The genetic algorithm and its possible applications - page 13

Реter Konow:
There's all the recent enthusiasm about quantum computers - they are incredibly fast to change zeros to ones and back, which allows you to decipher anything.

On this occasion, we can run an interesting test: how long will it take a quantum computer to accidentally find a combination of Kirrilic symbols corresponding to Dostoevsky's collected works. I suspect that the gen.code is not inferior to the volume of encrypted information.

At the same time we know that at the dawn of life, quantum computers did not exist and natural processes lasted for thousands of years...

wrote a reply to ..... and everything reset)))

here let them run the test............ even though war and peace are not zero conditions... But this algorithm will quickly figure out how to behave with us.... let's not be happy))))

Реter Konow:
We see order everywhere in Nature. It is inherent in all processes, even the chaotic ones from our point of view. The balance of chaos and order determines the survival and development of all life.

order is not inherent, it is not a cause but a consequence. a consequence of gravity affecting random processes. but there is also energy dissipation, you can't get away from that. everything will turn to ashes sooner or later, not even the cool thing gravity helps, but you'd better not think about it).

Evgeniy Kvasov:

wrote a reply to ..... and everything reset))))

here let them run the test............ even though war and peace are not zero conditions... But this algorithm will quickly figure out how to behave with us.... won't be happy))))

It's a pity that the answer has reset((

Here's the paradox: we take the most powerful creative force in the universe and remove it. Next, think "how did everything come into being?". If there is no Reason at the core of existence, then blind chance must be genius. We attribute all merit to it and place it above the universe. According to our theory, it is that "artist"-clacker that creates in chaotic delirium absolutely genius structures, preserves them, multiplies and perfects them. Without Reason. Simply, such a universal "generator" of all things.))

Реter Konow:

It's a shame that the answer was reset.((

Here's the paradox: take the most powerful creative force in the universe and remove it. Next, we think, "how did everything come into being?". If there is no Reason at the core of existence, then blind chance must be genius. We attribute all merit to it and place it above the universe. According to our theory, it is that "artist"-clacker that creates in chaotic delirium absolutely genius structures, preserves them, multiplies and perfects them. Without Reason. Simply, such a universal "generator" of all things.)))

You forgot about the very high power of random sampling due to high parallelism. Lots of different planets with different conditions, and there are lots of random processes going on at the same time on each of them.
And the conditional FF automatically appears when objects have such properties as self-reproduction. It's just a logical consequence.
Aliaksandr Hryshyn:
You forgot about the very high power of random sampling due to high parallelism. Lots of different planets with different conditions, and there are a lot of random processes going on at the same time on each of them.
And conditional FF automatically appears when objects have properties such as self-reproduction. This is simply a logical consequence.

Quite right!

There are more star systems in the visible universe than there are grains of sand on the beach. With so many random outcomes, it is inevitable that something will start to move and multiply. It is hard to imagine possible life forms, for example, on Jupiter the atmosphere is so dense you can swim in it like water, compounds like water, methane, hydrogen sulphide and ammonia, and even - ethane, benzene and other hydrocarbons are abundant, enough heat and there is a magnetic field. Beautiful!

Who dares to let randomness create strategies :) ? Not just go through the existing fixed set of parameters, but with a step-by-step increase in complexity.
Aliaksandr Hryshyn:
Who dares to let randomness create strategies :) ? Not just going through an existing fixed set of parameters, but with a step-by-step increase in complexity.

If you read the strategy ideas on the forum for a long time, this seems to be how they arise...)

Aliaksandr Hryshyn:
You forgot about the very high power of randomization due to high parallelism. Lots of different planets with different conditions, and there are lots of random processes going on at the same time on each of them.
And conditional FF automatically appears when objects have properties such as self-reproduction. This is simply a logical consequence.

I am not claiming that there is some kind of Mind, in the trivial sense, behind the origin of all things. That, too, defies logic. Rather, an assemblage of dialectical laws in a physical wrapper. For example, chaos and order are actually inseparable. It is one and the same. Unrecognised and incomprehensible order is chaos, just as cognised and described chaos is order. If they are two sides of a coin, then the question of the destruction of successful structures in the vortex of "nucleation" is removed. Chaos has allowed the construction of structures to occur by virtue of being limited to order, which it is on the flip side. That is, it exists within a framework behind which its opposite is standing. Perhaps what happens is self-limited by the dialectical laws of development, akin to unzipping a zip file, for example...

This philosophy is not for our forum.))

Aleksey Mavrin:

If you read the strategy ideas on the forum for a long time, this seems to be how they arise...)

Реter Konow:

I am not claiming that there is some kind of Intelligence behind the origin of all things, in the trivial sense. That, too, defies logic. Rather, an assemblage of dialectical laws in a physical wrapper. For example, chaos and order are actually inseparable. It is one and the same. Unrecognised and incomprehensible order is chaos, just as cognised and described chaos is order. If they are two sides of a coin, then the question of the destruction of successful structures in the vortex of "nucleation" is removed. Chaos has allowed the construction of structures to occur by virtue of being limited to order, which it is on the flip side. That is, it exists within a framework behind which its opposite is standing. Perhaps what happens is self-limited by the dialectical laws of development, akin to unpacking a zip file, for example...

This philosophy is not for our forum.))

Dialectics is unscientific and unphilosophical nonsense, Hegelian or Marxian.

Read better about the principle of least action, at least.