Points VS Pips - page 74

Taras Slobodyanik:

and all the brokers, banks, monitors are illiterate and misleading.


if 1 broker says that its spread is 0.2 pips, there are no other stupid brokers who write that their spread is 2 pips, or worse, 20 ...(even if it is all the same in money).

It's advertising... an enticement... If there is less "tax" (even visually) people go there, and no one cares about how it is in reality.

Taras Slobodyanik:

so what?
I see point_mt and I don't deny it)

You are stubborn...

You're the only one who talks about "point_mt". And you are told that a point is the minimum value. By simple logic - there can be no less than the minimum, hence the minimum is indivisible.

Kopeck - the minimum denomination (are you going to saw it or what?) - a pip, a human being - an organism with a complex structure - a pip. Microbe - a point, divided - became 2 points, not 2 by 0.5. What does this have to do with your "point_mt"?

Dmitry Fedoseev:


a minimal change in an indicator when no smaller changes are foreseen for that indicator. A single item corresponds to a single change in the most recent published figure for an indicator.

  • this definition in russian
  • switch to English here and you will not find the word "minimal change". Why?
  • and this definition says nothing about the indivisibility of the item
Dmitry Fedoseev:

There is no special point MT there are sucker promotional points on brokers' pages - that's what it is. Some people don't want to see the reality and fall for them.

Once again, read the definitions in English

Сергей Таболин:

You are the only one who talks about "point_mt". And you are told that a point is the minimum value. By simple logic, it cannot be less than the minimum, hence the minimum is indivisible.

Once again, show me the definition of the indivisibility of a point in English, you are not an autocrat and use international concepts, right?

Taras Slobodyanik:

  • is the definition in russian.
  • switch to Inlish here and you won't find the word "minimal change", why?
  • and this definition says nothing about the indivisibility of the clause

Once again, read the definition in English.

"Here" is where?

Again in English where is that?

Taras Slobodyanik:

  • this is the definition in russian.
  • switch to Inlish here and you won't find the word "minimal change", why?
  • this definition says nothing about the indivisibility of the clause .

Once again, read the English definition.

So? There the clause (which is in Russian) is replaced by pips. That just says it's the same thing. What you are saying is the opposite.

It says that kg = kg and you don't say kilogramm. Your kilogram is equal to 10 kilograms. Or vice versa, 0.1 kilogramme equals 1 kilogramme - I'm honestly confused by your weirdo club's readings.

Taras Slobodyanik:

Once again, show me the definition of the indivisibility of a Pip in English, you are not an autocrat and use international concepts, right?

Taras, can you give a definition of what a pip is? I mean exhaustive?

Everything is clear with a pip - it is the minimum division of price. Can you give the same definition for a pip? We will compare both definitions and we will see

Dmitry Fedoseev:

"Here" is where?

In English again, where is that?



Сергей Таболин:

You are stubborn...

You're the only one who talks about "point_mt". And you are told that a point is the minimum value. By simple logic - it cannot be less than the minimum, hence the minimum is indivisible.

Kopeck - the minimum denomination (are you going to saw it or what?) - a pip, a human being - an organism with a complex structure - a pip. Microbe - a point, divided - became 2 points, not 2 by 0.5. What has "point_mt" got to do with it?

UsdRub 64.217 kopecks divided!
Artyom Trishkin:

So? There the item (which is in Russian) is replaced by pips. That just says it's the same thing. And you're saying the opposite.

It says that kg = kg, and you don't have kilogramm equal to kilogramm. Your kilogram equals 10 kilograms. Or vice versa, 0.1 kilogram equals 1 kilogramm - I'm honestly confused by your weirdo club.

I'm talking about Point = Pips and there are no other Pips for the English speaking person.

And in MetaTrader, Point was the same as _Point, only in the beginning.
After increasing the accuracy of quoting, _Point ceased to be a Point, and turned into "min.possible price change" or point_mt.

When there were 4 digits, the point_MT4 was equal to 1 pips (or 1 Point).
When the 5th digit appeared, point_MT4 was reduced by a factor of 10, while one pips (as a standard measure) remained the same, but added a decimal place after the decimal point - it became 1.0 pips.
When the 6th digit appears, point_MT4 is reduced by a factor of 100, and another decimal place after the decimal point 1.00 pips is added to pips.

The pips itself is a constant value like a kilogram or a metre it cannot decrease as the quoting accuracy increases.

Having said that, if you are not familiar with MT4/5, for you 1 pips = 1 point.

point_MT4 is a 'technical' point within MetaTrader which used to coincide with a Point.