The future of the Forex industry - page 18


Yes, I also have my suspicions that financiers sort of bunch up, and Trump, but maybe it's just coincidence or maybe it was just some very personal interests...

Proponents of this theory (a global struggle between financiers and industrialists) believe that the former are prone to spawn all sorts of twists like "Soviet" "socialism", which had, as we know, nothing Soviet and social in it. That is, it is usually state capitalism with a very secretive power structure in the state and an underprivileged population brought up in an extremely paternalistic spirit. It is assumed that the financiers have been winning lately and that in the near future the whole world will be arranged in the manner of the global USSR. Particularly often it is argued that this is precisely the purpose for which the fight against covid is being waged. Thus, in this discourse, you are right in terms of formal logic and your opponents are right in terms of dialectical logic) And only the future will show that, as usual, it will show nothing and teach nothing)


It will be interesting to see how we will experience cryptocurrencies next... And whether it becomes a new digital slavery 😄

Yes, cryptocurrencies should obligatorily only be studied as part of conspiracy and cryptodiscourse)


Interesting thought. Yes, the vector towards global diktat is clearly visible. It's a pity, diktat is destroying civilisation. But maybe it is just such a stage of civilisation. On the other hand, when I watch initiatives such as the free software foundation survive, I have faith in humanity.

The main thing is that humanity will become more and more human).

Aleksey Nikolayev:

Proponents of this theory (a global struggle between financiers and industrialists) believe that the former are prone to generating all sorts of twists like

Rivalry between finance and the industries they finance is inherent in the nature of their relationship))) And globalisation is obviously more easily given to finance, and the primacy in the relationship of finance gives them an advantage)))

Wow, where the discussion can take you))
Aleksey Nikolayev:

Yes, cryptocurrencies should obligatorily be studied only as part of conspiracy and cryptodiscourse)

On blockchain)


Well, I guess I didn't put it right. Not to spend, but to receive for personal use income over 10 average salaries....

So why can't personal income exceed 10 average salaries?

The labor cost of one person cannot be equal to the labor cost of, say, 1000 people. It is unrealistic that this person would do something to produce a product which is a thousand times greater.

Why not? Why is it unreal? Where do such dogmatic judgments come from?

It is simply that the entrepreneur earns this income because of a wrong estimate of the relation between the value of his own labour and the value of his employees.

I wrote above that he pays his employees an average wage that is adequate in the market, or even higher than the average, you are stubbornly ignoring it.

The entrepreneur saw an opportunity and created a new product/service/logistic chain and it turned out to be effective, he gets a salary 1000 times higher than the one at the factory, and it is a reward for his effectiveness, for not being stupid and not wasting time, and he created something new.

That is the thing, it is not normal, if he gets 1000 times more due to an incorrect assessment of the value of the labor of all participants in production.

Why not normal? And what is normal then?

I repeat thathe pays his workers an adequate average wage in the market, or even higher than the average.

He gets 1000 times more because the company is efficient and the product / service was in demand, and it is his legitimate right to collect a profit and that is how one becomes a millionaire, understand it.

Only by underpaying his employees can he afford it. And the fact that the average wage is so low in the country is because everyone is underpaid, including the government.

Typical Marxist socialist myth, and you are probably saying all this because you have no entrepreneurial/project management experience.

Realize that the added value (and net profit) can be obtained not only by extreme cost optimization, but also by improving other indicators, or rather their relationships, for example a banal increase in revenue, when you create an expensive but popular product / service, and the costs are highly inelastic to the volume, that is, with increasing revenues costs are growing much slower than revenue - can you imagine that? And employee salaries are not affected in any way, but profits fly into space, and the shareholders/owners legitimately receive them.

Only Marx defines surplus value solely as a surcharge onthe labour force of workers, but by now even a schoolboy probably understands that Marx's deductions are a marginal dogmatic doctrine, aimed exclusively at a marginal audience in order to justify their class struggle, and this doctrine has not been confirmed in practice, I would remind you that the theory of labour value does not work, and the law of lowered profit margin does not work in reality, while the recognized great economists such as Keynes are very unleft.

Workers simply have to accept low wages because they are low everywhere.

But it's not the fault of the individual entrepreneur that the labour market is like this, is it?

In essence you are now complaining that wages are low everywhere and demanding profit sharing for yourself 😁 on completely incomprehensible grounds.

Congratulations, you are a dangerous Marxist socialist and need to be isolated urgently 😆😄😅 (no offence)

Actually the market decides, and for a certain kind of labour the salary will always be low, unless it's smart labour related to intellectual capital, so there's only one way for a worker to start developing themselves to qualify for more...

If you want to earn more, you have to be unique.

The state protects from poverty by introducing minimum wages. And it only raises it by the rate of inflation.

This is enough, more than enough, people should seek their own ways to increase their welfare.

It would be profoundly wrong if welfare was given for nothing.

