Reasoning: How do you become a millionaire? Or .... - page 7

I know the only way to become a millionaire is to spend my billions.
Edgar Akhmadeev:
I know the only way to become a millionaire is to spend my billions.

Let us be optimistic. Let's leave regression to the billionaires. That is their fate.

Uladzimir Izerski:

Well, dear traders, let's take the next step.

Many have realised that the market is promising at first glance, but is actually slippery as an eel).

How to curb it?

Let's take it step by step and discuss it. It's simple and very easy.

The first thing to decide?

What market shall we choose?

For example, let's start with the currency market. This is the most liquid market.


Do you have any objections?

Yes, have a drink...

you already started something like this last year and it ended sadly.

Maxim Kuznetsov:

eat, drink...

You already started something like this last year, and it ended sadly.

The topic is not how to drink the million, but how to earn it. Your post doesn't count as a topic. Sorry)).

Uladzimir Izerski:

The topic is not about how to drink away a million, but how to earn it. Your post doesn't count towards the topic. I'm sorry.)

If you wanted to say something, you should have said what you wanted to say, not "I'm about to say, listen to me, buy elephants".

have a drink, don't hold back, it's better than nothing


I will not respond to the emotions of offended forumers. They can piss all they want.

I have some free time and we'll start from the first steps up)

1. The first step is to identify the trend.

The first step, I'm just sure no one is paying attention and doesn't know how to approach it.

This is an important step.

From here, let's go further. God has many days. We can debate.

Uladzimir Izerski:


How do you become a millionaire? Or a billionaire at will.

Who doesn't want to be one, read in silence).

Words are gold. Don't throw them around in vain.

Concise and clear. Want it or don't want it. Justify it.

Be extraordinary at what you're best at. That is:

  1. To have a bright talent from Nature.
  2. To develop it by hard work as much as possible.
  3. Be extraordinary and give the World something new.
  4. The world will thank you by making you a millionaire (or billionaire).
This is a classic scenario. I won't write the rest - it's trite or vulgar.

Реter Konow:

To be extraordinary at what you are best at, that is:

  1. Have a bright talent from Nature.
  2. To develop it by hard work as much as possible.
  3. Become completely unconventional and give something new to the world.
  4. The world will thank you by making you a millionaire (or billionaire).
This is a classic scenario. I won't write the rest - it's banal and trite.

You see.

There's a hiddenness of talent in society.

Some may not notice such a fact and may not imagine that they exist. Others realize it, look for it and find it.

You are a talent and you don't need others. I am not a talent. I am a talent seeker.

That's where you and I differ.)

Uladzimir Izerski:

You see.

There is a lurking of talent in society.

Some may not notice such a fact and may not imagine that they exist. Others realise this, seek it out and find it.

You are a talent and you don't need others. I am not a talent. I am a talent seeker.

That's where you and I differ.)

The capitalist world is an endless struggle for royalties. The mediocrities find their ways - cunning, meanness, and sometimes a decent pragmatism to compensate for the lack of genius. We are all involved in an endless game of wits and ability, and the market, God and fortune decide who gets a chance.)
Реter Konow:
The capitalist world is an endless battle of talent for royalties. The mediocrities find their own ways - subtlety, meanness, and sometimes decent pragmatism which compensates for the lack of genius. We are all involved in an endless game of wits and ability, and the market, God and fortune decide who gets a chance.)

You are an interesting conversationalist. Honestly.

The world is a different place than it was 50 years ago.

The speed of society is accelerating according to the snail's pace formula.

Everything new is created only collectively.

And there are few people here on this forum who understand this.