Clarification from the Administration


I don't sit on the forum, I'm not in favour of bringing any questions here, and certainly not the sharp ones. But unfortunately, in repeated personal messages to the moderator I get no answer to these questions. Had to do it here.

Immediately I apologize if this hurts someone morally or financially, but I think everyone understands everything and I'm just stating the obvious to everyone. And it's better to get a clear answer than risk losing your job.

A few years ago, when they introduced a ban on contact details in freelance applications, I removed my contact details even from my profile. And all these years my contact details were not in my profile. I did it because in my opinion it's against the rules. Here's a quote from the rules: "The Freelance service may only be used for its direct purpose - to carry out all work and calculations within the published Orders. Searching for customers or performers in the Freelance service to perform work on the side is prohibited and is a violation of the Rules.". I think it's no secret that most customers try to contact the programmer directly for a variety of reasons. And if the first order there is a fear that they can do bad or fraud, after the first order, many customers are asking for contact information to work directly. Putting contact information in profile is one of the ways to transfer contact information to customer so that in future he could contact us directly. Because the customer is certainly interested in who is doing the work and he enters the profile and sees these data right away. If he wants to work with an Appliciant/Developer directly, he will contact them directly next time. I don't know if he will refuse. At least not everyone will.

So why developers do not remove their data from profiles (I certainly did not look at all, but of those colleagues, whose profiles I looked no one), but the site administration does nothing about it?

If the administration believes that the first order must pay 10% and then you can take the customer and do and take it all in your pocket, then why would not it be clarified in the rules for example. So the first question to the Administration: is it true or not?

And it's not just about 10%. Directly, it is faster and easier to work. And there is for example Skype, timeweaver, etc.. And if you take into account the increase in labor input in writing messages and processing work, etc., the difference is not 10%, but many times over.

Now probably many will ask why I was so stupid and wrote about it here when I could also place the data in my profile and quietly from the second order to remove customers from the site. And because I'm almost 8 years old here. And I do not create my own sites, platforms, etc. I'm all satisfied here. And I'm willing to pay even more commission than 10%, but I want everything to be transparent and everyone was in equal conditions. I don't want to get banned because of these 10%. It's very easy to make a test purchase: make an order for $30, then write directly and negotiate and OP - rules violation, a lifetime ban. Or do not make the first order through the site, and immediately write directly, without $ 30, say that with μl5. The same may come to mind the Administration. Well at least it occurred to me years ago in 1 minute. And if I wanted to earn more on commission that's the first thing I would have done.

I remember the case when it all started with the data. They had already written on the forum that you can't publish their contacts in applications, but they hadn't hidden the profiles yet. There was such a short period. I removed skype and email from the application, but left a link to feedback in the welcome letter. And I got banned. When I wrote to servicedesk, I was told that it is forbidden to transmit contact data, ban was removed and wrote this pathos: HERE YOU KNOW WHAT TO YOU WILL BE THE FOLLOWING TIME (maybe not verbatim, but about that was written). I.e. it wasn't in the rules, the forum didn't talk about links to reviews and moreover, you could poke at the performer and see the reviews. I.e. I got banned for nothing! By the way, if there is a history of bans, please remove it because it was received undeservedly. So now that nothing can be banned, certainly for contact information in the profile to me it seems more likely.

Next point. Freelancing is not properly moderated. Customers are constantly sending their data in the discussion. They ask for mine. I even sometimes throw messages in the "offense". No one reacts at all. The customer is not banned, the work is not removed. Not even once! Dear Admin. Well, if you do not need the money, well, let us then abolish all the rules and let everything be as it was before. And if you've begun to restore order, it remains just a little bit to finish. And in any case, there should be clarity about what is allowed and what is not, and not so that everyone is up to his arrogance. Well, you have already created so much, so much has been done, well, a little bit left to tighten the screws and money will not go to the left. Well, if you do not need them, then please write them. So that everyone was on an equal footing and slept peacefully.

