ZigZags, waves, trends. - page 40

Uladzimir Izerski:

The percentage of the nearest smaller wave from the larger one will show less than 100%, otherwise greater than 100%.

2. Yes it is a gradation of wave strength. 1 to 4are orange and over 5 to 9 are blue.

The strength is distributed accordingly from 5 ki. Downwards the strength of the drop increases and upwards the strength increases. Peaks at 1 and 9.

The percentage of the impulse/wave correction from the previous wave from 1 to 9 is apparently not really a percentage. If 1 and 9 are peaks/extremes then 2 to 4 are predictions of a down wave and 5 to 8 are predictions of an up wave. Right?
Valeriy Yastremskiy:
The percentage of impulse/wave correction from the previous wave from 1 to 9 is apparently not really a percentage. If 1 and 9 are peaks / extremums, then 2 to 4 are predictions of a downward wave and 5 to 8 are predictions of an upward wave. Right?

Each wave has its own name e.g. the first (right counting) N1-V1 is a rising wave can take values from 6 to 9.

The name can be used N1-V1 or even simpler and clearer 6, 7, 8 or 9. This number contains the name and the strength of the wave. It's all in one digit Greater than 5k are rising and less than 5k are falling. These are 4,3,2,1 in rank.

Waves can combine with each other in different combinations. Even impulsive after impulsive or correctiveafter corrective. But this does not play any role on the names of the waves. They are constant after the first wave. Only the first wave has a little uncertainty.

In the case of the wave indicator, I have not derived a percentage. I don't understand the question.

So yes, I have the ratio of the passage of the first wave to the passage of the second wave calculated as a percentage. Wave counting is always from right to left.

Uladzimir Izerski:

And ask questions. They will be useful to everyone. In terms of discussion.

Well and a final question; have you tested this indicator by applying N/V "points" as buy/sell signals? What are the results?

Uladzimir Izerski:

Each wave has its own name e.g. the first (right counting) N1-V1 is a rising wave can take values from 6 to 9.

The name can be used N1-V1 or even simpler and clearer 6, 7, 8 or 9. This number contains the name and strength of the wave. It's all in one digit Greater than 5k are rising and less than 5k are falling. These are 4,3,2,1 in rank.

Waves can combine with each other in different combinations. Even impulsive after impulsive or correctiveafter corrective. But this does not play any role on the names of the waves. They are constant after the first wave. Only the first wave has a little uncertainty.

In the case of the wave indicator, I have not derived a percentage. I don't understand the question.

So yes, I have the ratio of the passage of the first wave to the passage of the second wave calculated as a percentage. Wave counting is always from right to left.

Yes, didn't notice the change from bottom up, top down. 1 and 9 are peaks, after they form. They don't redraw as I understand it. 2-4 and 6-8 can change values before the peak. 5 is a correction?
Yeah, the difficulty with this algorithm is the secrecy, how to discuss what you don't know)
Valeriy Yastremskiy:
Yes, didn't notice the change of bottom up, top down. 1 and 9 are peaks, after they form. They don't redraw as I understand it. 2-4 and 6-8 can change values before the peak. 5 is a correction?

That's right. Only the 5 ka is nota correction but a transitional pattern.

Therecan only be a correctivewave if the current wave is shorter than the previous one.

An impulse wave will always be longer than the previous one.


And a final question; have you tested this indicator using N/V "points" as buy/sell signals? What are the results?

I developed this system over 5 years ago. I had time to test it all.

I'm not ready to put up a ready solution. It is not in my interest.

I am ready to introduce you to new trends in technical analysis.

There are oooo many interesting things based on it. I warn you in advance. One indicator does not give you anything. It is just one detail in a complex mechanism. But it's very important.

Therefore, I will open the secret for everyone and have even put the indicator here to confirm it.

Uladzimir Izerski:

This system was developed by me over five years ago. There was time to test everything.

I am not prepared to put up a ready-made solution. It is not in my interest.

I am ready to introduce you to new trends in technical analysis.

There are oooo many interesting things based on it. I warn you in advance. One indicator does not give you anything. It is just one detail in a complex mechanism. But it's very important.

Therefore, I will open the secret for everyone and have even put the indicator here to confirm it.

Did you drain it to cover your tracks?
Yeah, the difficulty of this algorithm is the secrecy, how to discuss what you don't know)

There's no big secret. I've already told you everything. Now I have to repeat it.

The first wave is named-characterized from 1 to 9 by the combination of previous waves. Each subsequent wave will also depend on the subsequent combination of waves.

As a result, I obtain a set of labeled waves that form a characteristic pattern, but with more variations than 9. A characteristic recognizable pattern is formed, like words in a text.

Knowing the pattern, one can see further price behaviour.

This rule is valid for any financial instruments at any time section of the chart.

Uladzimir Izerski:

That's right. Only the 5 ka is nota correction but a transitional pattern.

Therecan only be a correctivewave if the current wave is shorter than the previous one.

An impulse wave will always be longer than the previous one.

By the last decision it is difficult to understand the logic, how n1-v1 and v1-n1 are considered

And if it is 1 or 9 is it a trend change or continuation?

And how are the corrections graded 2-4 and 6-8, by order or by relative magnitude?

And what if the trend knees are more than 9 according to the algorithm.