On the unequal probability of a price move up or down - page 17


I am interested to argue with you, having a description of the system - you seem to have described everything for observation... I will look further. In the meantime - why will the correlation persist in the future plot?

Thank you for your interest. Why the correlation between the additional curves EDq and PDq will remain, and not just the correlation, but also the ratio of increments, that is volatilities - because of the power of my intellect, which has arranged them so) and already looking at them, and based on them, it's easy to understand what to buy and what to sell. I didn't promise any know-how, I only promised to repeat the trick in real time, so no one would think, that the previous time was an accidental one )
Power... that's good... Well, I'll be watching... Well and opp...
Thank you for your interest. Why the correlation between the additional curves EDq and PDq will persist, and not just the correlation, but also the ratio of increments, that is volatilities - because of the power of my intellect, which arranged them so) and already looking at them, and based on them, it is not difficult to understand what to buy and what to sell. I didn't promise any know-how, I only promised to repeat the trick in real time, so no one would think, that the previous time was an accidental one )


Come up with a new currency to quote Corn/Sugar.

Get a 24-hour count of something.

Get a forecast.

It is desirable to post a couple of screenshots (if lucky) of successful trades.

Stretch the thread on over 1000 pages.


Who does not succeed -because of the power ofMikhael1983intellect.



Come up with a new currency to quote Corn/Sugar.

Get a 24-hour count of something.

Get a forecast.

It is desirable to post a couple of screenshots (if lucky) of successful trades.

Stretch the thread on over 1000 pages.


Who does not succeed -because of the power ofMikhael1983intellect.

Well, more interesting than a tractor, that's good.
Vladimir Baskakov:
Well, more interesting than a tractor, that's good.

Yeah. And judging by the signal, I'd say the demo's pretty good.


The deal is firmly in the plus side, and is gaining the value of that plus side. Waiting.


Closing the deal. A profit of $140.

We could have waited a little longer, but it's bedtime.


Honestly, not 140, but 315 ... even though I closed two out of three pairs earlier than I should have... out of a desire to get away from the computer already.

ok, time for bed.

Those who wish may leave wishes to watch the trick in real time for a third time. (Otherwise, you might get lucky two times... )
Those who wish may leave wishes to see the trick in real time for the third time. Otherwise you might get lucky twice... )

May I ask why the tricks are shown? To get more subscribers to the signal (like advertising) or is there another reason?