Regularity or Randomness - page 44

Uladzimir Izerski:

With $100,000 + 100% per year it will be enough for america.

You're right=) but it's still interesting what Renat has done there, he really got to the point where he calculates the real potential of price movements

Martin Cheguevara:

You're right=) but it's still interesting what Renat did there, he really got to the point of calculating real price movement potentials

Yes, it is interesting), Renat, give us a hint what it's about.
Maxim Romanov:
Yeah, interesting), Renat, give us a hint.

I've written about it 100 times already

Nobody understood a thing.

I showed you screenshots, and I didn't delete them.


You people, you're all right! Read game theory, especially strategy games, because there are FOUR kinds of decisions. Some say the first, others say the third.

1. COMBINATORIAL GAMES. Signs. The number of variants (combinations) is huge, but limited. Example. Chess, checkers, go.

SOLUTION. combinatorics (learning all combinations and permutations of pieces). "Computers were able to memorise all the combinations and started to beat people".

2. casino games (hasard). Signs. A huge number of random factors. The outcome of the game does not depend on the player's actions. Example. Roulette, dice, a coin. SOLUTION. Combinatorics and probabilistic analysis.

3. STRATEGIC GAMES. Signs. A huge number of random, regular and psychological factors. Example. Football, hockey, basketball, stock market. DECISION. Combinatorics, probabilistic analysis, determining your opponent's psycho-type, creating a model of your own behaviour.

Yes, I forgot. After gambling, you can put PSYCHOLOGICAL games: believe/don't believe, rock/paper scissors.
Vasily Belozerov:
Yeah, I forgot. After gambling, you can put PSYCHOLOGICAL games: believe/don't believe, rock/paper scissors.

The good thing about games is that they can be played by young children and old people over a hundred.

And they're fun for everyone.

Chemistry is in the head. Good and bad at the same time.

P.s. There is also electricity and dope in the gov't.

Dope is always more)) than "lektricity".

The "lektricity" is the one I'm focusing on.


I posted the following information in another thread, but it seems more appropriate for this thread.

I am proposing a hypothesis. The market consists of both regular and random signals.

We divide market signals and work with each signal individually.

Types of signals:


1.1. Periodic.

1.1.1. Harmonic.

1.1.2. polyharmonic.

1.2. Non-periodic.

1.2.1 Almost periodic.

1.2.2. Aperiodic. 2.


2.1. Interference.

2.2. Useful signals.

2.2.1 Stationary.

2.2.2 Non-stationary.

Vasily Belozerov:

I posted the following information in another thread, but it seems more appropriate for this thread.

I am proposing a hypothesis. The market simultaneously consists of regular (periodic) and random signals.

Separate market signals and work with each signal individually.

Types of signals:


1.1. Periodic.

1.1.1. Harmonic.

1.1.2. polyharmonic.

1.2. Non-periodic.

1.2.1 Almost periodic.

1.2.2. Aperiodic. 2.


2.1. Interference.

2.2. Useful signals.

2.2.1 Stationary.

2.2.2 Non-stationary.

Good systematization. No argument there.

But how are you going to navigate such a maelstrom of different signals?

There's only the AI. But that would require a lot of experienced programmers.

Thank you, at least I've done something to please the musician. :) I'm not interested in the weather tomorrow: snow, rain, sunshine. I have a backpack. I've got a backpack for everything. In layman's terms: I'm not interested in what will happen, I'm interested in what I'll do.

Socrates' first wife was Xanthippe. The most grumpy, capricious and dissolute woman in Athens. Friends asked: How do you live with this woman? Socrates replied: If I can live with this woman, I can live with any other woman, all the more so. What's my point?

Anyone can trade on a legitimate market. Yes, dividing all signals according to the table is a laborious task. Let's do this: declare ALL signals as random and look for a solution. If we find it, we will be able to trade on both the regular and random markets.