What would it take to get everyone to finally switch to MT5? (collecting opinions) - page 13

Реter Konow:
The main issue in the topic. A clear, logical, thoughtful statement is welcome.

I assume (this information is not publicly disclosed) that MT5 server is more expensive for broker than MT4 server. Under such conditions, especially considering that users are used to MT4 and everything new is always disliked and rejected, it is much more profitable for brokers (forex) to forget about MT5 at all, or to remember it partially and only in addition to their main activity. Moreover, I think, that in terms of customization of server API according to a broker's needs MT5 is much less convenient than MT4 (my guess is only one, because I haven't seen neither server, but constant brokers "screw-ups" with tool specification settings in MT5 imply that transparently).

Олег avtomat:

But you'd love to get rid of it -- and only for an MT5 tester?

Oleg, don't be distracted by the chorus, or the tractor will boot.

Vitaly Muzichenko:

Oleg, don't get distracted by the chorus, or the tractor will be loaded.

Don't worry about the tractor, and don't turn the tables.

And if you do not like the MT4, then leave it. And don't shit on MT4.

And be happy with the MT5 tester.

Олег avtomat:

Don't worry about the tractor and don't turn this around.

And if you don't like MT4, leave it. And don't shit on MT4.

And be happy with the MT5 tester.

You got it, chief!

Yuriy Asaulenko:

The machine, don't worry. It's all an empty shake of the air, like a Sunday afternoon. As long as there is demand, there will be supply. Profits from MT4 sales will not be lost by MK). And Peter, yes, a maniac.))

There are doubts that MT4 MQ will not lose profits from MT4 sales. Particularly because it has decided not to sell more MT4 server installation licences to new customers, publishedhttp://ru.forexmagnates.com/konets-epohi-metatrader-4/ 12 January 2018.

Конец эпохи MetaTrader 4 | Forex Magnates
Конец эпохи MetaTrader 4 | Forex Magnates
  • Виктор Головченко
  • ru.forexmagnates.com
Крупнейший разработчик торгового софта для внебиржевой индустрии, компания MetaQuotes Software Corp., опубликовало драматическое, но, в то же время, ожидаемое сообщение о том, что прекращает продажу самой популярной среди внебиржевых трейдеров торговой платформы MetaTrader 4 и соответствующих лицензий. Предыдущая «четвертая» версия торгового...

There are doubts that MQ will not lose profits from MT4 sales. Particularly because it has decided not to sell more MT4 server installation licences to new customers, publishedhttp://ru.forexmagnates.com/konets-epohi-metatrader-4/ January 12, 2018.

Maybe the server software for MT4 is hacked, that's why DTs don't take the 5, which hasn't been hacked yet.


Some people are so worried about MT4 as if it were their own son :)


There are doubts that MT4 MQ will not be losing profits from MT4 sales. Particularly because it has decided not to sell more MT4 server installation licences to new customers, publishedhttp://ru.forexmagnates.com/konets-epohi-metatrader-4/ on 12 January 2018.

As it turns out these are just words. There is a director of a company I know who I won't name. He was negotiating to buy a server from MQ. The price list was given to him for both versions, they also have a fork in the number of supported users.
The negotiations took place in autumn. There was no "we do not support MT4 any more, buy MT5".


I can't say much yet, because I've just started to master the A. Second attempt at it a year apart.

But I will try to contribute something. There are three things.

1. My idea is to create an MT4-like tester, but with features of MT5. Of course, I may be picky about usability, but why would I change its visual components?

2) MQL5 - loads of features, super flexibility, etc. For every critics post I see a comment from a Moderator or MQL co-author saying that the User is stupid and does not understand anything. Maybe it's worth explaining, if there's interest in the massiveness of the product? Ok, I'm a green guy with 2-3 years of mql programming experience, but sometimes I'm seeing pretty seasoned coders that cringe at 5, and if they even use it, then only with crutch libraries. It's not enough to release dry documentation and write a couple of articles. Maybe some basic lessons to switch from mql4 to mql5(a good article) or waiting for the initiative from users who will write something by themselves to help illiterate people? By the way, I should thank the experienced users for published articles, at least something can be found. Generally, there is nothing good to learn about mql5 on the web at the moment.

If a language needs to become more complex and needs another level of use, in particular, a more pronounced need for OOP, then fine, but why change syntax like that? Also the whole _Symbol thing is more like a ponzi scheme.

imho, of course

Petros Shatakhtsyan:

Some people are so worried about MT4 as if it were their own son :)

what's wrong with MT4?