Points VS Pips - page 26

Vladimir Baskakov:
I already did;) good

So show me where you did it?

That's the interesting surprise, isn't it? At no point in the report is the word"point" on the beech... what a miracle!

Dmitry Fedoseev:

So show me where you did it?

That's the interesting surprise, isn't it? At no point in the report is the word "point" on the beech... what a miracle!

Come on, it's all there in big letters. I have to make a screenshot on my computer, erase unnecessary things. I'm writing from my phone now.
Artyom Trishkin:

Oleg, read what the clause is.

And remember how you yourself personally spit out slang Americanisms.

And now think that it is the Americanisms in the form of "pips" instead of "point" that you are now using and proving that I don't know something there.

That's it, I'm off to sleep from your madhouse.

In this case, the argument is not about jargonisms.

In forex, a "pip" is the fourth decimal place, and it is the last digit in 4-digit quotes.

A 5-digit quote leaves the 'pip' in its place (the fourth decimal place), while the fifth digit is the fractional part of the pip.

(the same for 2-digit and 3-digit quotes)

Vladimir Baskakov:
Come on, it's all there in big letters. You have to take a screenshot on your computer and erase what you don't need. I'm writing from my phone now.


Олег avtomat:

In this case, the argument is not about jargon.

In forex, a "pip" is the fourth decimal place, which is the last digit in 4-digit quotes.

A 5-digit quote leaves the 'pip' in its place (the fourth decimal place), while the fifth digit is the fractional part of the pip.

(Similarly for 2-digit and 3-digit quotes)

Where is it accepted and by whom? And why forex?

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Where is it accepted and by whom?

You're a nihilist, you need to challenge everything.

but think slowly and you'll understand

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Where is it accepted and by whom? And why forex?

Other markets have their own specifics, different from forex

Олег avtomat:

you're a nihilist, you need to challenge everything.

but think slowly and you'll understand.

Do you have anything to say on the merits? Of course not.

Vladimir Baskakov:
Come on, it's all there in big letters. Screenshot on a computer to erase unnecessary. I'm writing from my phone now.

On that link you sent me in your private message and which you have in your profile, there is not a single word "item" or"point". Maybe it's in some kind of tab? But usually, even if the tab on the page is closed, the browser finds the word, but here it's not, a complete absence. If it is there, show me, explain in which place.


Dimitri, arguing about points is not your level.

We all love and know Dmitri as a reasonably good programmer.