The Russian market, forecasts and expectations - page 4

information of march 7

promise that reductions are possible

and this is good - it means we will actively buy more - part of the plan has already been implemented

Рынок акций РФ на неделе еще снизится, но рубль скорректируется вверх
Рынок акций РФ на неделе еще снизится, но рубль скорректируется вверх
  • 2020.03.07
  • Агентство экономической информации ПРАЙМ
МОСКВА, 7 мар — ПРАЙМ. Аналитики инвестиционных компаний и банков ожидают на предстоящей "короткой" рабочей неделе нового снижения фондовых индексов РФ при слабом коррекционном росте рубля против доллара и евро, свидетельствуют данные опроса, проведенного агентством "Прайм". В соответствии с консенсус-прогнозом, составленным на основе ожиданий...
Yuriy Zaytsev:

information of march 7

they promise that there may be reductions

and this is good - it means we will actively buy more - I have already implemented part of the plan

the worse, the better :)

Путин пообещал инвесторам улучшение условий и защиту от силового давления

Moscow. March 11. INTERFAX.RU - The Russian authorities will do everything to create good working conditions for investors, including ridding them of possible pressure from administrative and law enforcement bodies, Russian President Vladimir Putin has promised.

"For our part, we will do everything we can to create conditions for your work, guarantee these investments, ensure their safety and minimize various risks, including those associated with the activities of administrative and law enforcement agencies," the president said at a meeting with investors on Wednesday.

Putin noted that the meeting participants are investing in high-tech areas. "This is extremely important, bearing in mind the strategic goals the country sets for itself in terms of putting our entire economy on an innovative track, changing the structure of our economy," he added.

Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, who took part in the meeting, said difficult times for the economy are times for investors.

"The crisis is a time, among other things, for opportunities, for efficient investors. It is a time for competent investments in high-tech areas. And today we have gathered here the heads of international investment funds who earned money developing innovative technologies, and who are ready to invest into development of such areas as artificial intelligence, biometrics, robotisation, creation of technological digital platforms," Mishustin said.

"I think it is very important to create the right conditions for investment in Russia, which are necessary for the work of venture capital funds and such investors, and to create a Russian market for investment as well," he said.

I am completely confused: which investors are we talking about, Russian or foreign? And what risks are we talking about?

p.s. Is betting on our assets or foreign ones?
Путин пообещал инвесторам улучшение условий и защиту от силового давления
Путин пообещал инвесторам улучшение условий и защиту от силового давления
  • 2020.03.11
  • Интерфакс
Москва. 11 марта. INTERFAX.RU - Власти РФ будут делать все для создания хороших условий работы инвесторов, в том числе избавлять их от возможного давления административных и правоохранительных органов, пообещал президент России Владимир Путин. "Мы со своей стороны будем делать все, чтобы создать условия для вашей работы, гарантировать эти...

Current Situation Brent, Ruble and Oil in Rubles:


Sergey Chalyshev:

I'm confused as to which investors are we talking about, Russian or foreign? And what risks are we talking about?

p.s. bet on our assets or foreign ones?

There were real investors at the meeting - those investing in real companies or in the creation of companies. Investors who are stock speculators were not the ones we were talking about.

The first ones have a lot of risks. The tax authorities, the law enforcement agencies, the long time it takes to implement a project and, accordingly, changes in loan rates and currency risks.


And yesterday.........

And today ............

Yuriy Zaytsev:

information of March 7

promise that there may be reductions

and this is good - it means we will actively buy more - already partially implemented the plan

"I think they started too early))

Михаил Шерстнёв:

And yesterday.........

And today ............

A perfect storm ))))

Sergey Chalyshev:

A perfect storm ))))

And how many billions a day minus! ))) And they don't share ((

Михаил Шерстнёв:

"I think they started very early ))

nobody knows ;-)

If it goes lower, we'll buy some more - and it looks like it will go lower still