The Russian market, forecasts and expectations - page 13


remains to break 25 and consolidate below 25

Yuriy Zaytsev:



All currencies are falling against the dollar, the Canadian dollar is really going down. Even bitcoin is falling against the dollar. Not only is the ruble in a panic, but it is the most nervous.

Нефть Brent рухнула ниже $26, курс доллара взлетел выше 80 рублей
Нефть Brent рухнула ниже $26, курс доллара взлетел выше 80 рублей
  • 2020.03.18
Обвал на сырьевых и финансовых рынках, начавшийся сегодня утром, продолжается. Мировые цены на «черное золото» эталонных марок к вечеру среды обновили очередные минимумы с февраля 2016 года. Так, майские фьючерсы на североморскую нефтяную смесь Brent рухнули на 9,57% до $25,98 за баррель. В последний раз нефть данного сорта находилась на этом...

Expect a succession of bankruptcies, so they are considering a bill for a moratorium on filing for bankruptcy.

Мишустин поручил подготовить законопроект о моратории на банкротство
Мишустин поручил подготовить законопроект о моратории на банкротство
  • 2020.03.18
  • РИА Новости
МОСКВА, 18 мар — РИА Новости. Премьер-министр России Михаил Мишустин поручил Минэкономразвития до 1 апреля подготовить законопроект о введении моратория на подачу заявлений о банкротстве, соответствующее поручение опубликовано на сайте кабмина. Кроме того, министерству поручено ускорить согласование и внесение в правительство России проекта...
Maxim Romanov:

All currencies are falling against the dollar, the Canadian dollar is very strong. Even bitcoin is falling against the dollar. Not only is the ruble in a panic, but it's the most nervous.

I think everyone is more nervous now.

Igor Sechin - Rosneft executive

Vagit Yusufovich Alekperov - Lukoil

Gref - who conducted the Sberbank stress test

and other more famous personalities


on the spot hit the ceiling,

who knows when the limits are expanded on the spot?


Yuriy Zaytsev:

I think they are the most nervous right now

Igor Sechin - the Rosneft executive

Vagit Yusufovich Alekperov - Lukoil

Gref - who did the stress test on sberbank

and other more famous personalities.

they are not nervous... they are waiting for the big exit from the quid...

they got a lot of support during the previous crisis and this time will be just like that



Yuriy Zaytsev:

like - this is probably the bottom

I don't think so. So far, panic is building up, with all that entails.
Dmitriy Skub:
I don`t think so. So far, panic is building up, with all that it implies.

Oil is a good indicator, if it goes lower, it won't bottom. If it doesn't, then we wait for it to go flat.

The coronavirus in China was slowed down in a couple of months. But they are disciplined Asians, the Orientals, unlike the totally careless Italians and the Russians, who are totally pissed off.