Quantum analysis Duca - page 68

Nikolai Semko:

To me, it's a controlled skid. It's controlled stupidity. It's a complete calm inside me.
I don't want to pass ignorance today. But tomorrow I probably will.

How's your progress on Castaneda?

Nikolai Semko:

Hypocrite, all this alleged "righteous anger" of yours is again a lie, a screen with which you try to cover up your vindictiveness.

You've been nurturing your revenge for six months. Hatching it. Savoring it.

In that situation, too, you attacked a man in a pack. Your pack needs a victim at all costs. Yusuf's doing his job, but no, you want to prove to the pack that you're a big deal too.

Since you have no knowledge on the matter, you have nothing to say on any of my points, and you kept silent. But you did hold a grudge and a vengeance. And now you've burst out - it's a very appropriate screen, as it seemed to you.

Here's your "creation."

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Sultonov's system indicator

Nikolai Semko, 2019.05.05 08:20

Yusuf, there is no need to make things up. I didn't make any recommendations or prophesy anything.

All I tried to do was to save your time so that you would not waste it on useless bullshit. And also, so that you don't waste others' time with that crap.

I had almost no doubt you'd get caught up in the lack of a loose dick. And you didn't understand that it was you who was being mocked by Fedoseyev )))

But, admittedly, I was hoping that you were more reasonable than you seem and understood that an SLAU with and without a free member is essentially the same thing - the same eggs, but in profile. And a free member will not add order to this chaos.

Consider this.
Here's a simple SLAU as an example:

x0 = a1*x1 + a2*x2 + a3*x3

x1 = a1*x2 + a2*x3 + a3*x4 

x2 = a1*x3 + a2*x4 + a3*x5

But with a free term.

x0 = a0 + a1*x1 + a2*x2 + a3*x3

x1 = a0 + a1*x2 + a2*x3 + a3*x4 

x2 = a0 + a1*x3 + a2*x4 + a3*x5

...after adding up the three equations...

we get it:

a0 = S0 - a1*S1 - a2*S2 - a3*S3

где S0..S3     - среднее арифметическое столбцов матрицы
S0 = (x0+x1+x2)/3
S1 = (x1+x2+x3)/3
S2 = (x2+x3+x4)/3
S3 = (x3+x4+x5)/3

after substitution we again get an SLAU without a free term.

∆x0 = a1*∆x1 + a2*∆x2 + a3*∆x3

∆x1 = a1*∆x2 + a2*∆x3 + a3*∆x4 

∆x2 = a1*∆x3 + a2*∆x4 + a3*∆x5

где ∆x0..∆x5  - дельта (приращение) цены к среднему арифметическому текущего столбца.

где ∆x0 = x0-S0 = x0-(x0+x1+x2)/3 и т.д.

I.e. if in the first case was an SLAU of cents, in the case of SLAU with a free term a0 will be transformed into a simple SLAU of increments.

7th grade maths.

So what difference does it make!

If an attempt to use SLAU for price analysis and prediction is just stupid, then the input of the free term a0 is stupidity squared.

And no matter how you call this nonsense high-sounding ("Let's compensate our digression by introducing the concept C0 - accounting of pressure of historical data on the price at the beginning of analysis, assuming that the market has a memory. ") - stupidity will still be stupidity.

Moreover, my indicator is very easy to remake for your SLAU with a free term A0. You only need to add a few lines of code without changing the main function SLAU()

There will be the same white noise and the same yield as in the prediction of price movement using a coin.

But I won't be lazy. I'll spend another 30 minutes and do it.

Here's my response to your "creation":

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Sultonov's System Indicator

Oleg avtomat, 2019.05.05 09:16

Overall -- nonsense.

