What would it take to get everyone to finally switch to MT5? (collecting opinions) - page 8

MT5 is geared more towards programmers rather than research traders, which has hindered its growth in popularity
One more thing,
Renat once said that there is no happiness in ticks.
And I will add, why the fuck do we need ticks in the tester, if there is no the same chart in trade.
And one more advantage for the MT4 tester is the possibility to add one's own spread size for hardcore tests.
Of course, it can be done programmatically, but, as well pointed out above, not all programmers are testers.
MT5 is focused more on programmers than on research traders and that prevents its popularity?

I see. But the nature of MT5 is precisely in its demanding professionalism, which visibly elevates it above MT4 in the eyes of experienced programmers. Do you think that this exactingness has played the role of the main brake on its popularity among the average educated diversified traders? Do you think that programmers' professionalism of developers, with their craving for quality, played against their product? Reduced its chances to win the masses?

So the question is, what to do about it?
Aleksey Vyazmikin:

It seems to me that it's not about terminals at all.

If the statistics shows that 95% of them lose money and leave, then every year the greatest number of naive people are renewed, which means that every time these people have to choose a platform. This is why we started to check if there is a real trading robot on the MT4 and we started to change this trading robot at the beginning of every year.

That's why MT4 is not the user's choice but the brokerage company's choice. That's why MT4 is not user's choice, but the choice of brokerage companies.

And there are a lot of examples of using MT4, different articles, blogs, video clips - so history is working and user chooses the program about which he gets more information.

It is unlikely that the average user knows about all the features of MT4 and MT5, and therefore is not able to make an informed conclusion - it is the external background that decides.

Or maybe MT5 shouldn't "stoop" to the level of MT4 at all? But then how can it expect the same mass appeal? With what?

How to combine in a single platform convenience, ease and indiscriminateness to the code, demanded by professionals, with the coolest OOP-hacks of the language, confusing the library codes and strict compiler?

How to combine the requirements of professionals with those of the masses? One excludes the other.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Necessary, but not enough.

Not a programmer, haven't read even a page from any programming book, not that I haven't read, really, haven't held or opened it in my hands.

I don't know about other programming languages, but µl 4-5, a game for kids. For which, methacquotes thanks.

And it would be super if there was finally a full-fledged terminal, 5-6-7-8, but stably working. Preferably in this lifetime.


Looks like Mr. @Peter Konow has taken the development of MetaTrader into his grasp :-)

Peter ! Just don't fire the previous admins and moderators at once! They are not guilty, they don't know some kernel principles and engine structure...

Maxim Kuznetsov:

Looks like Mr. @Peter Konow has taken the development of MetaTrader into his grasp :-)

Peter ! Just don't fire the previous admins and moderators at once! They're not guilty, they don't know some kernel principles and engine structure...

Yeah, funny ...))


I'm posting this for sporting interest:

Реter Konow:

Shouldn't MT5 be allowed to "stoop" to the level of MT4 at all? But then how can it expect the same mass appeal? By what?

How to combine in a single platform convenience, ease and indiscriminateness to the code, demanded by professionals, with the coolest OOP-hacks of the language, confusing the library codes and strict compiler?

How to combine the requirements of professionals with those of the masses? One excludes the other.

To be honest, I don't understand what my response was.

What I'm saying is that it's not the user's choice, it's the DC's actual choice.

Most users won't do anything in terms of programming, a few will turn to freelancing for a year before the plum.

So all these arguments are the lot of an advanced bunch of users and programmers, i.e. a small fraction of real users who don't care about losing money.


In general, it is my personal opinion that if you are counting on the masses, you have to do everything for the masses. If you count on professionals, you have to do it for them.

There is no sense in calculating a product for the masses and professionals at the same time. You have to make a choice. The choice is simple: money determines priorities.

So, the masses dictate the necessity, and here MT5 turns out to be less relevant for them. However, sometimes the masses can be shown a new direction and lead the way.

If MT5 can create a new field/sphere/space/mode etc... then the masses will go to it. I don't see anything else.

ZS. Well, and make it a bit friendlier for weaker coders, of course...