The genetic algorithm and its possible applications - page 14

Aliaksandr Hryshyn:
You forgot about the very high power of random sampling due to high parallelism. Many different planets with different conditions, and there are very many random processes going on at the same time on each of them.
And conditional FF automatically appears when objects have properties such as self-reproduction. This is simply a logical consequence.

Self-reproduction is an incredibly complex and incomprehensible thing that no one has yet artificially replicated. FF is the debugging criterion for pattern reproduction. No system, no FF. That is, the FF is secondary to the system.

Stubbornly stable systems have learned to self-reproduce and use FF as a method of self-debugging... All together this is Evolution, or in our simplified sense, GA.

Aleksey Nikolayev:

Dialectics is unscientific and unphilosophical nonsense, whether Hegelian or Marxist.

Read better about the principle of least action, at least.

As soon as you write a scientific refutation of Hegel's "Science of Logic" (which, by the way, was commented and parsed by the Soviet Academy of Sciences, publishing an entire book), I will certainly study it.

Реter Konow:

Self-reproduction is an incredibly complex and obscure thing that no one has yet artificially replicated. The FF is the debugging criterion for pattern reproduction. No system, no FF. That is, the FF is secondary to the system.

Stubbornly stable systems have learned to self-reproduce and use FF as a method of self-debugging... All together this is Evolution, and in our simplistic understanding, GA.

Just the opposite, FF can and has always existed before the system came into existence. The system (whatever it is, living organism or trading system) emerges from the presence of FF. The universe didn't exist yet, but there was already a FF, it's constants, Planck and others, or Divine Intent, whichever you prefer.

FF sets the direction of the results of randomness. I.e., the main consistency in the Götzschprung-Russell diagram is there just because of the presence of FF - those constants, without these constants the size and mass of stars would obey a normal distribution, but it is not so. If it were not for these constants, FF, fusion would take place without giving off heat, and thus planets would not bask in the caressing rays of their parent stars, the origin of life would be out of the question. Of course, there is the possibility of solid, rocky life forms, but the probability is negligible even in the presence of the FF, and certainly not without it.

Реter Konow:

As soon as you write a scientific refutation of Hegel's "Science of Logic" (which, by the way, was commented and parsed by the Soviet Academy of Sciences, producing an entire book), I will certainly study it.

Is it that wonderful "logic" with which he "proved" that the number of planets in the solar system must equal seven (shortly before the discovery of the eighth)?

Scholars comment on and take apart a lot of things. For example, the texts of Herodotus where centaurs and men with dog-heads were described.

If you want to understand logic, read Aristotle's Organon.

By the way, all religions have random as "free will" and "God's will" is called FF.

Oops, that makes me feel uncomfortable...))

Andrey Dik:

On the contrary, the FF can and has always existed before the emergence of the system. The system (whatever it is, living organism or trading system) emerges from the presence of the FF. The universe didn't exist yet, but there was already a FF, it's constants, Planck and others, or Divine Intent, whichever you prefer.

FF sets the direction of the results of randomness. I.e., the main consistency in the Götzschprung-Russell diagram is there just because of the presence of FF - those constants, without these constants the size and mass of stars would obey a normal distribution, but it is not so. If it were not for these constants, FF, fusion would take place without giving off heat, and thus planets would not bask in the caressing rays of their parent stars, the origin of life would be out of the question. Of course, there is the possibility of solid, rocky life forms, but the likelihood of them is negligible even in the presence of the FF, and certainly not without it.

If you replace the term FF with "Idea", everything falls into place. An idea tends to unfold and improve during implementation. In that case - the FF from GA should be flexible and transform, redirect and complicate as the result is found. This would result in a stable development of the system.

Andrey Dik:

By the way, all religions have random as "free will" and "God's will" is called FF.

Oops, that makes me feel uncomfortable...))

Careful with that.)))

Реter Konow:

If you replace the term FF with "Idea", everything falls into place. An idea tends to unfold and evolve as it is implemented. If this is the case, then the FF from the GA should be flexible and transform, redirect and grow in complexity as the result is found. We will have a stable development of the system.

The FF is not and should not be part of the GA or any other AO. Should the meta-quotes change their optimizer for each user strategy??? )))) - of course not, we just need to prescribe FF as an optimization criterion to the user himself.

But calling FF an idea, yes, can be called an idea. Replace FF in my posts with the word "idea" and the meaning remains the same.

138 messages with no application to forex trading. Optimizer in the form that works now simulates the curve of the price chart (I studied at the Mathematical Modelling Department not for nothing, we used such methods to mathematically describe technological processes, to predict with an acceptable error the behaviour of these processes in the near future, when we get a new real result (almost the same as predicted) we add it to the previous optimization to get a new result for the future) - such models are applicable to the near future, poet (by the way such methods are used to build missile trajectories with obstacle avoiding and threat avoiding - first we use mathematical modelling methods to get a mathematical model, then we use artificial neural network to model mathematical model based on Ins - this is necessary because Ins calculations are hundreds times faster than original mat model, what affects time of missile reaction to obstacles and threats + resulting model is put at physical level in integral and nonlinear. The genetic algorithm itself isn't bad, but I'm trying to use it not to model the price curve, but to model the behaviour of the price chart at least in certain time frames and in certain exchange conditions. These constraints plus the price chart itself is the outside world for the resulting model - the model itself is constrained by that world. That is, the model is always adapted to the conditions of the outside world, which we can describe due to our knowledge. In other words, there is no "grail", because our knowledge about the environment of the model is limited - the more complete our knowledge, the better the model is. By the way, a human being is also adapted to the environment - we cannot be in outer space - for example, for those, who are occupied with mass philosophical reasoning about order and chaos.Artificial neural network is certainly good if you have already made attempts to model a strategy for the stock exchange with it (and such models exist, and cost a lot of money, I read them when writing a thesis on Ins for modeling geolocation using pulses to speed up calculations (calculations per day reduced to calculations in a few seconds)), but this forum is not about Ins and not about how boats plunder the skies. I would like to read something useful for practical application in bidding. Try to apply the genetic algorithm in the form offered on this forum, I have obtained modest results but I'm not going to share them. My models are limited by my lesser knowledge of trading compared to yours as I've been trading for less than a year. I would like more knowledge from you!
"If you stare into the abyss for too long, the abyss begins to stare into you."