Looking for patterns - page 121


I plan to use Chingiz_q_Makar_Project_Extremes_with_DayRange.


I'll remove the loop that slows down the download.

Uladzimir Izerski:

How where? In the picture. It's out of context.)

According to your theory, it's...

Aleksei Stepanenko:

Those peaks up after 7 did not exceed the maximum after 6. Wave 7 doesn't exist.

We've got history all in the fold.

Oooh howtwisted you've got everything twisted. You can't even trade on history with a system like that). Sorry about the smile.

Uladzimir Izerski:

Oooh, howtwisted you've gotten.

Everyone has their own cockroaches.

Actually, Uladzimir, the main thing in life is not to lose those people with whom you have the same kind of cockroaches in your head.

Aleksei Stepanenko:

Everyone has their own cockroaches

Actually, Uladzimir, the main thing in life is not to lose people with whom you have the same kind of cockroaches in your head.

That's right. And don't be offended if they point out our mistakes. I respect that.

Uladzimir Izerski:

That's right. And not to be offended if they point out our mistakes. Respect.

Well and good.

Only the seventh wave doesn't exist.

Aleksei Stepanenko:

That's fine.

Only the seventh wave doesn't exist.

I took your word for it a long time ago). I didn't get it right away. (They're waves))

Aleksei Stepanenko:

Let me tell you about the internals of the indicator.

The indicator has two arrays LocalExtremes and GlobalExtremes. Each element of them stores information about one trend. For a local fast trend and a global long-term trend respectively. There are more local trends than global trends. A global trend may consist of several local trends. In an array the trends alternate each other in direction. The time and price of the end of one trend is the beginning of the other.

In the zero element Extrmes[0], there is the oldest trend from 1905 :) In the last element Extremes[Finish] lies the latest trend, maybe even the current trend.

We register a trend when the price has travelled a certain distance. Yes, it is later than the start date of the trend, but there is no other way, the future is unknown. When registering, we create a new array element and enter the current data. And the previous array contains the actual end date of the previous trend. That is, all information in the array is accurate. When an extremum is updated, data in the last element will also be updated.

To my shame, I could not understand the meaning of parameters of the regular ZigZag indicator, when I tried to construct the most common extremums of the rate. Ordinary in the sense of "the rate value to the left and right of which there are segments of time where the rate value is less than (more than) that". According to fxsaber https://www.mql5.com/ru/forum/333746/page9#comment_15215837, it seems that "only one function can detect them - the ZigZag with a zero min knee". Since you have figured out how the indicator works, could you say:

1. is this true

2. Can I use the ZigZag algorithm to turn an initial series of O-H-L-C rates of one timeframe into O-E1-E2-C series, in which the order of H and L events is already known? Suppose without O and C, only E1-E2?

Both questions apply to the regular ZigZag and your Chingiz & Makar Project Extremes with DayRange 1.0 indicator.

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Некоторые признаки правильных ТС
  • 2020.03.01
  • www.mql5.com
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To my shame, I could not understand the meaning of parameters of the standard ZigZag indicator

Vladimir, I'm ashamed too, I don't know. Why make three parameters when you could do with one: minimum distance? OK, two: distance and time. I didn't bother with that, and use mine. (Or rather, I once understood a bit of the meaning, but have now completely forgotten it). In its essence the Genghis indicator is a single parameter ZigZag.

What you were discussing in that thread. If there is a price series, you can run the indicator on it and it will show extrema. If we take an inverse quotation of 1/EURUSD, the chart will invert relative to one and the values that were greater than one will be squeezed the more the values were. The opposite is true for values below one. For example, if it was 5, it has become 0.2, but 50 will become 0.02. And the difference between 5 and 50 is not the same as 0.2 and 0.02.

Now, if the indicator input parameter is not reversed together with the quote, the indicator will start working with the values that have become disproportionate to this input parameter. And it will not be able to find old extrema inverted. All the more so if the price is multiplied by 100.

If you multiply by 100 (100/EURUSD), the chart will stretch vertically and between the two old extrema you will find other extrema that were shallow but will now become larger.

To ensure that the indicator finds all those extrema in an inverted form, we need to perform with the input parameter of the indicator all the same conversions as we did with the price. In this case, yes. But the meaning of such transformations disappears, for the indicator with a new input parameter everything remains the same, only "through the mirror". The graph relative to the new input parameter is not changed.

All this is true provided that the input parameter is a distance and not a time interval. If the parameter is a time interval, the indicator will work adequately on the inverted and stretched along the "vertical" quotes without changing this parameter. But this depends on the logic of the indicator. Yes, such logic can be done.

That is, if we change the chart relative to the price scale, the price input parameters "float", if we change them relative to the time scale, the time parameters "float".

The meaning of this research is not clear. If we have a strategy that has been breaking even for years, then we can ask what will happen if we break the chart. But so far there is no such strategy, it would be a pity to waste time on the second step without the first one. Don't you?

Regarding the second question, I do not understand what is E1, E2. You need to know what was during the candle? Something like this:

Aleksei Stepanenko:

On the second question, I don't understand what E1, E2 are. Do you need to know what was at the time of the candle? Sort of like this:

Yes. I have long disliked the fact that the OHLC format hides who was earlier, H or L. The trend marks alternate along with the HLHLHLHLHL alternate. I read somewhere that the ZigZag algorithm includes a continuous identification of all extrema, starting from the largest over the entire period, to smaller ones. So I thought it could be used to analyze old archives where there are only OHLC planes and make a sequence of E1E2E3E4 extrema from them... In other words, to recover the sequence of extrema hidden in OHLC. It does not take more space, but gives more information. That is, I find OE1E2C more informative than OHLC.