Forex: A Path without a Heart? - page 9

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The practical benefits are up to everyone, psychedelics are a tool, if you've mastered it, consider your life a success, as you'll always be one step ahead of the system.

It's no secret that programmers in "Silicon Valley" actively use psychedelics. Hollywood is in on it too.

I'm sure there are traders who use this tool.


A little rework of that very text...

x1tg50yp.txt  13 kb

The practical benefits are up to everyone, psychedelics are a tool, if you've mastered it, consider your life a success, as you'll always be one step ahead of the system.

It's no secret that programmers in "Silicon Valley" actively use psychedelics. Hollywood is in on it too.

(1) I'm sure that there are traders who use this tool.

(1) I suggest you to develop a methodology. The prototype I can even give you: first, you eat a couple of cactus of Uliams' lofora (Psilocybe mexicano mushroom or weed derman would be better), then you stare at the monitor, concentrate on the future, and suddenly you see the sparkling bars showing future price movement. You open a position, set stops and profits and you're done.

You're looking for the wrong kind of grail, you're looking in the wrong place.

Aleksey Ivanov:

(1) I suggest you develop a methodology. I can even give you a prototype: first, you eat a couple of cacti of Uliams lophore (Psilocybe mexicano mushroom or datura herb might be more suitable, I don't know - you need to experimentally determine what and in what doses) and stare at the monitor, focus on the future, concentrate and suddenly see flashing bars - showing future price movement. You open a position , set stops and profits and you're done.

Because naive fellows are looking for some grails - they're looking in the wrong place.

What the hell are the stops, we have direct access to the astral - we know what the next tick is. If something's wrong, we slap the monitor with a cactus so it doesn't show any bullshit.


What the hell are the stops for, you know, we have direct access to the astral - we know what the next tick is. If anything goes wrong, you can hit the monitor with a cactus so it doesn't show any bullshit.

And we don't need a monitor - "what's the point of ruining good cacti on it?"

Stretch it out to the full screen and look at the hooves:

 Предлагаю Вам методику разработать.

The most interesting and funny thing is that such a methodology is being developed))) By the way, the future does not exist, it has many variants.

If someone watched the market on the monitor while tripping, he knows very well that everything happens Here and Now and that we create our own consciousness game.

We play the trader who tries to guess where the market goes.

Bill Williams wrote about it in his books, it is clear that he is an expert in the field and he gives information for those who can read between the lines.

"To eat a banana, you have to peel the skin" ©
Dmitry Fedoseev:
"To eat a banana, you have to peel the peel" ©

rather, this revelation looked like this: "The banana is big, the peel is even bigger." ;)

Once upon a time, the American experimental physicist R. Wood (1868-1955), a rather eccentric person who loved all kinds of thrills, decided to do a risky experiment on himself - to test the effects of a drug.

With great difficulty he obtained opium, got high on it and soon fell into oblivion.

When he regained consciousness some time later, he remembered that while he was stupefied he had stumbled upon an extremely profound and important scientific idea, but what exactly had slipped his mind. Wood decided to repeat the experience in the hope that he would have the good fortune to recover the elusive idea. And indeed, as soon as the narcotic effect of opium began to take hold, the forgotten thought immediately reappeared in the scientist's mind. Feeling that consciousness was about to leave him, Wood managed to concentrate his will at the last moment, write down the idea on a piece of paper and fell into unconsciousness. Waking up, he jubilantly thought of the successful outcome of such a difficult and dangerous experience and, trembling with impatience and experience, hurriedly unwrapped the precious notebook. On it he read: "The banana is big and the rind is even bigger...".