Points VS Pips - page 32

Mikhail Zhitnev:
When dealing with English-speaking customers, I use the following terms: 1 point (pip) = 0.0001 or 0.01. 1 point = 0.00001 or 0.001. There is no further disagreement. =)

Quite the opposite, in fact.

And something new, there is now a new word "point". There are more opportunities for arguments.
Vladimir Karputov:

I do the same thing - I immediately define the conventions in the input parameters

And this is another option...

But this is the easiest to accept, because points remain points - minimal and indivisible, and anything can be called whatever you like.

I went to the market, there were two salesmen there. One has four decimal places on the scale, the other has five... Both sell goods for 10 roubles. Who do I buy from? The second one says: "Buy from me, I weigh it in pips." I have 652 grams worth of goods, how much will I pay in both cases?
Evgeniy Chumakov:
I went to the market, there are two sellers. One of the scales after the decimal point, 4 digits, the other five ... Both sell goods for 10 rubles. Who do I buy from? The second one says: "Buy from me, I weigh it in pips." I have 652 grams worth of goods, how much will I pay in both cases?

Help me solve a problem.

You need to divide 2 by 3 with an accuracy of 3 digits (the excess is simply trimmed without any rounding) and add one point. = ?

Need to divide 2 by 3 to the nearest 6 digits (the excess is simply trimmed without any rounding) and add one point. = ?

Can anyone help?

Сергей Таболин:

Help me solve a problem.

You need to divide 2 by 3 with an accuracy of 3 digits (the excess is simply trimmed without any rounding) and add one point. = ?

Need to divide 2 by 3 to the nearest 6 digits (the excess is simply trimmed without any rounding) and add one point. = ?

Can anyone help?

Go to Reba in the synagogue, he is an expert on circumcision.

Need 2 divided by 3 to the nearest 3 digits (the extra is just trimmed without any rounding) and add one point. = 0.667

You have to divide 2 by 3 with an accuracy of 6 digits (the extra is simply trimmed without any rounding) and add one point. = 0.666667

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Quite the opposite, in fact.

and something new, there is now a new word "point". There is more room for debate.

just the opposite.

Just keep in mind that a point from MT4 was equal to a pip only in the beginning (at 4-digit quotes), and after the fifth and sixth digits 1 point from MT4/5 is no longer equal to 1 pips.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Googled yesterday and found the statement that pips and 1 point are the same thing.

same in this "found", 1 pips and 1 point imply the same thing, provided you are not a "mt4/5 programmer"

Evgeniy Chumakov:

Go to Reba in the synagogue, he is an expert on circumcision.

There's enough rubbish around here without you.

But supporters of "pips" should start by agreeing among themselves. Some people say "pips" is the 5th sign, others say it's the 4th.

In my opinion, if someone is too difficult without additional "term", the last sign is a pip (unambiguously), but the last but one may be called a pip, or a pip...

Сергей Таболин:

There's enough rubbish around here without you.

But supporters of "pips" should start by agreeing among themselves. Some people say "pips" is the 5th sign, others say it's the 4th.

In my opinion, if someone is too difficult without additional "term", the last sign is a pip (unambiguously), but the last but one may call it a pip, or a pip...

Do you have a logical mind?

let's think - can 1 percent of 100, become less (or more), if you use 5 signs instead of 4 ?

Сергей Таболин:

There's enough rubbish around here without you.

But supporters of "pips" should start by agreeing among themselves. Some people argue that "pips" is the 5th sign, while others argue that it is the 4th.

Well first they measure in kilograms and then instead of grams they have millilitres.