And what factor could push the price of oil into the $20-$15-a-barrel range? - page 3


After April 1st the opex+ agreement will end and then the Saudis will flood us with oil. They are pushing us out of Europe. And hello to our budget.


Dmitriy Skub:

After April 1st the opex+ agreement will end and then the Saudis will flood us with oil. They are pushing us out of Europe. And hello to our budget.


Trump could be very offended.


It says here that.

US Department of Energy scraps plans to buy oil for strategic reserve
Dmitriy Skub:

After April 1st the opex+ agreement will end and then the Saudis will flood us with oil. They are pushing us out of Europe. And hello to our budget.


There is also nothing to stop Russia from putting more pressure into the pipelines it has already laid.
There will just be an oversaturation of the market, in the struggle for the customer. Then the price will definitely go down even more.
The shale producers will deflate immediately. Unless the Fed starts the printing press.
And if the navy also raises delivery prices, the Saudis will be left behind.


There is nothing to stop Russia from putting more pressure into the pipelines it has already laid.
There will just be oversaturation of the market, fighting for the client. Then the price will definitely go down even more.
The shale producers will deflate immediately. Unless the Fed starts the printing press.
And if the navy also raises delivery prices, the Saudis will be left behind.

Don't talk nonsense) Russia has not sold oil for two weeks now, because the Saudis are of much higher quality and less expensive.

They did not go to Europe before (as agreed), but now they easily squeeze us out.

Not to mention the fact that demand has fallen and all tanks are stocked, they are already storing in tankers. But you can think as you want, of course).


This is what it was all about, both dumping and monopolisation (cartel collusion). What they fought for, they got. The most unpleasant thing is that the people pay for all their collusion and dumping.

Better not to interfere with the market, it will put everyone in their place )).

Dmitriy Skub:

Don't talk nonsense) Russia has not sold oil for two weeks now, because the Saudis are of much higher quality and less expensive.

They did not go to Europe before (as agreed), but now they easily squeeze us out.

Not to mention the fact that demand has fallen and all tanks are stocked, they are already storing in tankers. But you can think as you like, of course)

How do you know what it sells and what it doesn't ))
Duct networks are not just built to be admired ))

Russia's Urals crude for delivery to northwest Europe has fallen in absolute terms to $16.2 a barrel, the lowest since 1999. Excluding transportation, it is even lower at around $14 a barrel.
Russian Urals crude for North West Europe has fallen in absolute terms to $16.2 a barrel, the lowest since 1999. Excluding transportation, it is even lower at around $14 a barrel.

oil -10% and the rts is on the plus side


There is something else unclear with Rosneft, which left Venezuela with the redistribution of owners, hoping for a relaxation of sanctions from the USA. Allegedly they promised.

Are there idiots in Rosneft? Or in the Russian government? Are you sure? It's funny to listen to the reasoning of those who are smarter than everyone else.

Rosneft has not walked away. It transfers shares to the Russian government, which will give them to Rosneftegaz, which is 100% owned by the government and which owns part of Rosneft. Rosneft will get everything back, registered to its subsidiary. And avoid new US sanctions. Feel the game? As is the collusion with the Saudis (which is IMHO, though not just mine), which is presented to many here as a war with the Saudis. But that is another topic, I do not insist, time will tell.

In general, guys, don't judge by what you see on the surface. In geopolitics, everything is very complicated. If the topic is of interest, one should follow, read and listen to experts (not oppositionists and libertarians), compare and draw conclusions.
Edgar Akhmadeev:

Are there idiots in Rosneft? Or in the Russian government? Are you sure? It's funny to listen to the reasoning of those who are smarter than everyone else.

Rosneft has not walked away. It transfers shares to the Russian government, which will give them to Rosneftegaz, which is 100% owned by the government and which owns part of Rosneft. Rosneft will get everything back, registered to its subsidiary. And avoid new US sanctions. Feel the game? As is the collusion with the Saudis (which is IMHO, though not just mine), which is presented to many here as a war with the Saudis. But that's another topic, I don't insist, time will tell.

In general, guys, don't judge by what you see on the surface. In geopolitics, everything is very complicated. If the topic is of interest, one should follow, read and listen to experts (not oppositionists and libertarians), compare and draw conclusions.

The question is, will it be avoided? That's where the idiots are at, believing promises.