Uladzimir Izerski page - page 67


Because it is the perfect money-grubbing machine.


I have long noticed that there is a category of forum people who are looking for an excuse to stall good ideas. After all, it's their possible losses.

I do not exclude that these are the employees of DC. There are many of them on the forums.

Seriously? Conspiracy theories?))
What could possibly be of interest, to anyone, in your pictures and inarticulate explanations? You're on the mcl5 forum. It's about code, not fantasy.

If you're reading this thread, it means you have some interest in it.

Otherwise you wouldn't even pay attention to it.

Heh-heh-heh. That's my boy.)


In my opinion, you have to be very naive not to consider this thread an advertisement)))

The author throws out a picture of his paid indicators, writes some spells after looking at them and then we all kind of got it all))

Moderators, you either allow everyone to advertise or tear down this nonsense. Otherwise the forum turns into those forums where you pay 3 kopecks per post ... or whatever it is ...

Vladimir Baskakov:

Another bare-knuckle commissioner has appeared)) moderator checker.

A subscriber to the branch, by the way.

Uladzimir Izerski:

If you are reading this thread it means you have some interest in it.

Otherwise YOU wouldn't even be paying attention to it.

Heh-heh-heh. That's my boy.)

I'm not reading, I'm browsing. To see when this mess will be shut down. And I browse about 40 per cent of the threads here. Believe me, your young artist's drawings are of no interest whatsoever.
I'm not reading, I'm browsing. I'm looking to see when this mess gets shut down. And I browse about 40 percent of the threads here. Believe me, your young artist's pictures are of no interest whatsoever.


I can see why you're snooping around.

You're looking for a place to put your ad. Your favorite. The cool trade.

Well, go on. You can make your interest in PAM in three days.

Go ahead, advertise. Not in this thread.


Ну-ну продолжай.. Твои проценты на ПАМе можно сделать за три дня.

Go ahead, advertise. Not in this thread.

That's not the way to advertise in this thread. You don't want to eat another man's pie!


Ulad! to promote your method (software/signals/pamas/courses/etc) you need to present something other than screenshots of elephants.

You don't get it, which is an attempt, but there is no theory...Just for lack of one and its justification.

Much higher on the topic - look at how people with serious trading experience and similar approaches (waves) to you are behaving.
You can read there - they discuss sources and basis, agree and disagree, how and why they trade, without hiding...
Man, they even follow the terminology !

It's all about magic bubbles, theory is not (and cannot be) a secret, profits come out of applying it to specific conditions.

only it's all words to you for nothing, it's just a collective farmer advertising a bed

Uladzimir Izerski:


I can see why you're snooping around.

You're looking for a place to put your ad. Your favorite. The cool trade.

Well, go on. You can make your interest in PAM in three days.

Go ahead, advertise. Not in this thread.

That's a good one. Good one. Mg...come to the forum of pro-people to promote pamm))) and there is no link, no mention, not a word about the existence of pamm))))
Volodya. Better get busy - start knitting white ribbons and sell the opposition.)
Good one. Good one. Mg... comes to the forum beggars propagating pamm))) and there's no link, not a mention, not a word about the existence of pamm))).
Volodya. Better get busy - start knitting white ribbons and sell opposition))
No, the harvest is coming up.
Maxim Kuznetsov:

that's not the kind of advertising in this thread. Don't open your mouth to other people's pie!


Ulad! to promote your method (software/signals/pamas/courses/etc) you need to state something other than screenshots about elephants.

You don't get it, which is an attempt, but there is no theory...Just for lack of one and its justification.

Much higher on the topic - look at how people with serious trading experience and similar approaches (waves) to you are behaving.
You can read there - they discuss sources and basis, agree and disagree, how and why they trade, without hiding...
Man, they even follow the terminology !

It's all about magic bubbles, theory is not (and cannot be) a secret, profits come out of applying it to specific conditions.

but it's all words to you for nothing, it's just a collective farmer advertising a bed

Good one. Good one. Mg...come to the forum of pro-people to promote pamm))) and there is no link anywhere, no mention, not a word about the existence of pamm))))
Volodya. Get busy, start knitting white ribbons and sell the opposition.)
Vladimir Baskakov:
No, you must gather the harvest soon.

You are little kids.)

I've been in advertising for 20 years. I had hired people working for me. I know all the details.

It's easy to check if you have a brain in your skull.

I don't need advertising. Not at all.

I want interesting people. And you don't have any.

And you lowly souls, you reproach me with advertising. Ridiculous.

All my products are for people who understand. I don't impose them on anyone and I don't give them away for free. The principle. Every effort must be paid.

It's good that the moderators moved the thread here. Whoever is interested can find me here, so as not to dust your eyes.

Just for the three of you I'll sing a song.))))))))))))
All products, all products , allproducts are good - take your pick.