The genetic algorithm and its possible applications - page 7

Реter Konow:

The problem is that you can't just 'add a parameter' to the system. It doesn't work that way. The parameter is a derivative of the whole system. It is based on many functions and properties. It can't just be added...

Peter, why not?)

I can easily give an example of such "adding" and "taking away" parameters in a trading system.

Anatolii Zainchkovskii:
I have an error there, not the 7th parameter, but the 7th variable. There are complications, but it is possible to implement, and even mt5 allows it, but the process of parameter selection through genetics will not be possible .

Genetics only picks up values. Making it an 'evolutionary engine' is unlikely. The GA concept does not yet allow for it and we lack the knowledge.

Andrey Dik:

Peter, why not?))

I can easily give an example of such "adding" and "taking away" parameters in a trading system.

Bring it, of course.)) "Disabling" a parameter in a working system and "freezing" all functions related to it is possible, but adding a parameter means adding functionality that works with it. It cannot be done automatically. For now...))

Реter Konow:

Bring it on, of course.)) "Disable" a parameter in the working system and "freeze" all functions associated with it, but adding a parameter means adding functionality that works with it. It cannot be done automatically. For now...))

How do you think genetic programming works?

Реter Konow:

I agree.

I disagree, nature creates various mechanisms to regulate human and animal populations on earth. Like viruses, bacteria, cancer cells, etc. In poor countries, people are known to get sick because of poor infrastructure and medicine. And in developed countries, people do not want to give birth and there is no population growth. So, there is no threat to mankind because of insufficient food supply.


I disagree, nature creates various mechanisms to regulate human and animal populations on earth. Like viruses, bacteria, cancer cells, etc. It is known that in poor countries, people get sick because of poor infrastructure and weak medicine. In developed countries, people do not want to give birth and there is no population growth. So, there is no threat to humanity because of insufficient food supply.

Provided that man will continue to have no super-technologies to protect himself from natural factors of regulation of his number. But, he seeks to defeat Nature in everything it threatens him. If he wins, he will devour anything and everything. And in the end himself.

Andrey Dik:

How do you think genetic programming works?

I don't know. Tell me. I'm new at this.


I disagree, nature creates various mechanisms to regulate human and animal populations on earth. Like viruses, bacteria, cancer cells, etc. It is known that in poor countries, people get sick because of poor infrastructure and poor medicine. And in developed countries, people do not want to give birth and there is no population growth. So, mankind is not in danger of dying because of insufficient food supplies.

all it takes is poisoning the air and water and the entire food supply goes extinct, which man has been doing remarkably well lately. man can put on, roughly speaking, a gas mask, but birds and fish cannot.

viruses are rubbish! man is clever enough to make himself immune to infections and with regeneration and immortality like jellyfish, the only problem is man himself - by accidentally destroying all life on the planet man will become extinct (formally of course, in reality simply move to a neighbouring planet and start to poop there).

the funniest thing is that man can make his own food from almost anything, petroleum being the best, of course. so he does not care much about living food, he has enough non-living food.

a perfect being is one who can modify his/her genome code and create food from inanimate materials. humans are close to perfection. whether a perfect being needs morality is the question of a million.

Реter Konow:

I don't know. Tell me. I'm new at this.

just google it.

Реter Konow:

Provided man continues to have no super-technology to cure and protect himself from the natural factors of the regulation of his numbers. But, he seeks to defeat Nature in everything it threatens him. If he wins, he will devour everyone and everything. And in the end himself.

If nature (god, universal mind) considers that mankind is a dead end, then maybe))). And it will begin to develop, for example, a population of rats, as more adapted to the negative factors of the environment. In this case I wonder how many millions of years it will take for rats to reach the same level as mankind. Will they ever be able to reach it?) Maybe other animals have a better chance of achieving it?