Forex: A Path without a Heart? - page 8

Aleksey Ivanov:
I have a feeling that Castaneda has read all sorts of occult literature and has been misleading people, and that Don Juan is a fictional character.

And that is completely unimportant.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

And this is completely irrelevant.

Yes, by and large nothing matters, only his way with cacti, mushrooms and herbs I would call 'the liverless way'.
Dmitry Fedoseev:

A trip is a journey. How do you know, maybe it was done to a drumbeat?

Better safe than sorry)

Aleksey Ivanov:
I have a feeling that Castaneda has read all sorts of occult literature and has been making people up, and that Don Juan is a fictional character.

He didn't get to interact with real shamans, so he had to make up his own, having read too much Timothy Leary).

Aleksey Ivanov:
I get the feeling that Castaneda has read all sorts of occult literature and has been misleading people, and that Don Juan is a fictional character.

But the experience described is real.

Aleksey Ivanov:
Yeah, basically nothing matters, only his way with cacti, mushrooms and herbs I'd call "the liverless way".

There's this... after the first and second, there's a third, and there's 12 in all, I think, and four more from women and nothing about cacti.

Aleksey Ivanov:
Yes, by and large nothing matters, only his way with cacti, mushrooms and herbs I would call the 'liverless way'.

There is a scarier drug that has killed far more people than any other. And it's all over the shops. It's about the liver.

And a quote:

Veja: You don't smoke, you don't drink, and you even avoid coffee. Then how do you view drugs as part of Don Juan's teaching?

Castaneda: Don Juan used psychotropic and hallucinogenic plants as an aid for learning. Once he achieved his goal these drugs became unnecessary. These drugs are harmful to the body, and have nothing useful beyond the properties that brujo needs.

Don Juan was never in favour of drugs. He let me take them because I was very dumb. Certain drugs give you a different idea, a new way of looking at certain things. They break the hegemony of perception; but once he has achieved this, the brujo no longer uses them.

Don Juan only used psychotropic plants in the middle of my discipleship, because I was so stubborn and stupid... I insisted on my picture of the world as if it were the absolute truth. Psychedelics shattered my dogmatic confidence, but in retaliation I had to pay a high price: my body weakened and it took four months for me to recover. I was terribly afraid and powerless. If I had behaved like a warrior and taken full responsibility, it would have spared me all this.

The methods that Don Juan used are based on centuries of tradition and are still being used today, but not by the general public. My experience shows that it takes courage and curiosity to go beyond social awareness. Many who have touched this subject as thrill seekers in their youth have come to their senses and have taken their place in the world. The fact that the level of self-awareness of the population is growing is a good thing. About 10 years ago only experienced shamans in our country knew about ayahuasca, but now many guys from business and the government fly once a year to Peru for shamanic sessions.
Aleksey Ivanov:
Yeah, basically nothing matters, only his way with cacti, mushrooms and weed I'd call "the liver-free route".

When it comes to biological toxicity, most so called "psychedelics" are inferior even to coffee and tea, let alone a bottle of vodka. "When talking about the "harm" of this type of recreational activities, we are not talking about poisoning of the body, but rather about destabilisation of the psyche which these substances MAY have, especially on people "without a core" so to speak, or with latent mental disorders. In addition, and this is the main reason for their criminalization, there is an obvious "ideological" and as a consequence social effect, i.e. people after such "trips" become less loyal to coercion, their role in society and many other conventions, the so-called "cultural coding" collapses. "Cultural coding" in which enormous resources are invested by the authorities and which forms the backbone of society.

In the context of the value of the revelations in these "trips", there is no evidence that any practical benefit can be derived from them, the only practical application so far is psychedelic therapy for terminally ill people, there is objective evidence that after the "trip(s)" the anxiety and attitude towards death becomes less negative, and the need for painkillers decreases as well.


When it comes to biological toxicity, most so called "psychedelics" are inferior even to coffee and tea, let alone a bottle of vodka. "When talking about the "harm" of this type of recreational activities, we are not talking about poisoning of the body, but rather about destabilisation of the psyche which these substances MAY have, especially on people "without a core" so to speak, or with latent mental disorders. In addition, and this is the main reason for their criminalization, there is an obvious "ideological" and as a consequence social effect, i.e. people after such "trips" become less loyal to coercion, their role in society and many other conventions, the so-called "cultural coding" collapses. "Cultural coding" in which enormous resources are invested by the authorities and which forms the backbone of society.

As for the value of the revelations in these "trips", there is no evidence that any practical benefit can be derived from them, the only practical application so far is psychedelic therapy for terminally ill people, there is objective data that after the "trip(s)" the anxiety and attitude towards death becomes less negative, and the need for painkillers decreases as well.

You can't go anywhere without it in forex ))))