From theory to practice. Part 2 - page 94

Олег avtomat:

Well, I see. It's a blank.

If you have scientific publications I would love to read them. Fill in the blank. As it is, I have to make do with what I've got.



I asked a question, then deleted it, decided that people have more important things to do than answer silly questions, but my inquisitive mind keeps on asking ))))

How does Galton's board work from a probability point of view? - The balls don't really matter where they fly, do they? .... but they fly quite confidently in the direction of the normal distribution!


Igor Makanu:


I asked a question, then deleted it, decided that people have more important things to do than answer silly questions, but my inquisitive mind keeps on asking ))))

How does Galton's board work from a probability point of view? - The balls don't really matter where they fly, do they? .... but they fly quite confidently in the direction of the normal distribution!


I don't want to turn this into a lecture thread. It's a Nobel economics question. No offense. There's a lot of tutorial material on the Hamilton board.


I wouldn't want to turn this thread into a lecture thread. We've got a Nobel economics question here. No offense. There's a lot of tutorial material on the Hamilton board.

No offense.

I realize there are more important things to do, but I doubt the success of your endeavor - there's a saying about the humpbacked one .....

or "we have enough fools for a hundred years" - in my Peculiarities of National Hunting?

in general, not everything is easy with opponents ;)

PS: yes, addicts forgot, with these more difficult

Andrei Trukhanovich:

this is about as much nonsense as making money on SB

I would agree with that, when the exchange rate of a major currency pair increases, or decreases, by a factor of 5 in 6 months. Even if it's a year.


I wouldn't want to turn this thread into a lecture series. We've got a Nobel economics question here. No offense. There's a lot of tutorial material on the Hamilton board.

Eh... Doc... Doc... It's a matter of principle. You are trying to prove something about SB to people here as a matter of principle.

Well. If you and your lame-ass best friend had bothered to predict not the individual numbers in Sportloto, which haven't fallen out for a long time, but the series, you would have seen that the sums of the series give a binomial distribution. That would be a different conversation.


Eh... Doc... Doc... It's a matter of principle. You're trying to prove something to people here about SB on principle.

Well. If you and your lame-duck best friend had bothered to predict not the individual numbers in Sportloto, which hasn't worked out for a long time, but the series, you would have seen that the sums of the series give a binomial distribution. And then it would be a completely different conversation.

Eh... Sasha... Sasha... It's a matter of principle. You're still looking for a fundamental property of the market that would allow you to milk it with impunity and endlessly. And there isn't one. That property. Do you know why there isn't one? Because if there was, it would have been found and milked dry by now.


Trading SB is like inventing perpetual motion, who knows the law of conservation of energy immediately gives it up, the same thing with SB, how can you trade something that originally has no regularities?

No and no. Without patterns and trade.


Eh... Sasha... Sasha... You keep looking for a fundamental property of the market that will allow it to be milked with impunity and indefinitely. But you don't have it. That property. You know why not? Because if there was, it would have been found and milked dry by now.

:)))) I'm just curious about Sportlotto. I'm not even going to try, although it's not an easy task from the "no pattern because there's no memory" series.

I am interested only in the market. Therefore, see the Wizard's answer.


:)))) About Sportlotto - just for the sake of interest. I'm not even going to try, although it's not a simple task from the "no pattern because there's no memory" series.

I am interested only in the market. Therefore - see the Wizard's answer.

I'll tell you a secret, you can beat Sporlotto. There's a positive MO. That's a surprise on my part, isn't it?