The future of the Forex industry - page 23


Aleksey Nikolayev:
А если отрицать капитализм с чисто биологической точки зрения? В том смысле, что понятие частной собственности не свойственно нам как виду, а является лишь результатом долгого и мучительного воспитания с самого рождения и требует постоянной поддержки в виде физического и морального репрессивных аппаратов.

It will not work because animals, e.g. carnivores, have a notion of "their territory".

Historically, everything is exactly as it is, but this does not say that this is the global optimum for mankind, but only the result of a sequence of small transitions from one local optimum to another (as it usually happens in evolutionary processes).

I am inclined to believe that private property belongs to natural law, precedes any state, and it is an absolutely inherent property of any sentient being.... It is theoretically possible to imagine a communist kolkhoz, but that's terrible...

Such questions can only be solved within the framework of mathematical game theory, and it is this science that has been favoured by the world establishment in recent decades (e.g. an abundance of Nobel prizes, which mathematicians are not usually awarded). What if some nadbrains have already calculated the true global optimum for humanity and convincingly argued for theglobal elite to achieve it? What if the so called Factory has already been erected and its mysterious mechanisms are already gaining momentum?

Such thoughts occurred to me 😀 actually, this Plant is the whole economy and is a colossal web of business/financial relations, but the worst thing is that one cannot escape from this Plant, because we are in the cursed world of Kenoma, in the iron prison of Eons, but the main point of the Plant is to produce suffering, and one can imagine that this suffering energy is transferred to the Archons-rulers 🧐

Is the company, having suffered a loss from the same crown, entitled to claim some kind of help from the state? Shouldn't it have been saving for a rainy day? You don't fit into the market, you're free. And there will only be one left.
But does the company, having suffered losses from the same crown, have the right to demand some kind of help from the government? Shouldn't it have saved for a rainy day? You don't fit into the market - you're free. And there will only be one left.

This is a good question and should be legislated in advance, the state aid function is a much needed thing to compensate for the random whims of nature, coronavirus is exactly the same as hurricanes/tsunamis/ earthquakes and logically there should be funds/reserves for such cases and the company itself can also make insurance reserves.


This is a good question and should be legislated in advance, the state aid function is a much needed thing to compensate for the random whims of nature, coronavirus is exactly the same as hurricanes/tsunamis/ earthquakes and logically there should be funds/reserves for such cases and the company itself can also make insurance reserves.

If the market - the state should not help. Let the market decide. Either the reserves, or the insurance, or "not fit in".

As for profits, they are mine, and as for losses, the state should help. This is called "privatisation of profits, nationalisation of losses".

This can be interpreted as "force majeure", which is treated very differently from normal risks
Andrei Trukhanovich:
It could be interpreted as "force majeure", which is treated very differently to ordinary risks

Do insurance companies recognise this as force majeure? Banks?


If the market - the state should not help. Let the market decide. Either the reserves, or the insurance, or "didn't fit in".

And I never said that the state should be eliminated altogether, I only said that the tax system should be optimised because it is terrible in its lack of alternatives, so your attempts to go to the other extreme and attribute it to me is incorrect.

As for profits, that's mine, and as for losses, the state, help. This is called "privatisation of profits, nationalisation of losses".

Wrong again, let me clarify: Aid funds are formed from voluntary or mandatory contributions from participants, mandatory contributions are actually earmarked taxes and voluntary contributions are actually the mechanism of insurance companies, but the essence is exactly the same, of course only the contributor has the right to claim aid from the fund, so there is no contradiction.

My idea is to allow people (and companies) to choose which contributions/taxes to make and which not to make, that would be fair.


Do insurance companies recognise this as force majeure? The banks?

There is a possibility, it depends on a lot of things. It doesn't even have to. As an example, airline and travel agency subsidies


It won't work because animals such as carnivores have a concept of "their territory".

I tend to think that private property is a natural right, preceding any state, and it is an intrinsic property of any sentient being.... It is theoretically possible to imagine a communist kolkhoz, of course, but that's terrible...

One may argue that private property is necessary only within an appropriating economy (and when the resources for mere physical survival are insufficient for all members of the species), which is close to animal life, as well as (until recent times) to human economic activity. In the near future, one can already see the abandonment of private property, just as one would abandon scaffolding and remove it when a building is completed, or else it will become a major hindrance in the future. Examples of glimpses of such a future include the emergence of Generation Rent or cases where food-stealers are found not guilty by a court ruling due to starvation.

Private property and human trafficking were abolished (only recently and not completely). They are remembered with horror and shudder. And yet just a few thousand years ago slavery was quite progressive when compared to the mass murder and sacrifice of captives.


I was thinking the same thing 😀 actually this Plant is the whole economy and is a huge interweaving of business/financial relations, but what is worse, you cannot escape from this Plant, because we are in the cursed world of Kenoma, the iron prison of Eons, and the main point of the Plant is to produce suffering, and you can imagine that this suffering energy goes to some Archons-rulers 🧐

In your presentation you see a belief in the stability of the World, which I think we can only hopelessly dream of) In my opinion, we are constantly being subjected to some experiments, the plan of which is changing more and more often)

Aleksey Nikolayev:

It can be argued that private property is necessary only within an appropriation economy (and when all members of the species lack resources for basic physical survival), to which both animal life and (until recently) human economic activity are close.

In a producing economy, private property is even more necessary, in fact, land ownership types (communal and private) appeared only with the advent of the producing economy.

In the near future, the rejection of private property is already in sight, just as scaffolding is rejected and removed upon completion of a building, otherwise it will be a major hindrance later on. Examples of glimpses of such a future include the emergence of Generation Rent or cases where people who steal food due to starvation are found innocent by a court decision.

This is only a very particular case and is caused by exceptional circumstances, I don't see why private property would be abolished and it would be inconvenient, is that how you imagine it would be then? I could walk into any house and take whatever I wanted?

Private property and human trafficking have been abolished (only recently and not completely). And they are remembered with horror and shudder. Only a few thousand years ago, slavery was very progressive compared to mass murder and slave sacrifices.

Manifestations of progressive humanism were still in the Roman Empire and even with the Greeks (in the East it was worse), but it is more interesting to think what will happen with the ownership of robots and artificial consciousness if it is allowed, it is possible that the slave law will return and intelligent androids will be objects of law (or maybe not).

You seem to believe in the stability of the World, which I think we can only hopelessly dream of) In my opinion, we are constantly being subjected to experiments of some kind, the plan of which is changing more and more often)

There are constant crises raging in the world, but humanity is extremely resistant to them, I don't think they are generally manageable crises, although the starting causes may well be man-made, more a combination of an evil randomness factor and someone else's will.