Fractals, fractal structures, their graphic images + Canvas - page 16

Roman Kutemov:

Attached is a book.

The author has kindly shared it.

If you get a chance, please pass on a big thank you to the author.

Nikolai Semko:

If you get a chance, pass on a big thank you to the author.

Passed on )

Roman Kutemov:

Attached is a book.

The author has kindly shared it.

is there no translation into human language?

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

is there no translation into human language?

Please rephrase the question.

I don't think there is one in russian.

Roman Kutemov:

rephrase the question, please.

she can look it up here.

I don't think it's in Russian.

in Russian, yes.


Roman Kutemov:

rephrase the question, please.

she can look it up here.

I don't think it's in Russian.

If from Kharkiv, the original was probably written in Russian.

English would have been fine too.
Maxim Dmitrievsky:
English would have worked, too.

found it at
very similar, but earlier

Nikolai Semko:

Found this at
very similar, but earlier.

Oh, thank you!


The article does not claim to be original, in particular this Russian version about recurrence plots, which have long been described and have a primary source. But on the whole the topic is interesting.

Here, Nikolay may draw them in Kanvas, they look cool )