The Russian market, forecasts and expectations - page 2

We cry that there are no foreign investors
There is some kind of indicator for the crossover between long and short US bonds. This crossover is a signal of a crisis within the next year or so. This crossover was around August 2019, it was even reported in the media. Now the crisis is probably upon us and the virus in China has just accelerated the crisis.

This confirms what I said:

"Seryozh, it's not aboutwhether oil goes down or up, it's about the fact that the statedoesn't have the money."

The key word is NO MONEY.


Real incomes are falling, people aren't buying anything, not standing, not making repairs,

no movement - stagnation of the economy, the consequence (for Russia only) is higher prices and impoverishment.

No money... strange. If you take the annual net exports and divide them by the Russian population, it turns out that each person can buy a million roubles worth of goods a month from abroad... or thereabouts. But yes, the population has no money....
Sergey Chalyshev:

There are plenty of resources on the internet with analytics.

But I am interested in the opinion of real traders, not analysts. Please share your expectations and forecasts.

Do not copy analysts' posts and insert links to them.

I am interested in traders' opinions and news + links to the news, which you consider important and on which you base your predictions.

If you have a cache, wait for the fall, try to buy shares on the reversal in the long run.


Oil - 35.72

Dollar 72.27

Here's what's going to happen


Oil - 35.72

Dollar 72.27

Think about what's going to happen.

Well, now we'll live...

Just like that, you wake up in the morning and there's another world around you...

No, no, no. Somebody's buying oil for cheap.

And I'm thinking what if OPEC completely collapses, which it already has.

I wonder what the real market value of oil is, I want to see the invisible fucking hand of the market :)

Russia should not bother, the ruble has been devalued and you can live happily ever after with the new government and $15 oil )).

Aleksey Mavrin:

No, no, no. Somebody's buying oil for cheap.

And I'm thinking what if OPEC completely collapses, which it already has.

I wonder what the real market value of oil is, I want to see the invisible fucking hand of the market :)

Russia does not bother, the ruble has been devalued and you can continue to live happily ever after with the new government and oil at $ 15 )).

It all depends on the cost of production. They won't sell oil below production cost anyway.


Rosneft says that every time it agreed to cut production, the freed market was immediately occupied by American companies pumping expensive shale oil.


I came across an interesting article on smartlab

Нефть, США&Саудиты vs Россия.
Нефть, США&Саудиты vs Россия.
С начала мая 2015 года нефтяные цены начали свое движение вниз с уровня $69 за баррель, главным источником стало ожидаемое снятие санкций с Ирана, а 16 января 2016 года произошло само снятие экономических санкций с Ирана, что неминуемо отразилось на цене нефти и в середине января 2016 года цена на Brent упала до $27, став точкой отсчета...
Aleksey Mavrin:

No, no, no. Somebody's buying oil for cheap.

acting against the crowd is usually advantageous

And I'm thinking what if OPEC completely collapses, which it already has.

I wonder what the real market value of oil is, I want to see the invisible fucking hand of the market :)

Russia does not bother, the ruble has been devalued and you can live "happily ever after" with the new government and oil at $ 15 ))

The last time something interesting happened on the back of such a fall in '91