ZigZags, waves, trends. - page 21

Uladzimir Izerski:

If we look at a digital clock, we see numbers built from sticks connected in certain combinations and easily readable as numbers.

A cool analogy! And the "guess" is also similar to the "dancing men" story, how many people were staring at them, only it occurred to Sherlock to start figuring out little by little what it means.


Who can tell me which settings are best suited to the zigzag?

- I'm trying these (34,21,13), it seems to draw nicely

XAUUSDDaily zig


... application

Well, I noticed - that if you break the bundles into 2 parts - above and below the horizontal - and draw Average - the price is approximately on such zigzags and walks

Like this :)))

My system smoothes out all these nuances.

You only need to know the value of the first wave 1 to 9 (four is even better), and then the channel will show the direction. You do not even need to guess.

The chart model conditionally "controls the market".

Here is a complex pattern for this price range in the window. The pattern 8393 says that the trend in this range is correcting upwards. The first wave is outlined and has a value of 3 it is a corrective wave. In most cases in the market it will not go lower than the N2 point.

If you look at the TF below, the picture will repeat itself.


It is not clear to many people at first sight. But it is like reading figures from electronic media.

Each wave carries one meaning it is like a letter in a word. Letters make up a word. We read the words. And in this way we read a graph.

If the word is not complete, we can make it up. It is the same in reading charts. We can see the future word.

Valeriy Yastremskiy:

What it means to get involved.

To the discussion.


Vladimir, what do you have as a "stick", i.e. what is the basic element?

A wand is a wave or a ZZ knee.

Uladzimir Izerski:

All these nuances are smoothed out by my system.

You just need to know the value assigned to the first wave from 1 to 9 (even better four;), and then the channel will show the direction. You do not even need to guess.

The chart model conditionally "controls the market".

Here is a complex pattern for this price range in the window. The pattern 8393 says that the trend in this range is correcting upwards. The first wave is outlined and has a value of 3 it is a corrective wave. In most cases in the market it will not go lower than the N2 point.

If you look at the TF below, the picture will repeat itself.

It is not clear to many people at first sight. But it is like reading figures from electronic media.

Each wave carries one meaning it is like a letter in a word. Letters make up a word. We read the words. And in this way we read a graph.

If the word is not complete, we can make it up. It is the same in reading charts. We can see the future word.

Only statistics will tell you - if you could show how many times the patterns were confirmed over 5 years it would be more interesting to look at the results (I don't think you can tell the difference from 50/50 :)))


Only statistics will tell you - showing how many times the patterns have been confirmed over 5 years would be more interesting (I don't think you can tell the difference from 50/50 :)))

For myself there is no need to confirm, and for others I have no idea what to prove.

I don't want to impose anything on anyone. Don't just hang labels on me even implicitly.

Who is interested in the topic, we will talk. There is no such topic on the Internet. You can be the first on the subject.

If I'm not interested, I'll shut up, so as not to tease the hotheads.

Uladzimir Izerski:

For myself, there is no need to prove, and for others I had no idea what to prove.

I don't want to impose anything on anyone. Don't just hang labels on me, even implied ones.

Who is interested in the topic, we will talk. There is no such topic on the Internet. You can be the first on the subject.

If I'm not interested, I'll shut up, so as not to tease the hotheads.

Good idea Volodya, for waves on the sea, in Forex only numbers
Uladzimir Izerski:

Whoever is interested in the subject, we will talk. There is no such topic on the Internet. You can be the first on the subject.

If I'm not interested, I'll shut up so as not to tease the hotheads.

Yes, of course you are, talk and write.


Yes interesting of course, speak up, write.

In today's markets there are big players and plankton in play. But each of them is divided into two groups of bulls and bears.

Each top and bottom is a buying or selling place of one of the groups. When thebig players fromthe bulls andthe bulls from the plankton group coincide, the price movement is resonant. For sales, it is the same.

So with my method it is possible to find such places. You just have to spell out the chart.

I know that there are many people skilled in programming who can promote my idea on a programmatic level. There's a lot of room for innovation out there.

Baskakov doesn't count)) He wants to, but he can't)))

Uladzimir Izerski:

In today's markets, the big players and the plankton are in play. But they are also each divided into two groups of bulls and bears.

Each top and bottom are buying and selling points for one of the groups. When thebig players fromthe bulls andthe bulls from the plankton group coincide, the price movement is resonant. For sales, it is the same.

So with my method it is possible to find such places. You just have to spell out the chart.

I know that there are many people skilled in programming who can promote my idea on a programmatic level. There's a lot of room for innovation out there.

Baskakov doesn't count)) He wants to, but can not))).

But at the same time, for example on the stock exchange, there is a third party - the market makers, who trade big and small and in both directions at once.

How does your system take this into account?