Forecast from I - page 39

Hello everyone - I've been unblocked
Yesterday I emotionally wrote a swear word and the software thought I was being rude
I am moving in the good direction but I am tempted to block again ... yesterday I closed my top trades on the rise in the pound
Right now it's like this...but I'm scared if the pound goes up again...
This is the situation at the moment... but I'm scared if the pound goes up again...

Hi. Sit tight. First target 1.25825

Aleksandr Yakovlev:

Hi. Sit tight. First target 1.25825

that's reassuring ))) God willing


this is encouraging ))) God willing

But soon a small bounce to 1.28440-1.28480 but down again from there.

That's one way of looking at it. In general, wait.

Just yesterday I was once again convinced of the strangeness of currency - the pound rallied at around 14:00 and I do not know why...The news was at 11:30 what made it rise yesterday at 14:00 I can not explain...but it helped me well...dumb luck
Aleksandr Yakovlev:

But soon a small bounce to 1.28440-1.28480 but down again from there.

That's one way of looking at it. Anyway, just wait.

I'm tempted to lock up again... do you think I shouldn't?

Only yesterday I got surprised again with strange currency - pound went up at about 14:00 and I do not know why...The news was at 11:30, what made it go up at 14:00 yesterday, I can not explain...But it helped me...just luck

According to my thinking, the price should have come to 1.2860. The target was reached.

Even more than that. And from there it's going down.