Sunset programming? - page 13

Igor Makanu:

They haven't been paid for a long time, for at least five years.

And the men didn't know... They worked for nothing. (

And TC is right about a lot of things. Well, really, anything can be represented as a set of bricks. If, of course, we are talking about IT. There are only two of these bricks, they can be easily named 0 (pronounced as "zero", for those who don't know) and 1 ("one", for them). These are the same bricks that TC can easily build its own Visual Studio and design with them for the sake of universal happiness, equality and fraternity.
Andrei Novichkov:
But TC is right in many respects. Well, really, anything can be presented as a set of bricks. If, of course, we are talking about IT. These only two bricks, they can be easily named 0 (pronounced like "zero" for those who don't know) and 1 ("one" for them). These are the same bricks that TC can easily build its own Visual Studio and design with them for the sake of universal happiness, equality and fraternity.

There are visualizers for building TC in the Market, try to make something good out of these cubes there), the same way you will build a network, "as part of the project", it's easier to do it yourself

peter just has a sick imagination, nothing to occupy his head with).

as you said above - his enthusiasm and knowledge could have been better used, namely in the search for a profitable TS

you can create all sorts of functions and throw them into optimisation for all characters, optimisation will take hundreds of years.
Реter Konow:

Yes. But first, I will describe the simplest GUI mechanisms, which I know like the back of my hand. I will imagine how it looks like at the level of parameters and links, and then I will try to describe the system visually.

Mr. Peter, you have got enough utilitarian experience, but unfortunately, not in that context, in general GUI is a very important element of software, but in different types of applications this importance is different. And in algorithmic trading GUI is on the last place, so you have to learn something general purpose (QT, JavaFX, WPF...) and make for example a GUI fortrading terminals or something else and it will be very popular (if you can compete with the best), and alas in algorithmic trading nobody is interested in it, especially you make TOOLS for developers.

In algotrading, all that matters is "alpha", the ability of algorithms to look for patterns in data and trade them.

There are visualizers for building TC in Market, try to make something good out of these cubes there), the same way you will build a network, "as part of the project", it's easier to do it yourself

Peter just has a sick imagination, nothing to occupy his head with).

as you said above - he could have used his enthusiasm and knowledge better, namely in the search for a profitable TS

I think that Andrey was being sarcastic, because it turns out that programming is replaced by... programming)


Peter, you've gained quite a bit of utilitarian experience, but not in the same context. Peter, you have gained rather utilitarian experience, but alas not in that context, in general GUI is a very important element of software, but in different types of applications, this importance is different. And in algorithmic trading GUI is on the last place, so you have to learn something general purpose (QT, JavaFX, WPF...) and make a GUI for trading terminals or something else, and it will be very popular (if you can compete with the best), and alas in algorithmic trading nobody is interested in it, especially you make TOOLS for developers.

he figured that out half a year ago.

there's a new craze - Artificial Intelligence

there is still time till 2029, who knows this real Skynet developer.


Due to the fact that the majority do not understand the topic under discussion, and the minority do not say anything on it, I'll stop the topic. In just 24 hours, I've made a huge leap in my understanding of different options for representing Objects in programming. This too, thanks to the discussion. So, personally for me - the topic has paid off in multiple ways. I hope for others too. If not, well, it is impossible to explain everything to everybody)).

Good luck.

ZS. Once again, many thanks to those who understood the topic and adequately participated in it. You really helped me.

Реter Konow:

Due to the fact that the majority do not understand the topic under discussion, and the minority do not say anything on it, I'll stop the topic. In just 24 hours, I've made a huge leap in my understanding of different options for representing Objects in programming. This too, thanks to the discussion. So, personally for me - the topic has paid off in multiple ways. I hope for others too. If not, well, it is impossible to explain everything to everybody)).

Good luck.

Wait till someone finds the hand of a cyborg.


he figured that out six months ago.

There's a new craze here - Artificial Intelligence.

there is still time until 2029, who knows this real Skynet developer.

AIIMO as a replacement for programmers is just nonsense for housewives and journalists, there is nothing to discuss, like physicists will not discuss the fact that "the Earth will collide with the heavenly axis", nonsense, that's all. Of course no one will argue that MoD has automated some tasks that were solved by custom, but these are only statistical tasks, which are not so many, for a long time AI will not make competitive trading terminals and messengers, I don't know how long, our grandchildren will not see it, so don't worry.