Forex: A Path without a Heart? - page 4

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Who says so?

That is my personal observation. We have to lose everything we have gained or who we have gained in this life.

Vitaly Stepanov:

This is my personal observation. We have to lose everything we have gained or who we have gained in this life.

that's not true.

Life is a generational change.

no one loses anything.

♪ what you've left behind, you've helped ♪

achieved his goal, found his happiness
Nikolai Semko:

After all, the real value is what we can take with us when we say goodbye to our temporary body. You certainly can't take your bank accounts with you.

No. There's a functioning banking system in hell, that's where the main funds are concentrated. You just have to find the right exchanger.)

Aleksey Ivanov:

No. There's a functioning banking system in hell, that's where the main funds are concentrated. You just have to find the right exchanger.)

That's if there's anything to exchange.
Vitaly Stepanov:
Remember, it's stupid to waste your life on a single track, especially if it doesn't have a heart.

- And how do you know, Don Juan, that this path has no heart?

- Before you take this path, ask yourself if it has a heart. If the answer is no, then it does, and you must look for another path.

- But how can I know for sure if this path has a heart?

- Anyone can do that. The trouble is that no one asks themselves this question and usually one realises too late that one has chosen the way without a heart when one is already on the brink of death. At that point, very few people have the strength to abandon their aspirations and step back.

- How do you properly ask yourself this question?

- Just ask it.

- I mean, is there any special method so that I don't get deceived and mistake a negative answer for a positive one?

- Why would you be fooled?

- Well, let's say because at that point the path will seem pleasant and joyful.

- Nonsense. A path without a heart is never joyful. One already has to work hard to get on it. On the contrary, the path that has a heart is always easy to love, it doesn't require much effort.

Good quote from Don Juan's Rhapsodies, I approve)))

IMHO Forex as a path HAS a heart. More precisely, the trader's way has a heart, especially the algotrader's.

Of course we talk not about any moral and ethical and other social projections, not about playing with zero sum, fierce competition, etc. It's exactly about a HUMAN WAY, how happy/sad, interesting/dull, promising/unpromising it is. It's about philosophy and psychology, about "what is the meaning of life?" and "who am I?", it is considered that to ask such questions often is a sign of depression or other psycho-pathologies, but if occasionally, you can, but still, usually this is interesting not during orgasm or when the deposit doubles in a short period of time))) But generally in the context of meta-planning your life, you can think about it.

If to try to allocate "the most attractive in a life", again without any moral and ideological biases, then after trivial satisfaction of the basic needs of a body and close people, different kinds of social and psychological needs go, it is possible to read about it in A. Maslow, I would include social needs too to basic needs as all is interconnected, without social integration there will be a pressure with the basic needs (food, sex, comfort...), because of structure of our society. We can therefore divide needs into basic and informational. The first are everyday things, what to eat, where to hide from the rain, who to fuck, and the second are when the body is fully satisfied and you think about what to do, the brain requires information, adventures, new experiences, new knowledge, expanding the model of the world, selfknowledge.

Most people barely have time to satisfy basic needs, their own and their offspring's, that for "higher needs" not enough strength and resources, most people are led by culture and media constantly "hungry" for fake needs and completely enslaved by the desire for... in short, stuff that changes like pictures in a kaleidoscope. A classic example of this is the various slave labourers, guest workers, office clerks and other slaves to the system, paying for mortgages and credit iPods, in the hope of career advancement, working idly at the limit of their capacity and nervous breakdown. It's a "heartless way" to not give and take. But what about Forex?

There's even another thing, since we are talking about psychology and quality of life. In fact, "there is no spoon, it's all in your mind" if we talk about pleasure and satisfaction, the whole shit is not even about money, chicks or coke, but about the anticipation, the dopamine is released not when you're full or fucked, and when you're about to eat/fuck/get profit, Every trader who is constantly thinking about trading strategies and algorithms, periodically gets an epiphany about a new Grail algorithm, which essentially gives rise to such a dopamine burst, as if within the next year it will BELIEVE a MILLION BILLION, with 99% probability. And no matter if it turns out to be another pareidolia, sweat or bicycle, the GIFT WAS there))) It's like that all the time...


Good quote from Don Juan's Rhapsodies, I approve)))

IMHO Forex as a path HAS a heart. More precisely, the trader's way has a heart, especially the algotrader's.

Of course we talk not about any moral and ethical and other social projections, not about playing with zero sum, fierce competition, etc. It's exactly about a HUMAN WAY, how happy/sad, interesting/dull, promising/unpromising it is. It's about philosophy and psychology, about "what is the meaning of life?" and "who am I?", it is considered that to ask such questions often is a sign of depression or other psycho-pathologies, but if occasionally, you can, but still, usually this is interesting not during orgasm or when the deposit doubles in a short period of time))) But generally in the context of meta-planning your life, you can think about it.

If to try to allocate "the most attractive in a life", again without any moral and ideological biases, then after trivial satisfaction of the basic needs of a body and close people, different kinds of social and psychological needs go, it is possible to read about it in A. Maslow, I would include social needs too to basic needs as all is interconnected, without social integration there will be a pressure with the basic needs (food, sex, comfort...), because of structure of our society. We can therefore divide needs into basic and informational. The first are everyday things, what to eat, where to hide from the rain, who to fuck, and the second are when the body is fully satisfied and you think about what to do, the brain requires information, adventures, new experiences, new knowledge, expanding the model of the world, selfknowledge.

Most people barely have time to satisfy basic needs, their own and their offspring's, that for "higher needs" not enough strength and resources, most people are led by culture and media constantly "hungry" for fake needs and completely enslaved by the desire for... in short, stuff that changes like pictures in a kaleidoscope. A classic example of this is the various slave labourers, guest workers, office clerks and other slaves to the system, paying for mortgages and credit iPods, in the hope of career advancement, working idly at the limit of their capacity and nervous breakdown. It's a "heartless way" to not give and take. But what about Forex?

There's even another thing, since we are talking about psychology and quality of life. In fact, "there is no spoon, it's all in your mind" if we talk about pleasure and satisfaction, the whole shit is not even about money, chicks or coke, but about the anticipation, the dopamine is released not when you're full or fucked, and when you're about to eat/fuck/get profit, Every trader who is constantly thinking about trading strategies and algorithms, periodically gets an epiphany about a new Grail algorithm, which essentially gives rise to such a dopamine burst, as if within the next year it will BELIEVE a MILLION BILLION, with 99% probability. And no matter if it turns out to be another pareidolia, sweat or bicycle, the GIFT WAS there))) And so it goes all the time...

Again, it's all about the "carrot".

Just because there's an incentive doesn't mean there's a "heart" to the path.

As for Don Juan, things can be different and whether the Way has a Heart is up to the walker, forex or something else... And even more interestingly, things can change in the process.
Anzhela Sityaeva:
As for Don Juan, things can be different and whether the Way has a Heart is up to the walker, forex or something else... And what's even more interesting, things can change in the process.

Of course Sam. It is good to see that people have the ability to think abstractly, and not just greed, fear, and lust for profit.

But still, it was a question. And it remains an open one.

Vitaly Stepanov:

Of course Sam. It is good to see that people have the ability to think abstractly, and not just greed, fear, and lust for profit.

But still, it was a question. And it remains an open one.

So, make a decision, or listen to yourself... And no one forbids changing it, if...
Anzhela Sityaeva:
So, make a decision, or listen to yourself... And no one forbids changing it if...
Unfortunately or not the decision is made apart from me. It is interesting to hear others' opinions and maybe understand something.