Workers have no one to protect them because the unions are inactive.

So who is to blame if the workers are such helpless rabbits and cannot organise themselves?

There have been great examples of synchronised mass strikes in history, by the way.

There is no point in protesting individually, because the one who is not happy will be fired.

The market decides... if they don't protest, it means the conditions are acceptable - understand that... it's very simple... It's one or the other: if people feel that it's too much and they can't stand it, they take a pitchfork in their hands, and if they don't take it, it's not so bad.

In essence, total disenfranchisement in conditions of brutal exploitation.

No need to be dramatic, you do not work 20 hours a day with no days off in a room without ventilation, with chemical vapors, with columns of dust, with hot steam, with 40 people in a room?

And the state is also inactive, in effect encouraging exploitation, as it itself exploits mercilessly by paying low salaries to its employees.

There is also a Marxist word for exploitation ... and if I go to the shop, then I exploit the shop assistant?

I highly recommend you to give up this style and way of thinking, as if you are from the beginning of the last century straight from the factory 😃🤣😂

The state does not and should not have the task of making you rich.

The government's job is to make sure that laws are enforced equally for all, courts work adequately, police catch bandits, + disaster support, collective defense, etc.

And the fact that the entrepreneur creates jobs, yes, the benefit to the country is undeniable. But he does not do it out of good intentions, and to create a manger and to get a windfall by exploiting their workers.

And the entrepreneur must act like an angel and not seek profit, right?

What is wrong with making a "trough"? (Better to use the phrase "profit generation" in a decent society)

And it should be understood that the employees themselves can share in the profits of the company if they buy shares in their factory.


Thank you for your support. Our regiment has arrived).

You can't have a revolution anyway 😄 and you can't defeat capitalism

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

These are functions of past, present and future times that describe any process, including currency trading. The P function finds any dependency in a number series, as long as it is there. The price series is no exception. It turns out that it is not a case of "come, see, win". More or less distinct dependence is found when analyzing a sample of 300 daily bars or 10 000 one-hour bars. The search for the optimal sample is ongoing, but the order is approximately this.

Yusuf, there is philosophy and hobby, there is trying to solve the riddle. I fully support you in the unsolved task. I am happy for you and your aspirations in this direction. How do you feel about the Fibonacci pattern?


Какие то крайности тут у Вас, даже погибать кто-то должен, а как же гуманизм? Без гуманизма будет гулаг.

Of course there has to be humanism, and I stressed that the capitalist is not a ruthless cannibal, as they try to portray him through images from Soviet textbooks.

I think there should be an unconditional income so that people don't have to work at all. Enough for food and shelter, but not excess.

It's a fun topic, but it has a flip side, you can look at how people are degraded by sitting on welfare in some countries and you end up with a society spending resources to feed a useless biomass which is simply inefficient, they'd rather starve...

On the other hand, if the economy becomes so efficient that it is possible to feed everyone, even the useless freaks, and resources are sufficient, then it is possible, but in any case the question remains - why do these creatures exist at all?

And who wants excesses, goes to work, and just who cares.


The unconditional income is paid mainly from the profits of the monopoly super corporations.

And what do the corporations get in return? They just have to feed the losers and that's it?

Plus, the corporations need to be controlled. No copyright, no patents, no closed software licenses.

Control in terms of law enforcement, the rest is best left untouched.

If there is no copyright/patents/licenses, who would be interested in busting their balls, investing huge amounts of money to create something groundbreaking? have you thought about that?

Writers/poets/programmers/scientists/inventors should be beggars? 😆😂😀

And the threshold when a business is considered big, only it pays extra tax. No more tax other than tax from the shop price(though maybe even that's unnecessary).

Ideally there should be a cost of public services in proportion to their actual consumption - instead of absurd taxes like now.

Right now every member of society is financing a bunch of things they may never use, it's illogical and unfair.

For example I don't want to fund a war in the middle east, and I should have the option of not paying the corresponding payments, especially since I get nothing from that war.

Well, common sense is needed in everything. The main problem is that states are not interested in building society at all, and don't want to push for justice.

Now quickly and decisively give a definition of justice! 😉

They are in favour of maintaining inequality and personal enrichment. It's a problem with people's culture in general.

So equality and wealth (enrichment) isn't evil, hmmm?

There needs to be enlightenment. After all, it is obvious to a developed person that everyone would benefit from a progressive society, and that benefit is far greater than being privileged to any degree.

And that's exactly what we're doing here, right now, we're deriving the concentrated essence of the new post-information economy and ethics of cyber-humanism, refining the philosophical concepts and limits of applicability of capitalism and generally having a tremendous impact on the noosphere, because mql5 is an advanced resource in economics and investment. Hehe


Do you think all pensioners are idiots or what? Don't you want to live to that age?

No and yes. I don't think you're a moron either.

Older people, because of their age, find it difficult to accept paradigms that conflict with their own perception.