Clarification from the Administration - page 5


Michael, excuse me, is Russian your native language or not?

You have already been answered 100 times. What was left unclear from Dmitry's answer?

Dmitry Fedoseev:
Разрешено все, что не запрещено. А запрещен обмен контактами только на стадии выбора исполнителя

You seem to be an experienced freelancer, but you waste your time on nonsense...

Denis Kirichenko:

Michael, excuse me, is Russian your native language or not?

You have already been answered 100 times. What was left unclear from Dmitry's answer?

You seem to be an experienced freelancer, and you spend your time on nonsense ...

I wouldn't waste my time if the Administration's position was stable.

When in February 2017 the first bans were introduced, Renat wrote that it was enough to register only the first job here. And the rest of the work with this customer can not be made out here, and work directly. And to quote his words at the time, "this is normal practice".

A few months after that there was a forum thread in which Renat had already written that it was forbidden to do so and that he would be banned.

And why is the Administration keeping silent on the topic of discussion in Skype about future work and giving no direct answers? Although Renat replied, and maybe he thinks everything is clear to everybody, but it is not clear! What would be clear would be five letters "can" or three letters "no".

I haven't tried to create any resources of my own in all these years, I only work here. And I don't want to risk getting banned. That's why I want an answer to this question. And it would be desirable to put it in the rules as well.

Let me remind you, the question is: "Is it possible after an agreement to discuss this and subsequent work with this customer on Skype, and then make out here and pay a commission."

Dear Administration. Please kindly answer.

Mikhail Pityugov:

...Dear Administration. Please be so kind as to reply.

And if they don't? Will you punish them?

Denis Kirichenko:

Michael, excuse me, is Russian your native language or not?

You have already been answered 100 times. What was left unclear from Dmitry Fedoseyev's answer?

You seem to be an experienced freelancer, but you spend your time on nonsense...

Re-read carefully the replies from Renat. It seems that you have read the last couple of posts.

I wonder what Dmitry Fedoseev will be able to do when Michal gets banned.

As I understand it, even if you find a job here, but not through freelancing, its execution outside the service is also a ban.

Renat: "Because the interests of the third party are violated - our service".

All three parties are involved, but the result (the customer has the product, the contractor has the money) receive only two parties.

Only it is not clearly written in the rules.

Arkadii Zagorulko:

Reread Renat's replies carefully. You seem to have read the last couple of posts...

Oh, the heavy artillery has arrived...

Arkady, I've read all the posts, don't worry.

Let's look at the Rules again:

Conducting orders bypassing the Freelance service

  1. The Freelance service may only be used for its direct purpose - to carry out all work and calculations within the published Orders. Searching for customers or service providers in the Freelance service for work on the side is prohibited and is a violation of the Regulations.
  2. Customers and Applicants are prohibited from exchanging contact details in any formprior to entering into a Job Agreement. Violation leads to a ban on participation in Freelancing.
  3. It is forbidden to perform work and make payments for Orders placed in Freelanceoutside the scope of the service. Violation leads to deprivation of access to all services of
  4. Internal investigation may result in termination of a violator's right to use the Freelance service without giving any reason.

Paragraph 2 tells us that exchanging contacts before concluding an agreement is prohibited. After conclusion, then, it is allowed. Clauses 1 and 3 tell us that Freelance is only for its own sake, and if the application from Freelance is exchanged on the side, then it is a violation. I.e. if, hypothetically, contacts are exchanged afterthe conclusion ofthe agreement and a new job is agreed on the side, then it is not a violation. Simply put, anything generated outside of Freelance cannot be subject to Freelance rules.

That's how I interpret the Rules. If I'm wrong somewhere, let them correct me...

As I understand it, even if you find a job here, but not through Freelance, doing it outside the service is also a ban.

Where did you see that? I must have missed something... You can't take requests out of Freelance, which is reasonable and fair. But to steal the customer, it's possible...

Arkadii Zagorulko:

...All three parties are involved, but only two parties get the result (customer has the product, contractor has the money).

Only it is not clearly written in the rules...

In any case there is also an interesting point 4 about investigations... If there is no humane and fair court, guess in whose favour will be decided disputable or suspicious situations ;-)

Mikhail Pityugov:

Renat likes the phrase "the spirit of the rules" (or"the spirit of the forum"). Don't expect clear wording.

Denis Kirichenko:

Michael, excuse me, is Russian your native language or not?

You have already been answered 100 times. What was left unclear from Dmitry Fedoseyev's answer?

You seem to be an experienced freelancer, and you spend your time on nonsense ...

Why are you so ...


Dear colleagues, thank you for taking part in the discussion. I tried not only for myself, but, as I wrote above, so that everyone would have clarity and work on an equal footing. I am, therefore, in a hurry to share the information. The clarity came from the Service Desk. A screenshot is attached.

So the summary in my opinion is as follows:

1. from the moment of freelance agreement with the customer this and all subsequent work can be discussed as you like and wherever .

2. you can have contacts in the profile .

All the work from customers who have come from this site should be registered here in freelance. Even if he calls on Skype for 10 years, then all 10 years after the Skype need to come here and draw here not to violate the interests of a third party.

Dear Administration. If I'm wrong about something, correct me.

Please correct.

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Mikhail Pityugov:

All work from customers who come from this site has to be done here on Freelance . Even if he calls on Skype for 10 years, then all 10 years after Skype you have to come here and do it here so as not to infringe on the interests of a third party.

However, there will be no way to prove that the cooperation has been bypassed.