Forex: A Path without a Heart? - page 7

Алексей Тарабанов:
You also have to poop the right way.

Truly. One shits on the ocean and the surf takes the poo, and one shits in a golden toilet and the poo also goes into the ocean - the 'way of the heart' will of course tell you the right thing to do. Even when 'the way of the heart' is discussed here, somewhere millions are munching on poo and dying like flies with completely different problems and challenges in mind.

Does anyone agree with me that forex is not a philosophy, not a hobby, but a job?

Well, youtube is to the rescue, in most of the thematic subjects the consumers' brains have gone astray, and only in some subjects is there something interesting (perhaps these people had a good physics education before) in the information given out. And if they knew, they would have been banned and anathematized much earlier - they would have competed with the church and society in terms of worldview. Laughing in general is useful ;)

In all "ways of the heart" moments such as positive emotions from eating food, qualitatively prepared food (for example just a steak) by a high class chef, smoking an ordinary cigar with a simple real coffee - for one such breakfast it is worth that somewhere in one thousand people eat garbage and die on the plantations/ecology like flies.

Maybe you need a primer to help you read right? Didn't write about everyone, just about KK, who did it only a few times, only for two years and under the careful supervision and guidance of a very experienced mentor.

Vitaly Stepanov:

This is my personal observation. We will have to lose everything or someone we have gained in this life.

Because one day we will have to go there, a lot of activities become meaningless. On the other hand, this is the main reason for failure - fear of death, which makes many activities meaningless.

Actually, there is a passage about four enemies, the first enemy is fear, the second is old age... I think so.

It is quite curious to observe this topic here. I am a practicing shaman myself and have been studying the market from a shamanistic perspective for a long time. And just wondered if there is a heart in the Path with forex. I had to go through several deep tricks to understand why I need this area of human knowledge. The answer is simple, if the activity is a manifestation of the creativity of the soul, it means that there is a Heart. Believe in what you do, colleagues, and everything will work out.

I am also interested in those who take psychedelics to open deeper insights into the market. I appeal to all traders and programmers who have experience of transpersonal experiences. I suggest joining efforts in this direction of creativity.

I have developed a data set defining market patterns, but I don't have enough programming knowledge to realize it. If there are those who would like to work with the team, please contact me in person.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Maybe you could use a primer to help you read properly? I didn't write about everyone, just about KK, who did it only a few times, only for two years and under the watchful eye and guidance of a very experienced mentor.

I am genuinely happy for KK. Can you unequivocally replicate KK's experience, well so that the cuckoo doesn't move out? Probably not, because it's just an epic read for most. KK's experience is the "survivor's experience" of a psychonaut. Why then refer to his experience and speculate on that basis? The days of blind faith are long gone, there are facts, convenient and not so convenient. If one approaches similar experiences in a systematic manner, one will start to find inconsistencies in the CC's narrative. Modern primers to the rescue and repeat the QC one or two at a time, the question is why?


It is quite curious to observe this topic here. I am a practicing shaman myself and have been studying the market from a shamanistic perspective for a long time. And just wondered if there is a heart in the Path with forex. I had to go through several deep tricks to understand why I need this area of human knowledge. The answer is simple, if the activity is a manifestation of the creativity of the soul, it means that there is a Heart. Believe in what you do, colleagues, and everything will work out.

I am also interested in those who take psychedelics to open deeper insights into the market. I appeal to all traders and programmers who have experience of transpersonal experiences. I suggest joining efforts in this direction of creativity.

I have developed a data set defining market patterns, but I don't have enough programming knowledge to realize it. If there are willing to work with the team, chat in private.

Article 6.13 CAO RF

Article 230 of the Criminal Code


I am genuinely happy for KK. Can you unequivocally replicate KK's experience, well so that the cuckoo doesn't move out? Probably not, because for most people it's just an epic read. KK's experience is the "survivor's experience" of a psychonaut. Why then refer to his experience and speculate on that basis? The days of blind faith are long gone, there are facts, convenient and not so convenient. If one approaches similar experiences in a systematic manner, one will start to find inconsistencies in the CC's narrative. Modern primers to the rescue and repeat the QC one or two at a time, the question is why?

Yes, the primer is powerless here, maybe for the time being you should practice drawing sticks and hooks? And then move on to the letters.

Just an epic read, for those who never learned to read. Attentive readers may remember DH explaining to CC that most people can get along just fine without psychedelics (not just can, but don't need them at all), and CC was making a particularly complicated unique and rare case. And you can remember how responsible and serious the approach to these processes was, and how much preparation was required over a long period of time.

What does this have to do with me, if we are talking about a QC who did all this under the guidance of an experienced mentor?


A trip is a journey. How do you know, maybe it was carried out to a drumbeat?

I have a feeling that Castaneda has read all sorts of occult literature and has been divorcing people, and that Don Juan is a fictional character.