Point by point:

1) this silliness does not come from great intelligence, but from lack of knowledge and understanding;

2) lack of understanding of the role of the free member leads to statements like this : "that SLAU with a free term and without it are essentially the same";

3) to solve the problem it is not necessary to do: "after adding three equations";

4) this is one more indirect confirmation of elimination of trend component on increments: "after substitution we again obtain SLAE without a free term";

5) for solution of optimization problems "7th grade mathematics" is obviously not enough, so one should broaden one's horizons;

6) exclamations "stupidity","stupidity squared" and other variations with "stupidity" - this is from lack of knowledge and understanding (see item 1);

7) instead of changing the indicator from the problem of solving a system of linear algebraic equations, you should make another indicator with the solution of optimization problem, and then compare their readings, and as a result see and understand how different their readings will be, i.e. solutions and problem statements.

So much for your hypocritical "righteousness".

And you still don't know the subject matter.

I'll stop talking to you, because it's disgusting.

So that indicator is dead, Nicholas was right. Time has shown
Олег avtomat:

Hypocrite, all this alleged "righteous anger" of yours is again a lie, a screen with which you try to cover up your vindictiveness.

You've been nurturing your revenge for six months. Hatching it. You've been savoring it.

In that situation, too, you attacked a man in a pack. Your pack needs a victim at all costs. Yusuf's doing his job, but no, you want to prove to the pack that you're a big deal too.

Since you have no knowledge on the matter, you have nothing to say on any of my points, and you kept silent. But you did hold a grudge and a vengeance. And now you've burst out - it's a very appropriate screen, as it seemed to you.

Here's your "creation."

Here's my response to your "creation."

There's your hypocritical "righteousness."

You don't know the subject and you don't know it.

I'll stop talking to you, because it's disgusting.

Don't flatter yourself. What revenge. What are you talking about? Cool your fevered imagination. I know you've got high self-esteem, but I'm sorry, I just think of you as something that's always yapping inappropriately at passing trucks.
I read your post at the time and didn't even understand it. And neither did anyone else but you. Seven points of ridiculousness. As always, you tried to spit out something clever, but all you got was another batch of pus.

Then I posted the code with a free dick, just like Yusuf did, but you can't read the code and I don't think you even ran it.
His whole branch was aimed at scamming programmers for free labor. And I did exactly what he asked for and even more than he could even dream of. I saw right away that there were no fish there almost at the beginning and I talked about it (https://www.mql5.com/ru/forum/307935/page27#comment_11112813).

A pity for wasted time, although, however, I have implemented some useful things for myself and others in demonstrating the indicator on my iCanvas, which cannot be done in the classic way.

SZZ buddy Tobias, you can talk bad stuff to me all you want but I take the bad stuff from you as a compliment from a good person because a minus from a minus is a plus. Keep making me feel good.

Олег avtomat:

Hypocrite, all this alleged "righteous anger" of yours is again a lie, a screen with which you try to cover up your vindictiveness.

You've been nurturing your revenge for six months. Hatching it. Savoring it.

I read it from the outside and I get the impression that it's the other way round. You have to remember what is where and when.

Nikolai Semko:

That's the thing, more than 1 per cent of the insults like moron, idiot, etc. on the whole forum belong to Oleg Avtomat. You can check it. But there aren't 100 people on this forum.
And by the word "rubbish" he is the undisputed leader - almost 10 per cent of all the words "rubbish" on the forum are his. It occurs with him twice as often as the word thank you.

So if, after this "squabble", he's going to have more control over his tongue, it means I'm not doing it for nothing.

MODERATORS, please bring back Max Dmitrievsky!!!

What would he and his partner Wizard_ continue to make a mess in every thread? Let him rest.
What would he and his partner Wizard_ continue to do in every thread? Let him rest.

Yes, you think shitting is publishing articles, codes, etc. You are much more helpful))
Evgeniy Chumakov:

Well, you think shitting is publishing articles, codes and other stuff. You are much more useful))

So if he is a programmer, he can be forgiven for outright boorish behaviour? He acts like an inadequate person without any "maybe". The moderators did the right thing.

And there are plenty of programmers here. Both article writers and coders.


I join and support !!!

Maxim Kuznetsov:

I join in and support !!!


"Freedom for Yuri Detochkin!"