Points VS Pips - page 81

Vladimir Baskakov:

Offered not to us not to you - Satoshi (trendy, beautiful, obscure)

I grew up with iPhones and other fancy useless surrogates and signs like Americano, cappuccino and Buratino too.

If I want to eat, I go to a restaurant, not a mak-shmak-break-donalds, and if I see Englishness in the name - I won't eat out of their buckets like a pig (kfc). It is more pleasant for me to speak Russian and not the new youthful substitutes for normal words.

And so is the point - it is enough for me to know what it is, and to operate with these very notions, which do not contradict the official reference in any way. And "traders" (in quotes - because they try to distinguish themselves not by trading, but by jargon) let them decide how to come to a common denominator in their y-each-young notions - 50 pips for one person is cool, and 50 pips is mushy, for another - diametrically opposed, for third pips = tick, for fourth tick = price, for fifth price = pips, etc. No, not without me...

Taras Slobodyanik:


Pips is the English abbreviation for pips (percentage in point, price interest point).

For a dollar, a pip is one hundredth of a cent. That is, for dollar quotes, it is the fourth digit.
Pips is a constant like a kilo or a metre, it does not change with increasing accuracy of quotation.


For the life of me, I cannot understand your logic (they say that only women's logic defies any analysis...) ....

A pip is a percentage point. So-and-so! Though those who understand it, according to the poll, are in the minority.

Let's just think about it. 1% of 100 is how much? And one percent of 100.46 ???????

What the... Are you claiming that a percentage point is the 4th digit of a quote? (pardon me, maybe I'm already confused and confused you with someone else, and you on the contrary state that the 4th digit is a point, and then it's pips...)

There is absolutely no elementary logic in your assertions (female not concerned). Therefore, until you pay in the shop with a penny divided by your own pips, I personally find the dialogue with you unconstructive. I'm sorry.

Taras Slobodyanik:

made up, but why doesn't it exist?
there is no _point_mt - because it is not a point, but a minimum digit (minimum possible quote).

And pips (Point) has existed for a very long time.

On a final note. Not "the lowest possible quote", but the lowest possible change to that very quote!

That's it. This time it's final. If a person does not see the obvious, if he does not understand the meaning of words and definitions, then talk to him like with a toad: you tell him "to be or not to be", and he tells you "quaaa".....

Сергей Таболин:

For the life of me, I cannot understand your logic (and they say that only women's logic defies any analysis...) ....

Pips is a percentage point. So-and-so! Though those who understand it, according to the poll, are in the minority.

Let's just think about it. 1% of 100 is how much? And one percent of 100.46 ???????

What the... Are you claiming that a percentage point is the 4th digit of a quote? (pardon me, maybe I am already confused and confused you with someone else, and you on the contrary state that the 4th digit is a point and longer is pips...)

There is absolutely no elementary logic in your assertions (female not concerned). Therefore, until you pay in the shop with a kopeck divided by your own pips, I personally find the dialogue with you unconstructive. I'm sorry.

The shop analogy is not helpful at all. You don't write experts to go and get a loaf. Forex is different and the approach is different, it needs to be softer and deeper.
Nikolay Ivanov:

ok your pips - point is related to the dollar, but if the instrument is not related to the dollar, then you can't apply the term there ?

for Japanese yen is one hundredth of the yen
for Russian rouble is also one hundredth of the rouble
for Canadian dollar is one hundredth of a cent


Сергей Таболин:

For the life of me, I cannot understand your logic (and they say that only women's logic defies any analysis...) ....

Peep is a percentage point. So-and-so! Though those who understand it, according to the poll, are in the minority.

Let's just think about it. 1% of 100 is how much? And one percent of 100.46 ???????

What the... Are you claiming that a percentage point is the 4th digit of a quote? (pardon me, maybe I'm already confused and confused you with someone else, and you on the contrary state that the 4th digit is a point, and then it's pips...)

There is absolutely no elementary logic in your assertions (female not concerned). Therefore, until you pay in the shop by the penny you divided by your own pips, I personally find the dialogue with you unconstructive. I'm sorry.

Well, let's think about it.)

1% of 1 penny how much?
1% of 1 cent how much?
1% of 1 yen how much?

Sergei Tabolin:

In the end. Not "minimum possible quote", but exactly the minimum possible change of this very quote!

That's it. This time it's final. If a person does not see the obvious, if he does not understand the meaning of words and definitions, then talk to him like with a toad: you tell him "to be or not to be", and he tells you "quaaa".....

in the end - i know about the minimum tic, so what?

what you "squawk" about ticks does not belong to the category of quotes - no way

read google - maybe you'll find some basic logic)
Vladimir Baskakov:
The shop analogy is irrelevant here. You don't write experts to go and get a loaf. Forex is different and approaches are different, softer and deeper.

How much softer could it get? The man never answered which of the three words he didn't understand. And we are not polymising how much (in rubles and kopecks) a loaf costs! We are talking about absolutely simple things! Not allowing for ambiguous interpretation!

That's all, I am leaving for my son (he will be 3 years old on 01.10 :) ). Fortunately, I can talk to him in a much more constructive way than with some "pipsqueaks".

I'll come back and have a look through the thread. Maybe I'll see something more noteworthy apart from squawking. Although... I doubt it.

I'll sum up the results of the poll afterwards...

Have a good weekend, everyone )))))))))))

Taras Slobodyanik:

Well, let's think about it)

1% of 1 penny how much?
1% of 1 cent how much?
1% of 1 yen how much?

Finally - I know about the minimum tick, so what?

What you "squawk" about ticks does not belong to the category of quotes - no way.

read google - maybe you'll find some basic logic)

I have only mentioned ticks once. But even this is incomprehensible to you )))))))))

Sorry, but I won't translate it into English... ))))))
Сергей Таболин:

For the life of me, I cannot understand your logic (and they say that only women's logic defies any analysis...) ....

Peep is a percentage point. So-and-so! Though those who understand it, according to the poll, are in the minority.

Let's just think about it. 1% of 100 is how much? And one percent of 100.46 ???????

What the... Are you claiming that a percentage point is the 4th digit of a quote? (pardon me, maybe I am already confused and confused you with someone else, and you on the contrary state that the 4th digit is a point, and then it's pips...).

There is absolutely no elementary logic in your assertions (female not concerned). Therefore, until you pay in the shop with a penny divided by your own pips, I personally find the dialogue with you unconstructive. I'm sorry.

You've got to get it through your head! That 1% of a cent = real pips = four - quotation mark.


Taras Slobodyanik:

For the Japanese Yen it's one hundredth of the Yen.
for the Russian ruble it's also one hundredth of the ruble
for the Canadian dollar it's one hundredth of a cent


and why are there less digits on the yen if everything is from a hundredth of a fraction ? Why are some quotes 5 digits? some 2 digits? What a strange definition of pips you have, no way can cover all instruments...