Quantum analysis Duca - page 24


you are not fulfilling either.

you have all the graph increments at n points each.

Well, if n does not change, then it fulfils.


How much does 10 hours of Skype time cost?

All business conversations by email, please.

and I'm reminded of the kargo cultists

Better a respectful kargo cult than a monkey attack on a great man.
Better a respectful kargo cult than a monkey attack on a great man.

the great obscurantist, then.

I honestly don't know whether to laugh or cry...

Either this is some extreme level of naivety

or it's an attempt to scam the forum members for money for teaching this obscurantism


the great obscurantist, then.

I honestly don't know whether to laugh or cry...

Either this is some extreme level of naivety

or it's an attempt to scam the forum members for money for teaching this obscurantism

And I'm amazed at people who read and don't understand anything. And start attacking the author. Try your best to read it a few times.
I'm amazed at the people who read it and don't understand it. And start attacking the author. Try and read it a few times.

here we are... read... ...and look at this...

it's been a long time since the world has seen such an ugly mockery of physics...

in fact, I think it was written as a joke... and the underachievers believed it...

Aleksey Nikolayev:

More like a publicity stunt. By the way, more clever than in the recently deleted thread about the most honest broker)

You're damn right I am!

I'm not going to drop the thread again...


here... read... ...and look at this...

it's been a long time since the world has seen such an ugly mockery of physics...

in fact, I think it was written as a joke... and the underachievers believed it...

What exactly is it that has outraged you? Or just haven't grasped the relationship of frequency to wavelength and quantum size?

You should not make fun of Uncle Borea.

The Heisenberg uncertainty principle is one of the fundamental tenets of quantum mechanics, along with the Schrödinger equation. These two things are mutually complementary, but independent. That is, certain classes of problems are solved by only one of them.

If one solves a problem only on the basis of the uncertainty principle, this solution is complete.

Especially, Uncle Borya says the right things about proper time of quantum-mechanical system. Correct marking of time scale is the basis of the Grail construction. And he's being attacked like lions.... Nothing is new under the moon... Ugh.

Let him go on and show the Grail with a detailed description and formulas. We'll give him a standing ovation.


here... read... ...and look at this...

it's been a long time since the world has seen such an ugly mockery of physics...

in fact, I think it was written as a joke... and the underachievers believed it...


but anyway, he realised there was nothing better than his bank...