Sunset programming? - page 14


AI/IMO as a replacement for programmers is another nonsense designed for housewives and journalists, there is nothing to discuss, like physicists will not discuss the fact that "the Earth will fly on the celestial axis", nonsense, that's all. Of course no one will argue that MoD has automated some tasks that were solved by custom, but these are only statistical tasks, which are not so many, for a long time AI will not make competitive trading terminals and messengers, who knows how long, our grandchildren will definitely not see it, so we do not have to worry.

I think that AI cannot exist, and MO is easily compared to a game of chess, where the real participant with his moves leads to a loss., in the market the rate will lead the balance behind itself 50/50 without commission and spreads and other interventions, in the rest exactly downwards.


There are visualizers for building TC in Market, try to make something good out of these cubes there), the same way you will build a network, "as part of the project", it's easier to do it yourself

Peter just has a sick imagination, nothing to occupy his head with).

as you said above - his enthusiasm and knowledge could have been better used, namely in the search for a profitable TS

I read and wondered - 14 pages of rubbish! And everyone has time to write something on the subject (Although, I'm good too)
Andrei Novichkov:
I read it and was amazed - 14 pages of rubbish! And all have time to write something on the subject (Although, I am good too)

14 pages)

for 8 years the tractor has been started here by one professor in a branch.

I had a break in MQL, but for the last 3 years have seen this tractor start every ng. 2 weeks and restart after a year)

i wonder if the author has signed every screenshot.

recently there was a launch, let's see what happens this year, it promises something fantastic,

last year I can't remember how many dozens of times more with no moose, the fiasco almost immediately.

this year we should not laugh, but cry.


14 pages)

8 years of tractor starts here by one professor in a branch.

I had a break in MQL, but for the last 3 years have seen this tractor start every ng. 2 weeks and restart after a year)

i wonder if the author has signed every screenshot.

recently there was a launch, let's see what happens this year, it promises something fantastic,

last year I can't remember how many dozens of times more with no moose, the fiasco almost immediately.

this year we should not laugh, but cry.

I can't keep up with everything that's written here. Sometimes you might be able to reply, but when you think you're about to jump in and have to write back, boohoo. I won't. Unfortunate our moderators have to read and digest it all - horror. They should be given cognac. Or milk. If you like, in short )
Andrei Novichkov:
I'm unable to keep up with everything that's written here. Sometimes you can reply, but when you think you're about to jump in and have to reply, boohoo. I won't. Unfortunate our moderators have to read and digest it all - horror. They should be given cognac. Or milk. If you like, in short )

2 robots, Peter K, from the future sent 3,

the 3rd immediately fell apart and Peter came up with the AI.


he figured that out six months ago.

There's a new craze here - Artificial Intelligence.

there's still time until 2029, who knows this real Skynet developer.

It will be invented by the Chinese - they are very close to it. Find a fraudster in two days who was searched for 5 years and facial recognition software did it. China is about to have a technological revolution in terms of people's self-awareness, through restrictive measures they educate the Chinese not to break the law, and encourage society to develop by encouraging, and restricting. The stick, and carrot in action. In ten years' time it will be impossible to commit crimes in China.


It will be invented by the Chinese - they are very close to it. Find a fraudster in two days who was searched for 5 years and facial recognition software did it. China is about to have a technological revolution in terms of people's self-awareness, through restrictive measures they educate the Chinese not to break the law, and encourage society to develop by encouraging, and restricting. The stick, and carrot in action. In ten years, it will be impossible to commit crimes in China.

Let them look, the cities I am interested in in China, there is not and will not be soon.

I'm planning to move to Harbin, there are many Russians there, there is no such system, and even if there is, it's for the best.

Let them look, the cities I am interested in in China are not and will not be soon.

I am planning to move to Harbin, there are a lot of Russians there, there is no such system, and even if there is, it's for the best.

Many go to China to work, the Chinese themselves are very sociable and friendly people, unlike the Koreans and Japanese. The chinese are simpler, more reminiscent of our mentality.


Yes, many people go to china to work, the chinese themselves are very sociable and friendly people, unlike the Koreans and the Japanese. The chinese are simpler, more reminiscent of our mentality.

They all left a long time ago, the exchange rate is high, only the biggest exporters of manufactured goods are left).

The exchange rate is low now of course, china is a country like that, they take out everything they make and refund vat if they export goods, but you can not put a lot of exporters' money into one person

Just about everyone left a long time ago, the exchange rate is high, only the biggest exporters of muffins and stuff are left)

the exchange rate is low now of course china is a country like that, they export everything they make and VAT refund if the goods are for export, but you can not put a lot of exporters money on one person

i hope when i want to introduce this system, i won't get banned by the automated shitbot

I will warn the administration