In the Bible Jesus is the personification of the Logos, but of course we understand that all this was still with the ancient philosophers.

Here too, of course, theos should be understood metaphorically, not as a literal godhead with a beard in the sky.

So we see that in fact the divinity is a principle/mind/logos, given to any reasonable being.

It would be wrong to understand this as submission to god/God, on the contrary, man himself - like any sentient being - is god/God.

Of course with this we understand that Chaos is primary to the Logos, there is no denying this.

The Absolute is thought of as transcending being = transcendent.

But being and the set of things belonging to it is an unwrapping of the Absolute itself, i.e. it is immanent to it.

The transcendent in the immanent.

Logos of rationality is the greatest gift, it also creates meaning and purpose, and freedom according to Kant, and not only according to Kant.

Mythos, on the other hand, is an attribute of chaos, an unconscious principle, and this too is very important.

Logos is just a tiny island in the boundless ocean of Mythos, the original pre-symbolic reality.

Negativity transforms the primordial absolute into a space of freedom.

The Abundance-Absolute-Khaos, beyond words and perceptions, the metoneiros, the purple streams of midnight!

The rhizomic fractality of the Supreme Archetype and the fabulous wonders of the abysses!

Ya! Ya! Do what you wish and that is the law!



So what happens?

Well, it has been proposed - so what?

They are doing populism up there, and if they cut it down, it will be so much that it will be a laughing stock. And I think that the proposal of an ordinary citizen will not be published, they will consider it a traitor and an agent of the Russians.


So what happens?

Well, it's been offered - so what?

Ahahaha, Khorosh is having a breakdown 🤣


Ahahaha, Khorosh has a breakdown 🤣

He's insane.

A professional army of 100k and nuclear weapons is enough to defend oneself. If one wants to be a superpower, then of course one needs a bigger military budget.
But to be/become a superpower, it is necessary to offer an effective model of government "for export". At present, only the United States offers such a model; the USSR ended its expansion not very successfully and has essentially lost.
Russia has not yet had an effective government even within its borders, hence all the efforts with Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia, Central Asia, Venezuela, etc.
China was lucky with Deng Xiaoping, but is far from "exporting the state model" as well. So far they are only offering their investments. Also, we need Den Xiaoping #2 to come up with something with the CPC's leadership role.
So the states live and thrive for the simple and banal reason that "no one has thought of a better way" (W.Churchill)

He's insane.

You eat Russian salo, and you're picking on Russians). They've already eaten theirs, switched to Russian).


He is insane.

Unfortunately, indoctrinated patriots they are like zombies, especially if still with socialist views on the distribution of benefits. 😕

They are jealous of other more successful countries and see them as their enemies.

And on the microeconomic level,they envy the more successful/entrepreneurs, demanding to limit their income or divide the net profits of the enterprise under the guise of raising their own salaries.

So they live their whole lives with invented enemies, to whom they attribute the reasons for their failures (transference/resentiment).