From theory to practice. Part 2 - page 93


It's very simple. SB is a market model in the limit.

Forex is not a market.


One thing I really don't understand is why the SB is being discussed here and not the market row?

It's been explained here why:


Forex is not a market.

Forex is a market if you think ofit as ForeignExchange and not as a kitchen.


What a market Forex is, if one understandsForex as ForeignExchange and not as kitchens.


Look at how Bitcoin moves (that's where the market is!) and how currencies move

The value of currencies determines the economy, the value of currencies is controlled by central banks


It's very simple. SB is the market model at the limit. You cannot make money on SB. You can make money on deviations of the real market from SB.

And when we take money out of the market on these deviations from SB, we are unwittingly bringing the market closer to SB.

Your obscurantism leads you to such silly conclusions.



Look at Bitcoin (that's where the market is!) and how currencies move

the value of currencies determines the economy, the value of currencies is controlled by central banks

compare the size of the contract.

the bitcoin has 1 and the euro has 100,000.

so the bitcoin is at the beginning of its journey.

if you divide the quote by 100000 and multiply by the trading volume, it has barely moved.

and forex is just like any other market

Forex is not a market.

it's about as much nonsense as making money from SB

Олег avtomat:

Your obscurantism leads you to such silly conclusions.

These are not my conclusions. There are specially trained people to extract new knowledge. They are called scientists.

They write scientific papers, articles, monographs and textbooks. I read them sometimes. I advise to do the same.


It's very simple. SB is the market model at the limit. You cannot make money on SB. We can make money on deviations of the real market from SB.

And when we take money out of the market on these deviations from SB, we are unwittingly bringing the market closer to SB.

Wouldn't it be more correct to replace the term earning with picking up / finding a valid mathematical model? That's much more correct conceptually)

And it is mathematically and actually not a logical statement to make money. It does not cancel random earning / series of earning, random matching of SB and some earning system on a credible enough interval ))))

It loses the validity of the problem statement from not quite correct terms and concepts.


These are not my conclusions. There are specially trained people to extract new knowledge. They are called scientists.

They write scientific papers, articles, monographs, textbooks. I read them sometimes. I advise to do the same.

Well, I see. Emptiness.