And the last thing. I, for example, do not sit on the forum. I do not read and do not write. And at one time I learned about the ban on contact data from Artmedia who wrote me in a private message and gave me a link to a discussion on the forum. Thanks to him. Well, why can't you do a newsletter to everyone who has for example at least one completed order. Type: guys, now we work differently so-and-so. A normal civilized way. Not so that he who saw that he saw, who did not see that banned and sometimes for nothing! I ask the administration to make such a method of notification. Because they do not re-read the same rules every day. And the forum. And what is near the checkbox written when submitting an application not every time 10 times a day is to re-read and look for differences. Well, you can notify.

I ask the Administration to give accurate direct answers to my questions.

Dear Administration, won't you answer me? This is the first time in 8 years that I've written something of this nature on this forum. Am I not worthy of at least a brief reply?
Mikhail Pityugov:
Dear Administration, can't you answer me? It's the first time in 8 years I've written something of this kind on the forum. Am I not worthy of at least a brief response?

Is there a rule against putting your contacts on your profile?

It is forbidden to take you to your contacts when communicating


Is there a rule against putting your contacts on your profile?

it's forbidden to take out your contact details when communicating

The rules also do not contain a clause prohibiting a person from submitting an application with contact data. Because if there is contact information in the application, the programmer may not apply, and immediately write the contacts. But if the programmer applies, it means that he wants to work through the site, while he gets banned for this - for wanting to work through the site and not writing directly.

And with regard to " is there a clause in the rules that forbids you to put your contacts in your profile? "I detailed my vision in the first post.

Mikhail Pityugov:
Dear Administration, will you not answer me? This is the first time in 8 years that I wrote something of this kind on the forum. Am I not worthy of at least a brief answer?

Dear Sir, you should have put the questions in bold, numbered or something... Personally, I didn't bother to read this sprawling train of thought. The first rule of correspondence is a clear question, then a detailed addition, all down the list.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Dear Sir, you should have put the questions in bold, numbered or something... Personally, I didn't bother to read this sprawling train of thought. The first rule of correspondence is a clear question, then a detailed addition, all down the list.

I was just trying to make it as clear as possible. and there's not just one question, but some other points as well. i just stuffed it all into one post.

OK, let's be clear:

Is it possible to exchange contact details with a client and work directly with him (and not on a freelance service) and still be safe from getting banned after the first order is placed through the website?


It is not forbidden to write your contact details in your profile. Write as much as you like.

There is nothing good about working directly apart from freelancing.

Mikhail Pityugov:

I was just trying to make it as clear as possible. and it's not just one question, but some other points as well. i just put it all in one post.

OK, let's be clear:

is it possible to exchange contact details with a client after the first order through the website, to work with them directly (rather than on a freelance service) and still be safe that they won't get banned.

of course you can

I would still like to hear back from the site Administration. And a responsible answer. So that you don't get banned afterwards.

Is there a rule against putting your contacts on your profile?

When communicating, it is forbidden to take out your contacts

There was such a thing in the forum regarding developers. But back then, if I'm not mistaken, the list of developers was visible. Maybe later it was not so strict. Now in order to tell if a person is a developer, you have to look at each person's profile. And if he visits the forum very rarely or not at all, you won't be able to find him on the site.

Forum for trading, automated trading systems and strategy testing

Programmers, do you need filters for order selection in the FRILANS service?

Renat Fatkhullin, 2017.02.13 10:58

Glad you're having fun.

But anyone who doesn't clear their applications from contact details by the end of the week will get a ban on participation in the service for 2 weeks. This also applies to any advertising attachments that are not relevant.

The ban also kicks you out of the top.

Mikhail Pityugov:

I was just trying to make it as comprehensive as possible. and it's not just one question, but some other points as well. i just stuffed it all into one post.

OK, let's be clear:

Is it possible to exchange contact details with a client after the first order through the website, to work with them directly (rather than on a freelance service) and still be safe that they won't get banned.

That was the message:

But if the performer always acts like this, it is in some ways and indecent even. And it seems that Renat wrote that measures may be taken against such a client.

I can ask for contacts when a client wants to refine something after the job is closed, and you can't place an order for that amount of money here.

At one time wrote that they would think about solving the issue of small rework. Does anyone know if it is already possible to refine an EA or indicator for $10-20?