The genetic algorithm and its possible applications - page 12

Evgeniy Kvasov:

As for the conventional Alorhythm, I talked to a knowledgeable person once and he said that in practice only mutation and adaptability have an effect, and I have tried all kinds of classical crossings and hybrids myself. It is possible to change the convergence rate of the algorithm, it is impossible to achieve global fitness time after time.

And as for life on cassiopeia))) if by chance, count the generations .... first chemistry, then the first cells.... then the known lifetimes of the planets... numbers incalculable))))))) But if God's involvement) then...............

I do not pretend to anything)))

Everybody was recently fired up with enthusiasm about quantum computers - that they change zeros into ones and back incredibly fast, which allows to decode anything.

On that subject, you could run an interesting test: how long would it take for a quantum computer to randomly find a combination of Kirrilic symbols corresponding to Dostoevsky's collected works. I suspect that the gen.code is not inferior to the volume of encrypted information.

At the same time we know that at the dawn of life, quantum computers did not exist and natural processes lasted for thousands of years...
Реter Konow:
There has recently been a lot of enthusiasm about quantum computers - they can change zeros to ones and back incredibly fast, which allows deciphering anything.

On this occasion, we can run an interesting test: how long will it take a quantum computer to accidentally find a combination of Kirrilic symbols corresponding to Dostoevsky's collected works. I suspect that the gen.code is not inferior to the volume of encrypted information.

At the same time we know that quantum computers did not exist at the dawn of life and that natural processes lasted for thousands of years...

If you can get the FF right, you don't need a quantum computer, a home pisu is enough.

"Random event and sorting by external factors - that's all the wisdom of the universe" (c) - remember, these are two prerequisites, otherwise the process of "sisidanie" can last forever, the universe needed 13 billion years before Dostoevsky and his works appeared, set the FF more precisely (external factors) and you will get Dostoevsky much earlier. Theorwer claims that even a monkey can write Dostoevsky's works, he just has to try and not be bothered by the fact that it is "complicated".))

Andrey Dik:

If you can get the FF right, you don't need a quantum computer, a home pisu is enough.

"Random event and sorting by external factors - that's all the wisdom of the universe" (c) - remember, these are two prerequisites, otherwise the sisyndation process can go on forever, the universe needed 13 billion years for Dostoevsky and his works to appear, set the FF more precisely (external factors) and you will get Dostoevsky much earlier. Theorwer claims that even a monkey can write Dostoevsky's works, he just has to try and not be bothered by the fact that it is "complicated")))

Andrew, let your algorithm write your own post and you time it. Just don't set your post as a FF. GA himself has to get to it by random enumeration, after all, Nature didn't have a DNA pattern until after it was created. Which means - in the beginning, Nature was doinga completely random enumeration .


And Theorver, let him first write works on the level of Dostoevsky himself, and then I will believe his words about the capabilities of an ape)).

Реter Konow:

Andrew, have your algorithm write your own post and you time it. Just don't set your post as a FF. GA himself should get to it by random overshooting, after all, Nature did not have a DNA template until the moment of its creation. Which means - Nature was going completely by random sampling.

you have some kind of fundamental misunderstanding....

Just randomly going through the motions? Why?! What nonsense. You could apply sorting still. What to recreate my post by optimization algorithm, it is necessary to set ff (short meaning inherent in the post) - you obviously can not help me to set ff).

Andrey Dik:

you have some kind of fundamental misunderstanding....

Just randomly going through the motions? Why?! What nonsense. You can apply sorting still. To recreate my post with an optimization algorithm, you need to set the ff (the short meaning embedded in the post) - you obviously can't help me set the ff).

What sorting at the dawn of life???

You forgetthat Nature didn't have patterns. There was no FF. You yourself claim that everything arose by chance - without a concept originally laid down. What FF? Its existence disproves what you say about randomness. This is cheating.

Реter Konow:
All of the above refers to the application of the OBJECTIVE genetic algorithm - that is the "clever" way of finding parameter values. It is an adaptation of a single and unchanging system to changing conditions.

There is no evolution with species complexity because the parameter set is unchanged and the system is always the same.

You just repeatedly copy, cross/change clone values and copy again. No new systems are created.

Nature has an amazing mechanism of cell self-replication. It's not dumb copying. It's like a factory building a factory next to itself. In GA it is flat copying.

So, apart from terms and a clever way of finding meaning GA has nothing to do with evolution.
Why can't I just try it? I've tried it and obtained some positive results (out of 68 algorithms written - 4 are being tested on demo account with more than 30% profit, optimization of one more algorithm is finished today with positive result, but with small profit - 3-5 events per month with 30-50 points profit)

If Nature had a FF before it created anything - it had a ready-made template and sought to recreate it. This refutes the concept of randomness entirely.

Randomness implies chaos. It does not stop at specific results of mixing particles and forever grinds down any, even successful structures. Something must contain the chaos and allow the chosen order to prevail and evolve, otherwise, no creatures can arise in principle.

Selecting successful structures from chaos and turning them into templates of other structures is the essence of the mechanisms of FF, inheritance, crossbreeding, sorting and other techniques of Evolution.

How exactly Nature restrained destructive chaos and preserved successful structures without Reason and the order of blind chance, I do not know. It is most likely impossible.

Реter Konow:

What sorting at the dawn of life?

You forgetthat Nature didn't have patterns. There was no FF. You yourself claim that everything arose by chance - without an inherent concept. What FF? Its existence disproves what you say about randomness. It's cheating.

I have nowhere said that everything in nature happens only by chance. you need two factors, chance and external factors (conditions), I wrote a few posts above, both of these factors exist in the universe and not only that, they are fundamental.

There is also the property of chemical elements to transform into heavier elements by fusion and release energy, this energy eventually eventually warms your home and allows you to read this text from the monitor.

hydrogen gathers into a star by gravity, nuclear fusion produces deuterium, helium lithium. then beryllium and carbon and all the way up to iron. the heavier elements originate in the more massive stars. stars explode, stars explode and so on for 9 billion years! By the time the Sun could originate, there was already a ready set of elements in the vicinity for the origin of planets and life on them. a series of random perfectly random events but under the action of external factors (specifically gravitation), sooner or later will lead to the origin of life.

Even blind nature does not act only by chance. So why, as a sentient being, would you want to do something only by chance? And as for any AO, they are just based on random iterations and sorting according to criteria (external factors).

It's all been said and chewed up a million times already. You seem to be trolling.

Why can't you just try it? I tried it and got some positive results (out of 68 algorithms written - 4 are being tested on demo accounts with more than 30% profit, optimization of one more algorithm was finished today with positive results, but with a small profit - 3-5 events per month with 30-50 points profit)


We see order everywhere in Nature. It is inherent in all processes, even the chaotic ones from our point of view. The balance of chaos and order determines the survival and development of all life.