Grail, trading systems, martingale, netting, pyramiding. Let's share our experiences and move towards our goal! - page 18

Aleksey Nikolayev #:

I'm sure after your strongly worded article, the forum members will come to their senses and the forum will be completely constructive)

Here in this thread there are 100 times more blabbermouth characters than me) against them any articles are powerless)
Aleksey Nikolayev #:

No, it is the difference between the end of one session and the beginning of the next, otherwise the analogy with a normal gap is lost. There is some tendency for this inter-session gap to close because of currency reversion. In its original form, for obvious reasons, it is of little use.

Your article is worded as if you were talking about two US sessions.
Show me with a picture what you mean by an intersession gap?
And how do you define "currency reversion"?
secret #:
Your article phrases it as if you are talking about two US sessions.
Can you show me a picture of what you mean by an intersession gap?

=> article discussion thread

Secret #:
And how do you define "currency reversion"?

By eye, how do you define cointegration)

Uladzimir Izerski #:

Is GEP the time between two drinks?


Aleksey Nikolayev #:

By eye, how do you define cointegration)

Ah, that I approve.)
Evgeny Belyaev #:

Is GEP the time between two drinks?

Beautiful definition, well done Eugene!

what's up with my russian today?
Vitaly Muzichenko #:
what's up with my russian today?


secret #:
Oh, I approve of that.)

By the way, will we also use our eyes to determine liquidity in the forex market and its gaps?)

Vitaly Muzichenko #:

No, he'll google a phrase he doesn't know :)

He can google it, but whether he understands it is a big question...

If this person has not understood for so long where quotes come from and thinks in terms of pocket-sized brokerage houses...

Unfortunately, the activity of such false prophets and obscurantists sometimes obscures all space, and the truth remains in the darkness of superstition...

As Lao Tzu said: - He who knows does not speak, he who speaks does not know.

The same goes for co-integration, it would not have been enough to look up the definition at least.

By the way, if an attentive reader tries to estimate such a popular pair as Sber and Sber-Pref, he will be surprised to find that in some parts there is no cointegration, i.e. formal tests fail, although there is convergence and trend-stationarity.

That is, the depth of the problem there is much more than the capabilities of standard tests, which, by the way, sometimes give false positive answers.

But forum shouters, of course, have not heard about it.

This is the trouble with modern communications, and in the absence of intellectual barriers the forums are filled with braggarts and vocational schoolboys trying to teach others, who have no idea what they are talking about, but sacredly believe in waves, shamanistic analysis and some mythical "market laws", their speech is turbid and confusing, with confusing semantics, like astrology and other charlatans, but they shout and draw attention.

William Shakespeare expressed it in an ingenious phrase: "A fool thinks he is clever and a clever man knows he is stupid".

People who are more knowledgeable prefer to be reserved, because they are aware of the limits to the applicability of judgement... while bad and mediocre people, always pleased with themselves, feel no shyness in self-glorification.