Looking for patterns - page 116

Aleksei Stepanenko:

Uladzimir, can you describe the trend and its waves? Can you describe it accurately? And I will write mine tonight. And everyone can do it too. Then we will try to come to a common denominator.

I have a classic understanding of trends. No fancy stuff.

Here's a picture. An alternation of impulse and corrective waves. The tops do not go beyond the previous tops and the troughs do not go beyond the previous troughs. There is nothing else to know.

As soon as such a pattern emerges, enter the market on the trend. Even our grandfathers knew that)).

In case anyone doesn't understand?

I had to draw a picture. Maybe it gets better visually. I don't know.


But I don't have to tell you the algorithm, how I determine the trend. Sorry.

Uladzimir Izerski:

Our grandfathers laid down the rules.) I follow them. Shall I show you? I'm ashamed to show you the basics of trading.

There were many grandfathers, and not all of them had the same rules.

Uladzimir Izerski:

Shall I show you? I'm ashamed to rub your nose in the basics of trading.

Of course you do. I am not ashamed.

Can you, without water, answer what a trend is?
And where is your monitoring?

There's enough water and mud here without me. Maybe I even drew the trend for you).

I don't need monitoring. And if that's what you want, I'll run it tomorrow. Just say the word. Yes. )))

Uladzimir Izerski:

There's enough water and mud here without me. Maybe I even drew the trend for you).

I don't need monitoring. And if that's what you want, I'll run it tomorrow. Just say the word. Yes. )))

With that "definition" of a trend, any monitoring you do is doomed, don't bother

There were many grandfathers and not all grandfathers had the same rules.

Of course you do. I'm not ashamed.

Some grandfathers taught their grandchildren how to smoke and others how to make money. What kind of grandfather were you?

Already showed a picture.

Ahhh, it's a holiday. Not everyone's eyesight is good))

Take a look tomorrow.

With that "definition" of a trend, any monitoring you do is doomed, don't bother.

What's with the unsubstantiated statement? Not accepted!!!

Give me the facts. Don't make a big deal out of it in clean water.

Even embarrassed to say YES. ))))

Uladzimir Izerski:

And so are you.

The question was not asked for nothing.)

The question is about formalisation and its implementation.

You failed the exam, gentlemen.) I'm sorry.

The formalization has long been known. Each consecutive maximum is higher than the previous one and each subsequent minimum is higher than the previous one (for an up trend) and vice versa for a down trend. This definition is the same for a pipser as well as for a medium-term trend. The only difference is that in case of pipsing, for defining these maxima and minima, a zigzag with the threshold of, say, 5 points will be used, while the medium-term strategy will determine it by 100 points. Thus, it turns out that there is a trend for one person and not for the other. Although the formula for determining the trend is the same.

Uladzimir Izerski:

Even embarrassed to say YES. ))))

Yeah you bring back the last one and put it on the plus side. Then words will be worth something.

No offence, okay? )))

Uladzimir Izerski:

What's with the unsubstantiated statement? Not accepted!!!

Give me the facts. Don't make a big deal out of this.

Even embarrassed to say YES. ))))

It's not the first year I've seen your opuses simply. Everything has merged repeatedly
Evgeniy Chumakov:

You bring the last one back and put it on the plus side. Then the words will be worth something.

No offence, okay? )))

There was a seed for Baskakov.) Strongly wanted to watch))). The score wasn't draining. I assure you. There was a real-life test of certain buttons, signals and other crap. Probably shouldn't have removed it.

Now I'm interested in going short. I've prepared the TS for this case. We will monitor it together.

I will start with real account on Monday, without any subscription to this TS. If you are interested, please watch. I'm not ready to support him all the time, it's a burden for me to watch him all the time.